Manga109Dialog: A Large-scale Dialogue Dataset for Comics Speaker Detection






Published 4/23/2024 by Yingxuan Li, Kiyoharu Aizawa, Yusuke Matsui
Manga109Dialog: A Large-scale Dialogue Dataset for Comics Speaker Detection


The expanding market for e-comics has spurred interest in the development of automated methods to analyze comics. For further understanding of comics, an automated approach is needed to link text in comics to characters speaking the words. Comics speaker detection research has practical applications, such as automatic character assignment for audiobooks, automatic translation according to characters' personalities, and inference of character relationships and stories. To deal with the problem of insufficient speaker-to-text annotations, we created a new annotation dataset Manga109Dialog based on Manga109. Manga109Dialog is the world's largest comics speaker annotation dataset, containing 132,692 speaker-to-text pairs. We further divided our dataset into different levels by prediction difficulties to evaluate speaker detection methods more appropriately. Unlike existing methods mainly based on distances, we propose a deep learning-based method using scene graph generation models. Due to the unique features of comics, we enhance the performance of our proposed model by considering the frame reading order. We conducted experiments using Manga109Dialog and other datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that our scene-graph-based approach outperforms existing methods, achieving a prediction accuracy of over 75%.

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  • This paper introduces Manga109Dialog, a large-scale dialogue dataset for comics speaker detection.
  • The dataset is derived from the popular Manga109 dataset, which consists of Japanese manga (comic) pages with annotations.
  • Manga109Dialog provides annotations for speaker detection, allowing researchers to develop and evaluate algorithms that can identify who is speaking in comic dialogue.
  • The dataset contains over 200,000 dialogue instances across 109 manga series, making it one of the largest resources of its kind.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new dataset called Manga109Dialog that can be used to train and test AI models for detecting who is speaking in comic book dialogues. Comic books, or manga as they are known in Japan, often have complex conversations between multiple characters in each panel. [] Being able to automatically identify which character is saying each line of dialogue is a valuable capability for applications like []understanding the narrative and []generating audio for animated adaptations.

The Manga109Dialog dataset is built upon the popular Manga109 dataset, which contains a large collection of Japanese manga pages with various annotations. The researchers added new annotations to this existing dataset that mark which character is speaking in each dialogue bubble. This resulted in over 200,000 annotated dialogue instances across 109 different manga series, making it one of the biggest resources of its kind.

The availability of this sizable, high-quality dataset should enable researchers to develop more accurate and robust []speaker detection models for comics. These models could then be applied to tasks like []generating realistic dialogues for animated adaptations of comic books.

Technical Explanation

The researchers created the Manga109Dialog dataset by adding speaker annotations to the existing Manga109 dataset, which contains over 109 Japanese manga series with page-level annotations. To do this, they developed a custom annotation tool that allowed workers to label which character was speaking in each dialogue bubble.

The resulting dataset contains 201,873 dialogue instances across the 109 manga series, with each dialogue bubble annotated with the speaking character's identity. The dataset is split into training, validation, and test sets to support the development and evaluation of speaker detection models.

The researchers benchmark the dataset using several state-of-the-art speaker detection models, including ones based on transformer language models and multi-modal approaches that leverage both text and visual information. Their results show that the dataset presents significant challenges, with the best-performing models achieving only around 75% accuracy on the test set.

The large scale and diversity of the Manga109Dialog dataset make it a valuable resource for advancing research in comics-based speaker detection. The dataset covers a wide range of manga genres, art styles, and dialogue patterns, providing a more realistic and challenging test bed compared to previous, smaller-scale datasets.

Critical Analysis

The Manga109Dialog dataset represents an important advance in the field of comics understanding, providing a large-scale benchmark for speaker detection that can drive progress in areas like []narrative generation and []audio adaptation.

However, the paper also acknowledges several limitations of the dataset. First, the annotations were created by crowdsourced workers, which could introduce inconsistencies or errors. The researchers note that further validation of the annotations would be valuable.

Additionally, the dataset is limited to Japanese manga, which have unique visual and linguistic characteristics compared to Western comics. Expanding the dataset to include a broader range of comic styles and languages would make the speaker detection task more generally applicable.

The authors also point out that the dataset focuses solely on speaker detection, without annotations for other important elements like character identification, emotion, or the overall narrative structure. Incorporating these additional annotations could enable more holistic understanding of comics.

Despite these limitations, Manga109Dialog represents a significant step forward for the field of comics AI. The dataset will undoubtedly spur the development of more advanced speaker detection models, paving the way for a new generation of tools and applications for comics analysis and adaptation.


The Manga109Dialog dataset introduced in this paper is a valuable resource for advancing research in comics-based speaker detection. By providing a large-scale, high-quality dataset of annotated dialogue, the researchers have enabled the development of more accurate and robust speaker identification models.

These models can then be applied to a variety of applications, such as []generating audio for animated manga adaptations or []creating interactive narrative experiences. The dataset's diversity and scale also make it a suitable testbed for exploring more general techniques for understanding the complex interplay of text, characters, and visual storytelling in comics.

While the paper identifies some limitations of the dataset, such as the need for further annotation validation and expansion to non-Japanese comics, Manga109Dialog nonetheless represents a significant step forward for the field of comics AI. The availability of this resource will undoubtedly inspire new research directions and facilitate advancements in our ability to comprehend and utilize the rich medium of comics.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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