MagicPose: Realistic Human Poses and Facial Expressions Retargeting with Identity-aware Diffusion






Published 5/7/2024 by Di Chang, Yichun Shi, Quankai Gao, Jessica Fu, Hongyi Xu, Guoxian Song, Qing Yan, Yizhe Zhu, Xiao Yang, Mohammad Soleymani



In this work, we propose MagicPose, a diffusion-based model for 2D human pose and facial expression retargeting. Specifically, given a reference image, we aim to generate a person's new images by controlling the poses and facial expressions while keeping the identity unchanged. To this end, we propose a two-stage training strategy to disentangle human motions and appearance (e.g., facial expressions, skin tone and dressing), consisting of (1) the pre-training of an appearance-control block and (2) learning appearance-disentangled pose control. Our novel design enables robust appearance control over generated human images, including body, facial attributes, and even background. By leveraging the prior knowledge of image diffusion models, MagicPose generalizes well to unseen human identities and complex poses without the need for additional fine-tuning. Moreover, the proposed model is easy to use and can be considered as a plug-in module/extension to Stable Diffusion. The code is available at:

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  • Proposes MagicPose, a diffusion-based model for 2D human pose and facial expression retargeting
  • Aims to generate new images of a person by controlling their poses and facial expressions while keeping their identity unchanged
  • Introduces a two-stage training strategy to disentangle human motions and appearance
  • Enables robust appearance control over generated human images, including body, facial attributes, and background
  • Leverages the prior knowledge of image diffusion models to generalize well to unseen human identities and complex poses
  • Can be considered as a plug-in module/extension to Stable Diffusion

Plain English Explanation

MagicPose is a new AI model that can take a reference image of a person and generate new images of that person with different poses and facial expressions, while keeping their overall identity the same. The key idea is to separate the person's appearance (like their face, skin tone, and clothes) from their motion (like their poses and facial expressions).

The model is trained in two stages: First, it learns to control the person's appearance, and then it learns to control their pose and facial expressions independently. This allows the model to generate realistic images where the person's identity is preserved, but their poses and expressions can be changed.

One of the cool things about MagicPose is that it can work well even on people the model has never seen before, and can handle complex poses without needing additional training. The model is also designed to be easily integrated with other AI systems, like Stable Diffusion, making it a versatile tool for creating personalized images.

Technical Explanation

The key technical innovations of MagicPose include:

  1. Two-Stage Training: The model is trained in two stages - first, an "appearance-control block" is pre-trained to capture the person's visual appearance (like facial features, skin tone, and clothing). Then, the model learns to control the person's pose and facial expressions independently, while keeping their appearance constant.

  2. Diffusion-Based Approach: MagicPose leverages the power of diffusion models, which have shown great success in generating high-quality images. By building on this foundational technology, the model can generate realistic, 4D facial expressions and 3D-consistent poses without the need for additional fine-tuning.

  3. Robust Appearance Control: The model's novel design enables fine-grained control over the generated human images, including the body, facial attributes, and even the background. This allows for a high degree of customization and personalization.

Critical Analysis

The paper does a solid job of explaining the technical details of MagicPose and demonstrating its capabilities through various experiments. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Evaluation Metrics: The paper primarily relies on qualitative assessments of the generated images, which can be subjective. It would be helpful to see more quantitative evaluation metrics, such as user studies or comparisons to other state-of-the-art models.

  2. Diversity and Generalization: While the model is shown to generalize well to unseen identities and poses, it's unclear how diverse the generated outputs can be. Exploring the model's ability to capture a wide range of human appearances and movements would be an interesting avenue for future research.

  3. Real-World Applications: The paper focuses on the technical aspects of the model, but doesn't delve deeply into potential real-world applications. Discussing how MagicPose could be used in areas like animation, virtual try-on, or personalized content creation would help readers better understand the practical implications of this work.

Overall, MagicPose represents a promising step forward in the field of human pose and facial expression control, and the researchers have done a commendable job in developing this innovative model. Further exploration of the model's capabilities and potential use cases could yield even more impactful insights.


In summary, MagicPose is a novel diffusion-based model that enables the generation of personalized human images with controlled poses and facial expressions. By disentangling appearance and motion, the model can produce realistic, customizable outputs that generalize well to unseen identities and complex poses. This work could have significant implications for a variety of applications, from animation and virtual try-on to personalized content creation. As the field of generative AI continues to advance, innovative approaches like MagicPose will likely play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of human-centric visual media.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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