Movie101v2: Improved Movie Narration Benchmark






Published 4/23/2024 by Zihao Yue, Yepeng Zhang, Ziheng Wang, Qin Jin
Movie101v2: Improved Movie Narration Benchmark


Automatic movie narration targets at creating video-aligned plot descriptions to assist visually impaired audiences. It differs from standard video captioning in that it requires not only describing key visual details but also inferring the plots developed across multiple movie shots, thus posing unique and ongoing challenges. To advance the development of automatic movie narrating systems, we first revisit the limitations of existing datasets and develop a large-scale, bilingual movie narration dataset, Movie101v2. Second, taking into account the essential difficulties in achieving applicable movie narration, we break the long-term goal into three progressive stages and tentatively focus on the initial stages featuring understanding within individual clips. We also introduce a new narration assessment to align with our staged task goals. Third, using our new dataset, we baseline several leading large vision-language models, including GPT-4V, and conduct in-depth investigations into the challenges current models face for movie narration generation. Our findings reveal that achieving applicable movie narration generation is a fascinating goal that requires thorough research.

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  • Introduces an improved movie narration benchmark called Movie101v2
  • Focuses on automatically generating narration for movies using multimodal data
  • Aims to advance the state-of-the-art in automatic movie narration systems

Plain English Explanation

This research paper presents an enhanced dataset and benchmark called Movie101v2 for training and evaluating automatic movie narration systems. The goal is to develop AI models that can automatically generate narration to accompany videos, similar to how a human narrator would describe the key events and visual details in a movie.

The researchers have expanded upon an earlier dataset called Movie101 by collecting more diverse video clips, transcripts, and narration samples from a wide range of movie genres. This larger and more representative dataset, Movie101v2, provides a more robust benchmark for assessing the performance of different narration models.

Automatically generating high-quality movie narration is a challenging task that requires understanding the visual content, narrative structure, and appropriate language to describe what is happening on screen. By creating an improved dataset and evaluation framework, the researchers hope to drive progress in this area of multimodal AI that combines vision, language, and audio.

Technical Explanation

The Movie101v2 dataset builds on the original Movie101 dataset by expanding the video clips, transcripts, and narration samples to cover a wider range of movie genres and styles. The researchers used a combination of automated tools and human curation to collect and annotate the data.

Key features of the Movie101v2 dataset include:

  • Longer and more diverse video clips from a broader set of movies
  • Corresponding transcripts of movie dialogue and human-narrated audio descriptions
  • Improved alignment between the video, text, and audio components
  • Standardized train/validation/test splits for benchmarking purposes

The researchers also propose a set of evaluation metrics to assess the quality of automatically generated movie narration, going beyond simple text-based measures to consider factors like synchronization with the video, language coherence, and narrative structure.

By providing this enriched dataset and evaluation framework, the authors aim to facilitate further research into multimodal AI systems that can effectively translate movie content into natural language descriptions. This could have applications in areas like video summarization, accessible media, and interactive storytelling.

Critical Analysis

The Movie101v2 dataset and benchmark represent a valuable contribution to the field of automatic movie narration. By expanding the scope and quality of the data, the researchers have created a more realistic and challenging testbed for evaluating model performance.

However, some potential limitations of the work include:

  • The dataset still may not capture the full diversity of movie styles and genres, particularly for more niche or independent films.
  • The alignment between video, text, and audio may still contain some inaccuracies, which could impact the reliability of the evaluation metrics.
  • The proposed metrics, while more comprehensive than simple text-based measures, may not fully capture the nuances of human-like narration, such as emotional inflection and contextual understanding.

Future research could explore ways to further expand and refine the dataset, as well as develop more sophisticated evaluation frameworks that better mimic human judgment of narration quality. Investigating the performance of different AI architectures and training approaches on this benchmark could also yield valuable insights.


The Movie101v2 dataset and benchmark represent an important step forward in the quest to develop robust and effective automatic movie narration systems. By providing a more comprehensive and standardized evaluation framework, the researchers hope to catalyze progress in this challenging area of multimodal AI.

As these technologies mature, they could have significant real-world impact, enabling more accessible media, more engaging video experiences, and new forms of interactive storytelling. However, continued research and careful consideration of the ethical implications will be crucial to ensure these systems are developed and deployed responsibly.

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