Loss Symmetry and Noise Equilibrium of Stochastic Gradient Descent






Published 6/4/2024 by Liu Ziyin, Mingze Wang, Hongchao Li, Lei Wu
Loss Symmetry and Noise Equilibrium of Stochastic Gradient Descent


Symmetries exist abundantly in the loss function of neural networks. We characterize the learning dynamics of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) when exponential symmetries, a broad subclass of continuous symmetries, exist in the loss function. We establish that when gradient noises do not balance, SGD has the tendency to move the model parameters toward a point where noises from different directions are balanced. Here, a special type of fixed point in the constant directions of the loss function emerges as a candidate for solutions for SGD. As the main theoretical result, we prove that every parameter $theta$ connects without loss function barrier to a unique noise-balanced fixed point $theta^*$. The theory implies that the balancing of gradient noise can serve as a novel alternative mechanism for relevant phenomena such as progressive sharpening and flattening and can be applied to understand common practical problems such as representation normalization, matrix factorization, warmup, and formation of latent representations.

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  • The paper explores the implicit biases and symmetry properties of gradient noise in machine learning models.
  • It provides a general theoretical framework to analyze the impact of gradient noise on the learning dynamics and convergence of stochastic optimization algorithms like stochastic gradient descent (SGD).
  • The analysis reveals that gradient noise can induce specific structural biases in the learned solutions, such as [symmetry-induces-structure-constraint-learning], [stochastic-collapse-how-gradient-noise-attracts-sgd], and [derivatives-stochastic-gradient-descent].
  • The findings have implications for understanding the behaviors of deep neural networks, particularly the [exploring-exploiting-asymmetric-valley-deep-neural-networks] and [convergence-rates-stochastic-approximation-biased-noise-unbounded] observed in practice.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at how the random noise that is added to the gradients (the slopes of the error function) during training of machine learning models can actually introduce hidden biases in the final learned models.

Imagine you're trying to find the lowest point in a hilly landscape by taking small steps in the downhill direction. If you add a little random noise to the direction of each step, it can actually push you towards certain types of valleys in the landscape, rather than just the lowest point.

Similarly, the random noise added to the gradients during training of neural networks can make the model converge to solutions with specific structural properties, like having certain symmetries. This means the final model may have unexpected biases built into it, just from the random noise in the training process.

The paper develops a general mathematical framework to understand and predict these kinds of implicit biases introduced by gradient noise. This can help us design better training procedures to counteract these biases and learn more unbiased models.

Technical Explanation

The paper provides a [general-theory] to analyze the impact of gradient noise on the learning dynamics and convergence of stochastic optimization algorithms like [derivatives-stochastic-gradient-descent].

The key insight is that gradient noise can induce specific structural biases in the learned solutions, such as:

  1. [symmetry-induces-structure-constraint-learning]: Gradient noise can make the model converge to solutions with certain symmetries, even when the original optimization problem does not have those symmetries.

  2. [stochastic-collapse-how-gradient-noise-attracts-sgd]: Gradient noise can cause the model to collapse onto a low-dimensional subspace, leading to solutions with reduced expressivity.

  3. [exploring-exploiting-asymmetric-valley-deep-neural-networks]: Gradient noise can make the model get trapped in asymmetric valleys of the optimization landscape, leading to suboptimal solutions.

The paper develops a theoretical framework to characterize these phenomena, providing insights into the [convergence-rates-stochastic-approximation-biased-noise-unbounded] of stochastic optimization under gradient noise.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous theoretical analysis of the implicit biases introduced by gradient noise, which is an important and often overlooked aspect of stochastic optimization in machine learning.

However, the analysis is primarily focused on linear models and quadratic objectives, and the authors acknowledge that extending the results to more complex nonlinear models and objective functions remains a challenge.

Additionally, the paper does not address the potential interactions between gradient noise and other optimization techniques, such as adaptive learning rates or momentum. These factors could further influence the structural biases in the learned models.

It would be valuable for future research to explore the implications of these findings for the training and interpretation of deep neural networks, which often exhibit complex optimization landscapes and utilize various techniques beyond basic SGD.


This paper offers a novel symmetry-based perspective on the implicit biases introduced by gradient noise in stochastic optimization. The theoretical framework provides important insights into how random noise in the gradients can lead to specific structural properties in the learned models, such as symmetries, low-dimensional subspaces, and asymmetric valleys.

These findings have significant implications for understanding the behaviors of deep neural networks and developing more robust and unbiased learning algorithms. By accounting for the symmetry-inducing effects of gradient noise, researchers and practitioners can design better training procedures to mitigate these implicit biases and learn more reliable and interpretable models.

Overall, this work represents an important step towards a deeper understanding of the fundamental mechanisms underlying stochastic optimization in machine learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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