Minimax-Optimal Reward-Agnostic Exploration in Reinforcement Learning






Published 5/24/2024 by Gen Li, Yuling Yan, Yuxin Chen, Jianqing Fan



This paper studies reward-agnostic exploration in reinforcement learning (RL) -- a scenario where the learner is unware of the reward functions during the exploration stage -- and designs an algorithm that improves over the state of the art. More precisely, consider a finite-horizon inhomogeneous Markov decision process with $S$ states, $A$ actions, and horizon length $H$, and suppose that there are no more than a polynomial number of given reward functions of interest. By collecting an order of begin{align*} frac{SAH^3}{varepsilon^2} text{ sample episodes (up to log factor)} end{align*} without guidance of the reward information, our algorithm is able to find $varepsilon$-optimal policies for all these reward functions, provided that $varepsilon$ is sufficiently small. This forms the first reward-agnostic exploration scheme in this context that achieves provable minimax optimality. Furthermore, once the sample size exceeds $frac{S^2AH^3}{varepsilon^2}$ episodes (up to log factor), our algorithm is able to yield $varepsilon$ accuracy for arbitrarily many reward functions (even when they are adversarially designed), a task commonly dubbed as ``reward-free exploration.'' The novelty of our algorithm design draws on insights from offline RL: the exploration scheme attempts to maximize a critical reward-agnostic quantity that dictates the performance of offline RL, while the policy learning paradigm leverages ideas from sample-optimal offline RL paradigms.

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  • This paper explores a scenario in reinforcement learning (RL) where the learner is unaware of the reward functions during the exploration stage.
  • The authors design an algorithm that improves over the state of the art in this "reward-agnostic exploration" setting.
  • The algorithm is able to find near-optimal policies for a polynomial number of reward functions using a relatively small number of sample episodes.
  • Once the sample size exceeds a certain threshold, the algorithm can also achieve near-optimal performance for an arbitrary number of reward functions, even adversarially designed ones.
  • The novelty of the algorithm comes from insights drawn from offline RL techniques.

Plain English Explanation

In reinforcement learning, the agent typically learns by interacting with an environment and receiving rewards that guide its behavior. However, in some scenarios, the agent may need to explore the environment without knowing the specific reward functions in advance. This is known as "reward-agnostic exploration."

The authors of this paper have developed an algorithm that can effectively explore the environment and learn near-optimal policies for a large number of potential reward functions, even without knowing what those rewards are during the exploration stage.

The key idea is to have the agent focus on maximizing a critical "reward-agnostic" quantity that dictates the performance of offline RL (where the agent learns from pre-collected data without interacting with the environment). By doing so, the agent can gather valuable information about the environment that allows it to quickly adapt to a wide range of reward functions, even if they are adversarially designed.

This approach represents a significant advancement over previous methods, as it achieves provable minimax optimality – meaning the algorithm performs as well as the best possible algorithm for this type of problem, regardless of the specific reward functions involved.

Technical Explanation

The paper considers a finite-horizon Markov decision process (MDP) with a finite number of states and actions, and a finite horizon length. The authors assume there are no more than a polynomial number of given reward functions of interest.

By collecting a relatively small number of sample episodes (on the order of SAH^3/ε^2, where S is the number of states, A is the number of actions, H is the horizon length, and ε is the desired accuracy level), the authors' algorithm is able to find ε-optimal policies for all of these reward functions.

Furthermore, once the sample size exceeds S^2AH^3/ε^2 episodes, the algorithm can achieve ε accuracy for an arbitrary number of reward functions, even if they are adversarially designed. This task is commonly referred to as "reward-free exploration."

The key innovation in the algorithm design is the use of insights from offline RL. Specifically, the exploration scheme attempts to maximize a critical reward-agnostic quantity that dictates the performance of offline RL, while the policy learning paradigm leverages ideas from sample-optimal offline RL algorithms.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a significant advancement in the field of reward-agnostic exploration in reinforcement learning. The authors' algorithm achieves provable minimax optimality, which is a strong theoretical guarantee.

However, the paper does not address the practical challenges of implementing this algorithm in real-world scenarios. The assumptions, such as a finite horizon and a polynomial number of reward functions, may not always hold in complex, open-ended environments.

Additionally, the paper does not discuss the potential computational and memory requirements of the algorithm, which could be a limiting factor in some applications.

Further research could explore extensions of this work to more general settings, such as continuous state and action spaces, or environments with unknown dynamics. Empirical evaluations on realistic benchmark tasks would also help assess the algorithm's practical feasibility and performance.


This paper presents a novel algorithm for reward-agnostic exploration in reinforcement learning that significantly advances the state of the art. By leveraging insights from offline RL, the algorithm is able to efficiently explore the environment and learn near-optimal policies for a wide range of potential reward functions, even without knowing the specific rewards in advance.

The theoretical guarantees and the core ideas behind the algorithm design are important contributions to the field of reinforcement learning. While the practical application of this work may face some challenges, the paper opens up new avenues for further research and development in this area.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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