Losing Visual Needles in Image Haystacks: Vision Language Models are Easily Distracted in Short and Long Contexts






Published 7/4/2024 by Aditya Sharma, Michael Saxon, William Yang Wang
Losing Visual Needles in Image Haystacks: Vision Language Models are Easily Distracted in Short and Long Contexts


We present LoCoVQA, a dynamic benchmark generator for evaluating long-context extractive reasoning in vision language models (VLMs). LoCoVQA augments test examples for mathematical reasoning, VQA, and character recognition tasks with increasingly long visual contexts composed of both in-distribution and out-of-distribution distractor images. Across these tasks, a diverse set of VLMs rapidly lose performance as the visual context length grows, often exhibiting a striking logarithmic decay trend. This test assesses how well VLMs can ignore irrelevant information when answering queries -- a task that is quite easy for language models (LMs) in the text domain -- demonstrating that current state-of-the-art VLMs lack this essential capability for many long-context applications.

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  • This paper investigates the ability of vision language models (VLMs) to handle long-context visual tasks, where the relevant information is spread across multiple images and captions.
  • The authors find that VLMs are easily distracted by irrelevant visual and textual information, struggling to maintain focus on the core task at hand.
  • The paper introduces several new benchmarks to evaluate the long-context capabilities of VLMs and provides insights into their limitations.

Plain English Explanation

Vision language models (VLMs) are AI systems that can understand and process both images and text. These models have shown impressive performance on a variety of tasks, such as image captioning and visual question answering. However, the authors of this paper wanted to explore how well these models handle tasks where the relevant information is spread across multiple images and captions, rather than being contained in a single image-caption pair.

To do this, the researchers developed new benchmarks that challenge VLMs to find specific target objects or concepts in a "haystack" of irrelevant visual and textual information. For example, the model might be shown a series of images and captions, and asked to identify a particular item, like a "red umbrella," that is only mentioned briefly in one of the captions.

The authors found that VLMs struggled with these long-context tasks, often getting distracted by the irrelevant information and failing to identify the target. This suggests that these models have difficulty maintaining focus and extracting the truly relevant details when confronted with a complex, multi-part scenario.

The insights from this research could help guide the development of more robust and capable VLMs, able to excel at tasks that require drawing connections across diverse sources of information. By better understanding the limitations of current models, researchers can work to create the next generation of vision-language AI that is less easily distracted and better able to find the "needles in the haystack."

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces several new benchmarks to evaluate the long-context capabilities of vision language models (VLMs). These benchmarks [^1] challenge VLMs to identify target objects or concepts that are spread across multiple images and captions, rather than being contained within a single image-caption pair.

For example, one benchmark presents a sequence of images and captions, and asks the model to identify a specific item (e.g. a "red umbrella") that is only briefly mentioned in one of the captions. Another benchmark involves detecting situations or events that require integrating information from multiple visual and textual sources.

Through experiments on these new benchmarks, the authors find that state-of-the-art VLMs struggle to maintain focus and extract the relevant details when faced with long-context tasks. The models are easily distracted by irrelevant visual and textual information, often failing to identify the target objects or situations.

The paper provides several key insights into the limitations of current VLMs:

  1. Lack of Contextual Reasoning: VLMs have difficulty connecting disparate pieces of information spread across multiple inputs to solve long-context tasks.
  2. Sensitivity to Distractors: VLMs are overly sensitive to irrelevant visual and textual "distractors," failing to filter out noise and focus on the salient details.
  3. Brittleness in Complex Scenarios: VLMs excel at single-shot image-caption tasks but struggle when required to reason about more complex, multi-part scenarios.

These findings suggest that significant progress is still needed to develop VLMs capable of robust, long-range multimodal reasoning. The new benchmarks introduced in this paper provide a valuable toolkit for probing the capabilities and limitations of these models.

[^1]: See also related work on long-context transfer, multimodal needle-in-haystack benchmarks, probing conceptual understanding, detecting multimodal situations with insufficient context, and hijacking context in large multi-modal models.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thoughtful and well-designed set of experiments to probe the long-context capabilities of VLMs. The new benchmarks introduced are a valuable contribution, as they allow for a more comprehensive evaluation of these models beyond the single-shot image-caption tasks they were originally designed for.

One potential limitation of the study is the reliance on a limited set of VLM architectures, such as CLIP and ALBEF. While these are prominent models, there may be other VLM variants or approaches that could perform better on the long-context tasks. Expanding the analysis to a wider range of VLM architectures could provide a more complete picture of the field's current capabilities and limitations.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the underlying reasons for the VLMs' poor performance on the long-context tasks. While the authors provide some high-level insights, further investigation into the specific modeling and architectural choices that contribute to the observed limitations could be valuable. This could help guide the development of more robust and capable VLMs in the future.

Overall, this research is an important step in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of VLMs, particularly as these models are increasingly deployed in real-world applications that may require long-range multimodal reasoning. By highlighting these limitations, the authors encourage the research community to develop more sophisticated approaches to vision-language integration and contextual understanding.


This paper presents a comprehensive study of the long-context capabilities of vision language models (VLMs), revealing that these state-of-the-art AI systems struggle to maintain focus and extract relevant information when faced with complex, multi-part scenarios.

Through the introduction of new benchmarking tasks, the authors demonstrate that VLMs are easily distracted by irrelevant visual and textual "distractors," often failing to identify target objects or situations that are spread across multiple inputs. This suggests that current VLMs have significant limitations in their ability to reason about long-range, multimodal contexts.

The insights from this research provide a valuable roadmap for the continued development of more robust and capable VLMs. By understanding the specific weaknesses of these models, researchers can work to create the next generation of vision-language AI that is less easily distracted and better able to find the "needles in the haystack" of complex, real-world scenarios.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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