Multimodal Large Language Models to Support Real-World Fact-Checking






Published 4/29/2024 by Jiahui Geng, Yova Kementchedjhieva, Preslav Nakov, Iryna Gurevych
Multimodal Large Language Models to Support Real-World Fact-Checking


Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) carry the potential to support humans in processing vast amounts of information. While MLLMs are already being used as a fact-checking tool, their abilities and limitations in this regard are understudied. Here is aim to bridge this gap. In particular, we propose a framework for systematically assessing the capacity of current multimodal models to facilitate real-world fact-checking. Our methodology is evidence-free, leveraging only these models' intrinsic knowledge and reasoning capabilities. By designing prompts that extract models' predictions, explanations, and confidence levels, we delve into research questions concerning model accuracy, robustness, and reasons for failure. We empirically find that (1) GPT-4V exhibits superior performance in identifying malicious and misleading multimodal claims, with the ability to explain the unreasonable aspects and underlying motives, and (2) existing open-source models exhibit strong biases and are highly sensitive to the prompt. Our study offers insights into combating false multimodal information and building secure, trustworthy multimodal models. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to evaluate MLLMs for real-world fact-checking.

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  • This paper explores the use of multimodal large language models (LLMs) to support real-world fact-checking, which is the process of verifying the truthfulness of claims or information.
  • The researchers investigate how LLMs that can process both text and images can be leveraged to enhance fact-checking capabilities, going beyond traditional text-only approaches.
  • The paper presents a framework for using multimodal LLMs in fact-checking tasks and evaluates its performance on various benchmarks.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are powerful AI systems that can understand and generate human-like text. Recently, researchers have been exploring ways to expand the capabilities of LLMs by allowing them to process both text and images, known as multimodal LLMs.

In this paper, the researchers investigate how these multimodal LLMs can be used to support real-world fact-checking. Fact-checking is the process of verifying the truthfulness of claims or information, which is becoming increasingly important in the age of misinformation and fake news. Traditional fact-checking approaches have relied solely on text-based analysis, but the researchers believe that incorporating visual information can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the claims being evaluated.

The paper presents a framework for using multimodal LLMs in fact-checking tasks, which involves processing both the textual content and any accompanying images or visuals. The researchers then evaluate the performance of this approach on various benchmarks, comparing it to text-only models and other fact-checking methods.

The key idea is that by leveraging the combined power of language understanding and visual processing, multimodal LLMs can provide more accurate and reliable fact-checking capabilities. This could have significant real-world implications, as it could help combat the spread of misinformation and improve the overall quality of information available to the public.

Technical Explanation

The paper first provides an overview of the use of large language models (LLMs) for text-only fact-checking, highlighting their limitations in fully capturing the nuances and context required for accurate fact-checking. The researchers then explore the potential of multimodal LLMs to address these limitations by incorporating visual information alongside textual analysis.

The researchers present a framework for leveraging multimodal LLMs in fact-checking tasks. This involves processing both the textual content and any accompanying images or visuals using the multimodal LLM, and then using the model's outputs to assess the truthfulness of the claim. The framework is evaluated on various benchmarks, including a study on using multimodal LLMs to detect deepfakes and a dataset for rumor evaluation using very large language models.

The results show that the multimodal LLM-based approach outperforms text-only models and other fact-checking methods, demonstrating the value of incorporating visual information in addition to textual analysis. The researchers also discuss potential applications of LLMs for correcting misinformation on social media.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed study that provides a strong case for the use of multimodal LLMs in real-world fact-checking tasks. However, the researchers acknowledge several limitations and areas for further research:

  • The study is focused on a limited set of benchmark datasets and tasks, and the performance of the multimodal approach may vary on more diverse and challenging real-world scenarios.
  • The paper does not explore the potential biases or pitfalls that may arise from the use of multimodal LLMs in fact-checking, such as the risk of amplifying existing biases or the potential for misinterpretation of visual information.
  • The paper does not delve into the computational and resource requirements of the multimodal LLM-based approach, which could be a practical consideration for widespread deployment.

Overall, the research presented in this paper is a promising step forward in the application of advanced AI techniques to the important challenge of fact-checking and combating misinformation. However, further investigation and rigorous testing in real-world settings will be crucial to fully understand the capabilities and limitations of this approach.


This paper demonstrates the potential of multimodal large language models to significantly enhance real-world fact-checking capabilities. By leveraging both textual and visual information, the proposed framework can provide more accurate and reliable assessments of the truthfulness of claims, going beyond traditional text-only approaches.

The study's findings suggest that the integration of multimodal LLMs into fact-checking workflows could have far-reaching implications, helping to combat the spread of misinformation and improve the overall quality of information available to the public. As the challenges of misinformation and fake news continue to grow, this research represents an important step towards developing more robust and effective solutions.

While the paper highlights several areas for further exploration, the overall approach presents a compelling case for the value of multimodal AI systems in addressing complex real-world problems. As the field of AI continues to advance, the integration of language and vision models may become an increasingly vital tool in the fight against the spread of false and misleading information.

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