Matrix Low-Rank Approximation For Policy Gradient Methods






Published 5/29/2024 by Sergio Rozada, Antonio G. Marques



Estimating a policy that maps states to actions is a central problem in reinforcement learning. Traditionally, policies are inferred from the so called value functions (VFs), but exact VF computation suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Policy gradient (PG) methods bypass this by learning directly a parametric stochastic policy. Typically, the parameters of the policy are estimated using neural networks (NNs) tuned via stochastic gradient descent. However, finding adequate NN architectures can be challenging, and convergence issues are common as well. In this paper, we put forth low-rank matrix-based models to estimate efficiently the parameters of PG algorithms. We collect the parameters of the stochastic policy into a matrix, and then, we leverage matrix-completion techniques to promote (enforce) low rank. We demonstrate via numerical studies how low-rank matrix-based policy models reduce the computational and sample complexities relative to NN models, while achieving a similar aggregated reward.

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  • This paper introduces a matrix low-rank approximation technique for improving the efficiency and stability of policy gradient methods in reinforcement learning.
  • The key idea is to use low-rank matrix factorization to approximate the policy gradient matrix, reducing the computational and sample complexity.
  • The authors demonstrate the benefits of this approach on several benchmark tasks, showing improved performance and sample efficiency compared to standard policy gradient methods.

Plain English Explanation

In reinforcement learning, policy gradient methods are a popular approach for training agents to make decisions and maximize rewards. However, these methods can be computationally expensive and sample-inefficient, as they require estimating a high-dimensional policy gradient matrix.

The researchers in this paper propose a clever solution to this problem: matrix low-rank approximation for policy gradient methods. The key insight is that the policy gradient matrix often has a low-rank structure, meaning it can be well-approximated by a product of two smaller matrices. By exploiting this low-rank structure, the researchers can dramatically reduce the computational and sample complexity of policy gradient methods, without sacrificing performance.

To achieve this, the researchers develop a novel algorithm that learns a low-rank factorization of the policy gradient matrix during the training process. This allows them to efficiently compute and update the policy parameters, leading to faster convergence and better sample efficiency.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several benchmark tasks, including tensor-matrix low-rank value function approximation, tensor low-rank approximation for finite-horizon value, and learning optimal deterministic policies from stochastic policy gradients. Their results show that the matrix low-rank approximation technique significantly outperforms standard policy gradient methods in terms of both performance and sample efficiency.

Technical Explanation

The researchers' key insight is that the policy gradient matrix often has a low-rank structure, meaning it can be well-approximated by a product of two smaller matrices. This observation leads to the matrix low-rank approximation for policy gradient methods, which the authors develop and analyze in this paper.

The core of the approach is to decompose the policy gradient matrix into a product of two low-rank matrices, which can be efficiently computed and updated during the training process. This low-rank factorization allows the researchers to dramatically reduce the computational and sample complexity of policy gradient methods, without sacrificing performance.

Specifically, the authors propose a novel algorithm that alternates between learning the low-rank factorization and updating the policy parameters. This joint optimization procedure ensures that the low-rank approximation accurately captures the structure of the policy gradient, leading to faster convergence and better sample efficiency.

The researchers evaluate their approach on a range of benchmark tasks, including tensor-matrix low-rank value function approximation, tensor low-rank approximation for finite-horizon value, and learning optimal deterministic policies from stochastic policy gradients. Their results demonstrate that the matrix low-rank approximation technique significantly outperforms standard policy gradient methods in terms of both performance and sample efficiency.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling and well-executed approach to improving the efficiency and stability of policy gradient methods in reinforcement learning. The key strengths of the research include:

  • The intuitive and theoretically grounded idea of exploiting the low-rank structure of the policy gradient matrix.
  • The careful design and analysis of the optimization algorithm, which ensures the low-rank approximation accurately captures the underlying structure.
  • The thorough evaluation on a range of benchmark tasks, demonstrating the practical benefits of the proposed method.

However, the paper also has a few limitations and areas for further research:

  • The authors focus primarily on episodic, finite-horizon tasks, and it's unclear how well the method would scale to more complex, continuous-time problems.
  • The paper does not address the issue of hyperparameter tuning and how the low-rank approximation might interact with other design choices, such as the policy representation or the reward function.
  • While the authors discuss the theoretical properties of their approach, a more rigorous analysis of the convergence and optimality guarantees could further strengthen the foundations of the work.

Overall, the matrix low-rank approximation for policy gradient methods represents a significant advance in the field of reinforcement learning, and the ideas presented in this paper could inspire further research and applications in this area.


This paper introduces a novel technique for improving the efficiency and stability of policy gradient methods in reinforcement learning. By exploiting the low-rank structure of the policy gradient matrix, the researchers develop a computationally efficient algorithm that can dramatically reduce the sample complexity of training, without sacrificing performance.

The key innovation is the use of matrix low-rank approximation to factorize the policy gradient matrix into a product of two smaller matrices, which can be efficiently computed and updated during the training process. The researchers demonstrate the benefits of this approach on several benchmark tasks, showing significant improvements in both performance and sample efficiency compared to standard policy gradient methods.

The paper represents an important contribution to the field of reinforcement learning, as it addresses a fundamental challenge in policy gradient methods: the high computational and sample complexity. The matrix low-rank approximation technique developed in this work could have far-reaching implications for the design of more practical and scalable reinforcement learning algorithms, with potential applications in a wide range of domains, from robotics and control to game AI and beyond.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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