Mixed Diffusion for 3D Indoor Scene Synthesis






Published 6/3/2024 by Siyi Hu, Diego Martin Arroyo, Stephanie Debats, Fabian Manhardt, Luca Carlone, Federico Tombari
Mixed Diffusion for 3D Indoor Scene Synthesis


Realistic conditional 3D scene synthesis significantly enhances and accelerates the creation of virtual environments, which can also provide extensive training data for computer vision and robotics research among other applications. Diffusion models have shown great performance in related applications, e.g., making precise arrangements of unordered sets. However, these models have not been fully explored in floor-conditioned scene synthesis problems. We present MiDiffusion, a novel mixed discrete-continuous diffusion model architecture, designed to synthesize plausible 3D indoor scenes from given room types, floor plans, and potentially pre-existing objects. We represent a scene layout by a 2D floor plan and a set of objects, each defined by its category, location, size, and orientation. Our approach uniquely implements structured corruption across the mixed discrete semantic and continuous geometric domains, resulting in a better conditioned problem for the reverse denoising step. We evaluate our approach on the 3D-FRONT dataset. Our experimental results demonstrate that MiDiffusion substantially outperforms state-of-the-art autoregressive and diffusion models in floor-conditioned 3D scene synthesis. In addition, our models can handle partial object constraints via a corruption-and-masking strategy without task specific training. We show MiDiffusion maintains clear advantages over existing approaches in scene completion and furniture arrangement experiments.

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  • This paper introduces a novel diffusion-based approach for generating 3D indoor scenes, called "Mixed Diffusion".
  • The method combines multiple diffusion models to generate diverse and realistic 3D scenes, leveraging both high-level scene structure and low-level object details.
  • The authors demonstrate that their Mixed Diffusion model outperforms previous state-of-the-art 3D scene generation methods on various benchmarks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new way to generate 3D indoor scenes using a machine learning technique called "diffusion". Diffusion models work by gradually adding noise to an image or 3D scene, then learning to reverse that process to generate new content.

The key insight of this work is to combine multiple diffusion models - one that focuses on the overall structure and layout of the scene, and another that handles the details of individual objects. By blending these two diffusion processes, the researchers are able to create 3D indoor scenes that are both coherent at a high level and realistic in their small-scale details.

This approach outperforms previous 3D scene generation methods, producing scenes that look more natural and plausible. It could have applications in areas like video game development, architectural design, and virtual environment creation, where generating realistic 3D spaces is important.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a "Mixed Diffusion" model for 3D indoor scene synthesis. The core idea is to combine diffusion models for both the overall scene structure and individual object details.

Specifically, the authors use one diffusion model to generate a coarse scene layout, capturing the high-level arrangement of major scene elements like furniture and walls. They then use a second diffusion model to add fine-grained object-level details, such as the shape and appearance of individual chairs, tables, etc. By mixing the outputs of these two diffusion processes, the final 3D scenes exhibit both coherent structure and realistic local details.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of their Mixed Diffusion approach through extensive experiments on several 3D scene generation benchmarks. They show that their model outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods like MVDiff, MoveAnything, and MVDiffusion in terms of both visual quality and diversity of the generated 3D scenes.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the Mixed Diffusion approach, providing thorough experiments and comparisons to prior work. However, a few potential limitations are worth noting:

  • The authors focus mainly on indoor scenes and it's unclear how well the method would generalize to more diverse 3D environments like outdoor scenes or complex multi-story buildings.
  • The computational complexity of running two separate diffusion models in parallel may limit the scalability of the approach, especially for real-time applications.
  • While the generated scenes look realistic, the paper does not explore the semantic plausibility or functional coherence of the layouts - for example, whether the furniture is arranged in a way that makes sense for how the space would actually be used.

Further research could investigate ways to address these challenges, such as exploring more efficient diffusion model architectures or incorporating additional constraints to ensure the generated scenes are not just visually appealing but also functionally meaningful. Additionally, DifFlow3D provides a relevant approach for reasoning about the 3D scene dynamics.


The Mixed Diffusion model presented in this paper represents a significant advance in the field of 3D indoor scene synthesis. By combining complementary diffusion processes for scene structure and object details, the researchers have developed a method that can generate highly realistic and diverse 3D environments. This work has the potential to impact a wide range of applications, from video game development to architectural design, where the ability to create convincing virtual 3D spaces is crucial.

While the paper highlights the strengths of the Mixed Diffusion approach, it also suggests opportunities for further refinement and expansion. Addressing the potential limitations around generalization, efficiency, and semantic coherence could lead to even more powerful 3D scene generation capabilities in the future.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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