NeuroNCAP: Photorealistic Closed-loop Safety Testing for Autonomous Driving






Published 4/24/2024 by William Ljungbergh, Adam Tonderski, Joakim Johnander, Holger Caesar, Kalle {AA}strom, Michael Felsberg, Christoffer Petersson
NeuroNCAP: Photorealistic Closed-loop Safety Testing for Autonomous Driving


We present a versatile NeRF-based simulator for testing autonomous driving (AD) software systems, designed with a focus on sensor-realistic closed-loop evaluation and the creation of safety-critical scenarios. The simulator learns from sequences of real-world driving sensor data and enables reconfigurations and renderings of new, unseen scenarios. In this work, we use our simulator to test the responses of AD models to safety-critical scenarios inspired by the European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP). Our evaluation reveals that, while state-of-the-art end-to-end planners excel in nominal driving scenarios in an open-loop setting, they exhibit critical flaws when navigating our safety-critical scenarios in a closed-loop setting. This highlights the need for advancements in the safety and real-world usability of end-to-end planners. By publicly releasing our simulator and scenarios as an easy-to-run evaluation suite, we invite the research community to explore, refine, and validate their AD models in controlled, yet highly configurable and challenging sensor-realistic environments. Code and instructions can be found at

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  • This paper presents a closed-loop unit testing framework called NEuro NCAP for autonomous driving systems.
  • The framework aims to improve the safety and robustness of autonomous driving algorithms by subjecting them to diverse, challenging scenarios during testing.
  • Key aspects include the use of neural networks for generating realistic driving scenarios and a closed-loop testing process that incorporates feedback from the autonomous driving system.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new testing framework for autonomous driving systems called NEuro NCAP. The goal is to make these systems safer and more reliable by putting them through rigorous testing in a wide variety of challenging situations.

The framework uses neural networks to generate realistic driving scenarios that the autonomous system must navigate. This is important because real-world driving can involve all sorts of complex and unpredictable situations, and testing needs to account for that complexity. The neural networks can create diverse scenarios that go beyond what traditional testing methods might cover.

Crucially, NEuro NCAP uses a "closed-loop" approach. This means the autonomous driving system is tested in a dynamic, interactive environment where it receives feedback and has to continuously adapt its behavior. This is closer to how the system would operate in the real world, rather than just running it through pre-defined test cases.

By subjecting autonomous driving algorithms to this kind of comprehensive, dynamic testing, the hope is to uncover issues and edge cases that would be missed by more conventional testing methods. This can lead to significant improvements in the safety and robustness of these critical systems before they are deployed in the real world.

Technical Explanation

The key technical aspects of the NEuro NCAP framework include:

  1. Scenario Generation: The paper uses neural networks to generate realistic driving scenarios that can be used to test autonomous driving systems. This allows for the creation of a much more diverse set of test cases compared to manually-crafted scenarios.

  2. Closed-Loop Testing: NEuro NCAP implements a closed-loop testing process where the autonomous driving system is embedded in the simulated environment and receives continuous feedback. This mimics the real-world interaction between the vehicle and its surroundings.

  3. Comprehensive Evaluation: The framework evaluates the autonomous driving system's performance across a wide range of metrics, including vehicle control, safety, and task completion. This holistic assessment helps identify issues that may be missed by more narrowly-focused tests.

  4. Iterative Refinement: The closed-loop nature of the testing allows the autonomous driving system to be iteratively refined and improved based on the feedback received during the testing process.

By combining these elements, NEuro NCAP aims to provide a more rigorous and realistic testing framework for autonomous driving systems, helping to uncover issues and edge cases that may not be detected through traditional testing approaches.

Critical Analysis

The paper acknowledges several key limitations and areas for further research:

  • The scenario generation process, while more diverse than manual methods, is still limited by the training data and architecture of the neural networks used. More work is needed to ensure the scenarios truly capture the full complexity of real-world driving.

  • The closed-loop testing is conducted in a simulation environment, which may not fully capture all the nuances and edge cases of the physical world. Bridging the gap between simulation and real-world performance is an ongoing challenge in the field of autonomous driving.

  • The paper does not provide a comprehensive evaluation of how NEuro NCAP compares to other testing frameworks in terms of the issues it can uncover or the improvements it can drive in autonomous driving systems. Further comparative studies would help establish the framework's relative strengths and weaknesses.

  • While the framework is designed to be general, its efficacy may depend on the specific autonomous driving algorithms and sensors being tested. More research is needed to understand how well NEuro NCAP performs across a diverse range of autonomous driving technologies.

Overall, the NEuro NCAP framework represents a promising step forward in improving the testing and development of autonomous driving systems. However, as with any new technology, there are still important challenges and open questions that require further research and exploration.


The NEuro NCAP framework proposed in this paper aims to enhance the safety and robustness of autonomous driving systems through a comprehensive, closed-loop testing approach. By leveraging neural networks to generate diverse driving scenarios and embedding the autonomous system in a dynamic, interactive simulation, the framework can uncover issues and edge cases that may be missed by traditional testing methods.

While the paper acknowledges several limitations and areas for further research, the NEuro NCAP approach represents a significant advancement in the field of autonomous driving testing. As autonomous vehicles continue to become more prevalent, the development of rigorous, realistic testing frameworks like this will be crucial for ensuring these systems can operate safely and reliably in the real world.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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