Constrained Reinforcement Learning with Average Reward Objective: Model-Based and Model-Free Algorithms






Published 6/24/2024 by Vaneet Aggarwal, Washim Uddin Mondal, Qinbo Bai



Reinforcement Learning (RL) serves as a versatile framework for sequential decision-making, finding applications across diverse domains such as robotics, autonomous driving, recommendation systems, supply chain optimization, biology, mechanics, and finance. The primary objective in these applications is to maximize the average reward. Real-world scenarios often necessitate adherence to specific constraints during the learning process. This monograph focuses on the exploration of various model-based and model-free approaches for Constrained RL within the context of average reward Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). The investigation commences with an examination of model-based strategies, delving into two foundational methods - optimism in the face of uncertainty and posterior sampling. Subsequently, the discussion transitions to parametrized model-free approaches, where the primal-dual policy gradient-based algorithm is explored as a solution for constrained MDPs. The monograph provides regret guarantees and analyzes constraint violation for each of the discussed setups. For the above exploration, we assume the underlying MDP to be ergodic. Further, this monograph extends its discussion to encompass results tailored for weakly communicating MDPs, thereby broadening the scope of its findings and their relevance to a wider range of practical scenarios.

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  • This research paper explores various model-based and model-free approaches for Constrained Reinforcement Learning (RL) within the context of average reward Markov Decision Processes (MDPs).
  • The goal is to maximize the average reward while adhering to specific constraints during the learning process.
  • The paper investigates two model-based strategies: optimism in the face of uncertainty and posterior sampling.
  • It also examines a parametrized model-free approach using the primal-dual policy gradient-based algorithm as a solution for constrained MDPs.
  • The research provides regret guarantees and analyzes constraint violation for each of the discussed setups.
  • The paper assumes the underlying MDP to be ergodic and also extends the discussion to weakly communicating MDPs.

Plain English Explanation

Reinforcement learning is a powerful framework for sequential decision-making, with applications in diverse areas like robotics, autonomous driving, and finance. The primary objective in these applications is to maximize the average reward. However, real-world scenarios often require adhering to specific constraints during the learning process.

This research paper explores different approaches to address this challenge of Constrained Reinforcement Learning. The researchers focus on two main types of methods: model-based and model-free.

In the model-based approach, the paper delves into two foundational techniques: optimism in the face of uncertainty and posterior sampling. These methods try to learn the underlying model of the environment and use that knowledge to make better decisions.

On the model-free side, the researchers investigate a parametrized policy gradient-based algorithm, which can solve constrained Markov Decision Processes without explicitly modeling the environment. This is a more direct approach that doesn't require building a complete model of the problem.

The paper provides theoretical guarantees on the performance of these methods, analyzing factors like regret (the difference between the achieved reward and the optimal reward) and constraint violation. This helps understand the strengths and limitations of each approach.

Additionally, the researchers consider the case where the underlying Markov Decision Process is weakly communicating. This broadens the applicability of the findings to a wider range of real-world scenarios.

Technical Explanation

The paper focuses on average reward Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), where the goal is to maximize the average reward obtained over time, rather than the cumulative reward. This is a more realistic objective in many applications.

For the model-based approaches, the researchers investigate two main strategies:

  1. Optimism in the face of uncertainty: This method maintains an optimistic estimate of the model parameters and uses that to guide the decision-making process. It helps balance exploration (learning about the environment) and exploitation (making the best decisions based on current knowledge).

  2. Posterior sampling: This approach samples a model from the posterior distribution over possible models and selects actions that are optimal for the sampled model. This can lead to better exploration of the environment compared to the optimism-based method.

For the model-free approach, the paper examines a primal-dual policy gradient-based algorithm. This method directly learns a parameterized policy without explicitly modeling the environment. It uses a Lagrangian formulation to incorporate the constraints into the learning process.

The researchers provide theoretical guarantees on the performance of these methods, including regret bounds (how much the algorithm's performance differs from the optimal policy) and constraint violation bounds (how well the algorithm adheres to the specified constraints).

Additionally, the paper extends the analysis to the case of weakly communicating MDPs, where the transition probabilities between different states may not be uniform. This is a more general setting that encompasses a wider range of practical scenarios.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive exploration of various approaches to Constrained Reinforcement Learning, offering valuable insights and theoretical guarantees. However, there are a few aspects that could be further investigated:

  1. Practical Considerations: While the theoretical analysis is robust, the paper does not delve deeply into the practical challenges of implementing these methods in real-world settings. Factors such as computational complexity, sensitivity to hyperparameters, and the impact of approximations or function approximation could be explored in more detail.

  2. Empirical Evaluation: The paper primarily focuses on the theoretical aspects and does not include extensive empirical evaluations. Comparing the performance of the proposed methods on a diverse set of benchmark tasks or real-world applications would provide a more comprehensive understanding of their practical effectiveness.

  3. Generalization to Other Objectives: The paper concentrates on the average reward objective, but there may be other relevant objectives, such as multi-objective reinforcement learning or non-cumulative objectives. Extending the analysis to these alternative objectives could broaden the applicability of the research.

  4. Robustness to Modeling Assumptions: The paper assumes the underlying MDP to be ergodic and weakly communicating. It would be valuable to explore the performance of the proposed methods under more relaxed assumptions or in the presence of adversarial or uncertain environments.

Despite these potential areas for further investigation, the research presented in this paper makes valuable contributions to the field of Constrained Reinforcement Learning and lays a strong theoretical foundation for addressing this important challenge.


This research paper explores various model-based and model-free approaches for Constrained Reinforcement Learning, with a focus on average reward Markov Decision Processes. The findings provide a comprehensive understanding of the strengths and limitations of different strategies, including optimism-based methods, posterior sampling, and primal-dual policy gradient algorithms.

The theoretical guarantees on regret and constraint violation offer valuable insights into the performance of these techniques, while the extension to weakly communicating MDPs broadens the applicability of the research to a wider range of practical scenarios.

Overall, this work advances the state of the art in Constrained Reinforcement Learning and lays a solid foundation for further exploration and development in this important area of sequential decision-making.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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