A Mathematical Model of the Hidden Feedback Loop Effect in Machine Learning Systems






Published 5/7/2024 by Andrey Veprikov, Alexander Afanasiev, Anton Khritankov
A Mathematical Model of the Hidden Feedback Loop Effect in Machine Learning Systems


Widespread deployment of societal-scale machine learning systems necessitates a thorough understanding of the resulting long-term effects these systems have on their environment, including loss of trustworthiness, bias amplification, and violation of AI safety requirements. We introduce a repeated learning process to jointly describe several phenomena attributed to unintended hidden feedback loops, such as error amplification, induced concept drift, echo chambers and others. The process comprises the entire cycle of obtaining the data, training the predictive model, and delivering predictions to end-users within a single mathematical model. A distinctive feature of such repeated learning setting is that the state of the environment becomes causally dependent on the learner itself over time, thus violating the usual assumptions about the data distribution. We present a novel dynamical systems model of the repeated learning process and prove the limiting set of probability distributions for positive and negative feedback loop modes of the system operation. We conduct a series of computational experiments using an exemplary supervised learning problem on two synthetic data sets. The results of the experiments correspond to the theoretical predictions derived from the dynamical model. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach for studying the repeated learning processes in machine learning systems and open a range of opportunities for further research in the area.

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  • The paper presents a mathematical model to study the "hidden feedback loop effect" in machine learning systems.
  • This effect can lead to unexpected and potentially problematic behaviors as machine learning models are deployed in real-world applications.
  • The model aims to provide a framework for analyzing and understanding this phenomenon, which has important implications for the development of safe and reliable AI systems.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a problem that can arise when machine learning models are used in the real world. Imagine you have a model that's been trained to do a certain task, like recognize objects in images. When you deploy this model in the real world, it might start behaving in unexpected ways that you didn't see during training.

The reason for this is what the authors call the "hidden feedback loop effect." Essentially, the model's predictions can influence the data it sees in the future, creating a feedback loop that the model wasn't trained to handle. This can lead to the model getting stuck in undesirable states or exhibiting other problematic behaviors.

To study this phenomenon, the authors develop a mathematical model that captures the key dynamics of this hidden feedback loop. By analyzing this model, they hope to gain insights that can help developers build more robust and reliable machine learning systems that can handle these kinds of feedback effects.

Some of the key ideas the paper explores include link to "Heat Death of Generative Models in Closed-Loop Learning", link to "Self-Correcting and Self-Consuming Loops in Generative Models", and link to "Learning to Boost Performance of Stable Nonlinear Systems". By understanding these concepts, the authors hope to provide guidance for building link to "Providing Safety Assurances for Systems with Unknown Dynamics" and link to "Are Good Explainers Secretly 'Human in the Loop' Active?" machine learning systems that are more robust and reliable.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a mathematical model to study the "hidden feedback loop effect" in machine learning systems. The authors start by observing that when machine learning models are deployed in real-world applications, they can exhibit unexpected and problematic behaviors that were not observed during the training phase.

The key idea behind the hidden feedback loop effect is that the model's predictions can influence the data it sees in the future, creating a feedback loop that the model was not trained to handle. This can lead to the model getting stuck in undesirable states or exhibiting other issues.

To study this phenomenon, the authors develop a mathematical model that captures the key dynamics of the hidden feedback loop. The model consists of two main components: a machine learning model that makes predictions based on its inputs, and an environment that generates the inputs to the model based on its previous predictions.

The authors then analyze this model using techniques from dynamical systems theory and control theory. They explore various scenarios, such as the link to "Heat Death of Generative Models in Closed-Loop Learning" and link to "Self-Correcting and Self-Consuming Loops in Generative Models", to understand the conditions under which the hidden feedback loop can lead to problematic behaviors.

The insights from this analysis provide guidance for building more link to "Learning to Boost Performance of Stable Nonlinear Systems" robust and link to "Providing Safety Assurances for Systems with Unknown Dynamics" reliable machine learning systems, as well as link to "Are Good Explainers Secretly 'Human in the Loop' Active?" understanding the potential pitfalls of using machine learning models in real-world applications.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a valuable framework for analyzing the hidden feedback loop effect in machine learning systems, which is an important and underexplored problem. The mathematical model developed in the paper captures the key dynamics of this phenomenon and allows the authors to study it in a systematic way.

One potential limitation of the paper is that the model may oversimplify the real-world complexities of machine learning systems and their interactions with the environment. In practice, there may be many other factors and feedback mechanisms at play that are not captured by the model. Additionally, the authors do not provide empirical validation of the model's predictions, which would be an important next step to assess its practical utility.

Another area for further research could be exploring the implications of the hidden feedback loop effect for different types of machine learning models and applications. The paper primarily focuses on a generic model, but the dynamics may vary significantly depending on the specific architecture, training, and deployment scenarios.

Overall, the paper makes an important contribution by highlighting the hidden feedback loop effect and providing a framework for studying it. However, more work is needed to fully understand the real-world implications and develop practical solutions for building more robust and reliable machine learning systems.


The paper presents a mathematical model to study the "hidden feedback loop effect" in machine learning systems, a phenomenon where a model's predictions can influence the data it sees in the future, leading to unexpected and problematic behaviors.

By analyzing this model, the authors gain insights into the conditions under which the hidden feedback loop can arise and the potential issues it can cause. These insights have important implications for the development of safe and reliable AI systems, as they can help guide the design of machine learning models that are more robust to these kinds of feedback effects.

The paper's contributions include a deeper understanding of concepts like the link to "Heat Death of Generative Models in Closed-Loop Learning", link to "Self-Correcting and Self-Consuming Loops in Generative Models", and link to "Learning to Boost Performance of Stable Nonlinear Systems", as well as guidance for link to "Providing Safety Assurances for Systems with Unknown Dynamics" and link to "Are Good Explainers Secretly 'Human in the Loop' Active?" in the development of more robust and reliable machine learning systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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