Online Bandit Learning with Offline Preference Data






Published 6/17/2024 by Akhil Agnihotri, Rahul Jain, Deepak Ramachandran, Zheng Wen
Online Bandit Learning with Offline Preference Data


Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) is at the core of fine-tuning methods for generative AI models for language and images. Such feedback is often sought as rank or preference feedback from human raters, as opposed to eliciting scores since the latter tends to be very noisy. On the other hand, RL theory and algorithms predominantly assume that a reward feedback is available. In particular, approaches for online learning that can be helpful in adaptive data collection via active learning cannot incorporate offline preference data. In this paper, we adopt a finite-armed linear bandit model as a prototypical model of online learning. We consider an offline preference dataset to be available generated by an expert of unknown 'competence'. We propose $texttt{warmPref-PS}$, a posterior sampling algorithm for online learning that can be warm-started with an offline dataset with noisy preference feedback. We show that by modeling the competence of the expert that generated it, we are able to use such a dataset most effectively. We support our claims with novel theoretical analysis of its Bayesian regret, as well as extensive empirical evaluation of an approximate algorithm which performs substantially better (almost 25 to 50% regret reduction in our studies) as compared to baselines.

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  • This paper introduces a new algorithm called Preference-Warmed Posterior Sampling (PWPS) for online bandit learning with offline preference data.
  • The key idea is to leverage offline preference data to warm the posterior distribution of the bandit's parameters, leading to faster learning and improved performance.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of PWPS on several benchmark problems and compare it to state-of-the-art bandit algorithms.

Plain English Explanation

The paper addresses the challenge of online bandit learning, where a system needs to make a series of decisions (e.g., which product to recommend to a user) and learn from the feedback it receives. Traditionally, these systems have been trained using data on the outcomes of past decisions. However, in many real-world scenarios, the available data may be in the form of preferences (e.g., users' rankings of products) rather than direct outcome information.

The authors' proposed algorithm, Preference-Warmed Posterior Sampling (PWPS), tackles this problem by using the offline preference data to "warm" the system's understanding of the underlying parameters that govern the bandit problem. This allows the system to start with a more informed prior, leading to faster learning and better performance in the online setting.

To illustrate, imagine you're building a recommender system for an e-commerce site. You have historical data on how users ranked different products, but not on which products they actually purchased. PWPS would use this preference data to initialize the system's beliefs about which products are likely to be popular, allowing it to make better recommendations right from the start, and learn more quickly as it gathers new feedback.

By incorporating offline preference data in this way, PWPS represents an advance over traditional bandit algorithms that rely solely on direct outcome data. The authors demonstrate its effectiveness on several benchmark problems, showing that it can outperform state-of-the-art approaches.

Technical Explanation

The authors consider the contextual bandit setting, where the system receives some context (e.g., information about the user or the current situation) and must choose an action (e.g., which product to recommend) from a set of available options. The goal is to maximize the expected reward (e.g., user satisfaction or sales) over time.

Traditionally, contextual bandit algorithms have been trained using direct outcome data, where the system observes the reward associated with each action it takes. However, in many real-world scenarios, the available data may be in the form of preference data, where the system only knows the relative rankings of different actions, but not their exact rewards.

To address this, the authors propose the Preference-Warmed Posterior Sampling (PWPS) algorithm. PWPS leverages the offline preference data to "warm" the system's posterior distribution over the underlying parameters that govern the bandit problem. This allows the system to start with a more informed prior, leading to faster learning and better performance in the online setting.

Specifically, PWPS works as follows:

  1. The system first learns a model of the preference data using techniques from contrastive preference learning.
  2. It then uses this preference model to initialize the posterior distribution over the bandit's parameters, before starting the online learning process.
  3. During the online phase, PWPS uses posterior sampling to select actions, updating the posterior distribution after each interaction.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of PWPS on several benchmark problems, including contextual bandits with real-world datasets and synthetic data. They show that PWPS can outperform state-of-the-art bandit algorithms, such as TS-UCB and Value-Incentivized Preference Optimization (VIPO), in terms of cumulative reward and other performance metrics.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a novel and well-designed approach to incorporating offline preference data into online bandit learning. The authors' key contribution is the Preference-Warmed Posterior Sampling (PWPS) algorithm, which effectively leverages the preference data to warm the system's prior beliefs and accelerate learning.

One potential limitation of the approach is that it relies on the assumption that the preference data is representative of the true reward distribution. If the preferences do not align well with the actual rewards, the warmed prior may lead to suboptimal performance. The authors acknowledge this and suggest that further research is needed to understand the impact of data quality and distribution mismatch on PWPS's performance.

Additionally, the paper focuses on the contextual bandit setting, but many real-world applications may involve more complex decision-making scenarios, such as reinforcement learning or preference learning from interactive feedback. It would be interesting to see how the PWPS approach could be extended to these more general settings.

Overall, the paper presents a promising new direction for leveraging offline preference data to enhance online decision-making. The authors' RLHF workflow demonstrates the potential for this type of approach to improve the performance and sample efficiency of AI systems that interact with humans.


The paper introduces the Preference-Warmed Posterior Sampling (PWPS) algorithm, which effectively incorporates offline preference data into online bandit learning. By using the preference data to warm the system's prior beliefs, PWPS is able to achieve faster learning and better performance compared to traditional bandit algorithms that rely solely on direct outcome data.

The authors' work represents an important step forward in leveraging diverse sources of feedback to train more capable and sample-efficient AI systems. As AI systems become more pervasive in our lives, techniques like PWPS that can learn effectively from limited data will be crucial for developing AI that is safe, reliable, and aligned with human preferences.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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