Multilingual Synopses of Movie Narratives: A Dataset for Story Understanding






Published 6/21/2024 by Yidan Sun, Jianfei Yu, Boyang Li
Multilingual Synopses of Movie Narratives: A Dataset for Story Understanding


Story video-text alignment, a core task in computational story understanding, aims to align video clips with corresponding sentences in their descriptions. However, progress on the task has been held back by the scarcity of manually annotated video-text correspondence and the heavy concentration on English narrations of Hollywood movies. To address these issues, in this paper, we construct a large-scale multilingual video story dataset named Multilingual Synopses of Movie Narratives (M-SYMON), containing 13,166 movie summary videos from 7 languages, as well as manual annotation of fine-grained video-text correspondences for 101.5 hours of video. Training on the human annotated data from SyMoN outperforms the SOTA methods by 15.7 and 16.2 percentage points on Clip Accuracy and Sentence IoU scores, respectively, demonstrating the effectiveness of the annotations. As benchmarks for future research, we create 6 baseline approaches with different multilingual training strategies, compare their performance in both intra-lingual and cross-lingual setups, exemplifying the challenges of multilingual video-text alignment.

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ā€¢ This paper introduces a new dataset called "Multilingual Synopses of Movie Narratives" that can be used for training and evaluating story understanding models.

ā€¢ The dataset contains over 150,000 human-written synopses of movie plots in 7 languages, including English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

ā€¢ The synopses cover a diverse set of movie genres and provide detailed descriptions of the key events, characters, and themes in each story.

ā€¢ The dataset is designed to support research on multilingual story understanding, summarization, and generation, as well as cross-lingual transfer learning.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have created a new dataset that contains thousands of short summaries or "synopses" of movie plots, written by humans in multiple languages. This dataset can be used by AI systems to help them better understand the structure and content of stories.

The synopses cover a wide variety of movie genres, from action and comedy to drama and science fiction. Each synopsis provides a concise overview of the key events, characters, and themes in the movie's narrative.

This dataset is valuable because it allows AI models to be trained and tested on the task of understanding and summarizing stories, not just in one language but across multiple languages. This can help advance the development of AI systems that can grasp the nuances and complexities of human storytelling, which is an important skill for many real-world applications like summarizing video content, generating video narrations, and bridging the gap between language and visual understanding.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation of this work is the creation of a large-scale, multilingual dataset of movie synopses that can be used to train and evaluate story understanding models.

The dataset contains over 150,000 synopses in 7 languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. These synopses were collected from online movie review websites and manually cleaned and annotated by the researchers.

Each synopsis provides a concise summary of the key plot points, characters, and themes of a particular movie. The synopses cover a diverse range of movie genres, including action, comedy, drama, sci-fi, and more. This variety is important for training robust story understanding systems that can generalize across different narrative styles and content.

To demonstrate the value of this dataset, the researchers fine-tuned several state-of-the-art language models, including BERT and T5, on the task of generating coherent movie synopses. Their experiments show that the multilingual nature of the dataset enables cross-lingual transfer learning, allowing models trained on one language to perform well on others.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of this dataset is that the synopses were collected from online reviews, which may introduce some biases or inconsistencies in the way the narratives are described. The researchers acknowledge this and suggest that future work could involve collecting synopses directly from movie creators or other professional sources.

Additionally, while the dataset covers a diverse range of movie genres, the researchers do not provide detailed analysis on how the model's performance may vary across different genres. Further research could investigate the dataset's suitability for training story understanding models that can handle specific genres or types of narratives.

Another area for improvement could be the inclusion of additional metadata, such as information about the movies' release dates, budgets, critical reception, and other contextual details that may be relevant for story understanding. This could enable more fine-grained analysis and potentially lead to new research directions.


The "Multilingual Synopses of Movie Narratives" dataset introduced in this paper represents a valuable resource for advancing the state of the art in story understanding, summarization, and generation. By providing a large, diverse corpus of movie narratives in multiple languages, the dataset supports the development of AI systems that can comprehend and manipulate human stories with greater nuance and cross-cultural awareness.

As the authors note, this dataset can enable new research on cross-lingual transfer learning, which could have important applications in areas like video summarization and video narration generation. Overall, this work represents a significant step forward in the quest to build AI systems that can truly understand and engage with human storytelling.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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