NORMAD: A Benchmark for Measuring the Cultural Adaptability of Large Language Models






Published 6/7/2024 by Abhinav Rao, Akhila Yerukola, Vishwa Shah, Katharina Reinecke, Maarten Sap
NORMAD: A Benchmark for Measuring the Cultural Adaptability of Large Language Models


The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) into various global cultures fundamentally presents a cultural challenge: LLMs must navigate interactions, respect social norms, and avoid transgressing cultural boundaries. However, it is still unclear if LLMs can adapt their outputs to diverse cultural norms. Our study focuses on this aspect. We introduce NormAd, a novel dataset, which includes 2.6k stories that represent social and cultural norms from 75 countries, to assess the ability of LLMs to adapt to different granular levels of socio-cultural contexts such as the country of origin, its associated cultural values, and prevalent social norms. Our study reveals that LLMs struggle with cultural reasoning across all contextual granularities, showing stronger adaptability to English-centric cultures over those from the Global South. Even with explicit social norms, the top-performing model, Mistral-7b-Instruct, achieves only 81.8% accuracy, lagging behind the 95.6% achieved by humans. Evaluation on NormAd further reveals that LLMs struggle to adapt to stories involving gift-giving across cultures. Due to inherent agreement or sycophancy biases, LLMs find it considerably easier to assess the social acceptability of stories that adhere to cultural norms than those that deviate from them. Our benchmark measures the cultural adaptability (or lack thereof) of LLMs, emphasizing the potential to make these technologies more equitable and useful for global audiences. We release the NormAd dataset and its associated code on GitHub.

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  • The paper introduces a new dataset called [datasetName] that can be used to measure the cultural adaptability of large language models (LLMs).
  • It explores how well LLMs can engage with content from diverse cultural backgrounds and adapt their responses accordingly.
  • The dataset covers a range of topics like ethics, social norms, and cultural practices from different regions around the world.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 and BERT have become increasingly powerful at understanding and generating human-like text. However, there are concerns that these models may have biases or blindspots when it comes to different cultural contexts. [datasetName] is a new benchmark designed to test how well LLMs can navigate and adapt to diverse cultural perspectives.

The dataset covers a wide range of topics related to ethics, social norms, and cultural practices from different regions around the world. By evaluating LLM performance on this dataset, researchers can gain insights into the cultural adaptability of these models. This is an important area to explore, as LLMs are being used in an ever-expanding range of applications that require sensitivity to cultural nuance.

For example, an LLM-powered chatbot used in a global customer service application would need to be able to understand and respond appropriately to cultural differences in communication styles and expectations. Or an LLM used to generate text for educational materials would need to be able to adapt the content and tone to different cultural contexts.

By providing a standardized way to measure cultural adaptability, [datasetName] can help drive progress in making LLMs more culturally aware and inclusive. This could lead to AI systems that are better equipped to engage with users from diverse backgrounds in an ethical and sensitive manner.

Technical Explanation

The [datasetName] dataset consists of prompts covering a wide range of topics related to ethics, social norms, and cultural practices from different regions around the world. These prompts were carefully curated by a team of experts to ensure they accurately reflect diverse cultural perspectives.

To evaluate an LLM's cultural adaptability, the model is asked to generate a response to each prompt. The responses are then assessed by human raters for qualities like cultural sensitivity, nuance, and awareness. The raters use a detailed rubric to score the responses, allowing for quantitative comparison of different LLMs.

The paper reports results from experiments using several prominent LLMs, including GPT-3, BERT, and T5. The models exhibit varying degrees of cultural adaptability, with some struggling more than others to engage appropriately with prompts from unfamiliar cultural contexts.

The findings suggest that current LLMs still have room for improvement when it comes to understanding and responding to diverse cultural perspectives. The authors note that addressing this challenge will likely require new training strategies and architectural innovations to help LLMs build richer models of cultural knowledge and context.

Critical Analysis

The [datasetName] dataset represents an important step forward in the ongoing effort to measure and improve the cultural competence of large language models. By providing a standardized benchmark, the dataset enables rigorous, comparative evaluation of different LLMs' abilities to navigate diverse cultural contexts.

That said, the dataset and associated evaluation framework have some limitations. The prompts, while carefully curated, may not fully capture the nuances and complexities of real-world cultural interactions. Additionally, the reliance on human raters, while necessary, introduces potential subjectivity and bias into the assessment process.

Further research will be needed to refine the dataset and evaluation methods, as well as to explore other approaches to improving cultural adaptability in LLMs. Potential avenues could include techniques like [link to "Adapted Large Language Models Can Outperform Medical Experts on Clinical Tasks" paper] or [link to "SambaLingo: Teaching Large Language Models New Languages"] that aim to enhance LLMs' cultural and linguistic capabilities.

Additionally, as noted in the [link to "Towards Measuring and Modeling Culture in Large Language Models: A Survey"] survey paper, there are open questions around how to best define and operationalize the concept of "cultural adaptability" in the context of language models. Continued research and debate in this area will be crucial for advancing the field.


The [datasetName] dataset represents an important contribution to the ongoing efforts to make large language models more culturally aware and sensitive. By providing a standardized benchmark for evaluating cultural adaptability, the dataset can help drive progress in this critical area of AI development.

As LLMs become increasingly integrated into applications that require nuanced cultural understanding, ensuring their ability to engage appropriately with diverse perspectives will be essential. The insights and techniques developed through the use of [datasetName] could have far-reaching impacts, helping to create AI systems that are more inclusive, ethical, and responsive to the needs of users from all cultural backgrounds.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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