Multimodal Large Language Model is a Human-Aligned Annotator for Text-to-Image Generation






Published 4/24/2024 by Xun Wu, Shaohan Huang, Furu Wei



Recent studies have demonstrated the exceptional potentials of leveraging human preference datasets to refine text-to-image generative models, enhancing the alignment between generated images and textual prompts. Despite these advances, current human preference datasets are either prohibitively expensive to construct or suffer from a lack of diversity in preference dimensions, resulting in limited applicability for instruction tuning in open-source text-to-image generative models and hinder further exploration. To address these challenges and promote the alignment of generative models through instruction tuning, we leverage multimodal large language models to create VisionPrefer, a high-quality and fine-grained preference dataset that captures multiple preference aspects. We aggregate feedback from AI annotators across four aspects: prompt-following, aesthetic, fidelity, and harmlessness to construct VisionPrefer. To validate the effectiveness of VisionPrefer, we train a reward model VP-Score over VisionPrefer to guide the training of text-to-image generative models and the preference prediction accuracy of VP-Score is comparable to human annotators. Furthermore, we use two reinforcement learning methods to supervised fine-tune generative models to evaluate the performance of VisionPrefer, and extensive experimental results demonstrate that VisionPrefer significantly improves text-image alignment in compositional image generation across diverse aspects, e.g., aesthetic, and generalizes better than previous human-preference metrics across various image distributions. Moreover, VisionPrefer indicates that the integration of AI-generated synthetic data as a supervisory signal is a promising avenue for achieving improved alignment with human preferences in vision generative models.

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  • Recent studies have shown the potential of using human preference datasets to improve text-to-image generative models and align the generated images with the original text prompts.
  • However, current human preference datasets are either expensive to create or lack diversity in the types of preferences they capture, limiting their usefulness for training open-source text-to-image models.
  • To address these challenges, the researchers developed VisionPrefer, a high-quality and fine-grained preference dataset that captures multiple aspects of user preferences.

Plain English Explanation

Researchers have discovered that using datasets of human preferences can help improve the quality and accuracy of text-to-image generation models. These models can generate images based on text prompts, but the images don't always match the prompt perfectly. By training the models on datasets that show what humans prefer, the models can learn to generate images that are more closely aligned with the original text.

However, creating these human preference datasets is often very expensive and time-consuming. Additionally, the existing datasets don't capture a wide enough range of preferences, so the models trained on them have limited abilities. To solve this problem, the researchers in this study used large language models to build a new dataset called VisionPrefer. This dataset includes feedback on things like how well the generated image matches the text prompt, how aesthetically pleasing it is, how realistic it is, and whether it contains anything harmful or inappropriate.

By training text-to-image models using VisionPrefer, the researchers were able to significantly improve the alignment between the generated images and the original text prompts. This means the models can now produce images that are much closer to what a human would expect based on the prompt. The researchers also found that using synthetic data generated by AI models as additional training input can further enhance the models' ability to match human preferences.

Technical Explanation

The researchers leveraged the capabilities of multimodal large language models to create VisionPrefer, a comprehensive dataset that captures multiple dimensions of human preferences for text-to-image generation. They aggregated feedback from AI annotators across four key aspects: prompt-following, aesthetic, fidelity, and harmlessness.

To validate the effectiveness of VisionPrefer, the researchers trained a reward model called VP-Score on the dataset. They found that the prediction accuracy of VP-Score was comparable to that of human annotators, demonstrating the dataset's ability to capture nuanced human preferences.

Furthermore, the researchers used two reinforcement learning methods to fine-tune text-to-image generative models using VisionPrefer. Their extensive experiments showed that VisionPrefer significantly improved the alignment between the generated images and the original text prompts across various aspects, such as aesthetics. VisionPrefer also outperformed previous human-preference metrics in terms of generalization across different image distributions.

The researchers also found that integrating synthetic data generated by AI models as a supervisory signal is a promising approach for achieving better alignment with human preferences in vision generative models.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge that while VisionPrefer represents a significant advancement in the field, there are still some limitations and areas for further research. For example, the dataset may not capture the full range of human preferences, and the AI annotators used to create it may have biases or blindspots.

Additionally, the researchers did not explore the potential ethical implications of using large language models and synthetic data to generate images, which could raise concerns about the creation of misleading or harmful content. Future research may need to address these ethical considerations more explicitly.

Another area for further exploration is the integration of VisionPrefer with personalized multimodal generation techniques, which could potentially lead to even more tailored and satisfying text-to-image generation for individual users.


The development of VisionPrefer represents a significant advancement in the field of text-to-image generation, as it provides a high-quality dataset that captures a wide range of human preferences. By using this dataset to fine-tune generative models, researchers have been able to significantly improve the alignment between generated images and their corresponding text prompts.

This work has important implications for the development of more accurate and user-friendly text-to-image generation tools, which could have applications in areas like creative design, education, and personal expression. The researchers' finding that integrating synthetic data can further enhance these models' ability to match human preferences is also a promising direction for future research.

Overall, the VisionPrefer dataset and the techniques used to create and leverage it represent an important step forward in the quest to develop text-to-image generation models that truly align with human preferences and expectations.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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