Optimising Calls to Large Language Models with Uncertainty-Based Two-Tier Selection






Published 5/6/2024 by Guillem Ram'irez, Alexandra Birch, Ivan Titov



Researchers and practitioners operating on a limited budget face the cost-performance trade-off dilemma. The challenging decision often centers on whether to use a large LLM with better performance or a smaller one with reduced costs. This has motivated recent research in the optimisation of LLM calls. Either a cascading strategy is used, where a smaller LLM or both are called sequentially, or a routing strategy is used, where only one model is ever called. Both scenarios are dependent on a decision criterion which is typically implemented by an extra neural model. In this work, we propose a simpler solution; we use only the uncertainty of the generations of the small LLM as the decision criterion. We compare our approach with both cascading and routing strategies using three different pairs of pre-trained small and large LLMs, on nine different tasks and against approaches that require an additional neural model. Our experiments reveal this simple solution optimally balances cost and performance, outperforming existing methods on 25 out of 27 experimental setups.

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  • Researchers and practitioners with limited budgets face a trade-off between cost and performance when choosing between large and small language models (LLMs)
  • Recent research has explored optimization strategies to balance this trade-off, including cascading and routing approaches that rely on an extra neural model for decision-making
  • This paper proposes a simpler solution that uses only the uncertainty of the small LLM's generations as the decision criterion, without requiring an additional neural model

Plain English Explanation

When working with limited resources, researchers and practitioners often need to decide whether to use a large language model (LLM) that delivers better performance or a smaller one that costs less. This is a challenging trade-off to navigate.

Recent studies have explored strategies to help optimize this balance, such as a cascading approach where smaller and larger LLMs are called sequentially, or a routing approach where only one model is ever used. These methods rely on an extra neural network to decide which model to use.

In this paper, the researchers suggest a simpler solution: they use only the uncertainty of the small LLM's outputs as the decision criterion, without any additional neural network. This allows them to balance cost and performance in a more efficient way.

Technical Explanation

The researchers compare their approach to both cascading and routing strategies, using three different pairs of pre-trained small and large LLMs across nine different tasks. They find that their simple solution, which uses only the small LLM's uncertainty as the decision criterion, outperforms the existing methods in 25 out of 27 experimental setups.

This is a significant result, as it shows that a more complex architecture with an additional neural network may not be necessary to optimize the cost-performance trade-off. By relying solely on the uncertainty of the small LLM's generations, the researchers are able to achieve better results in a more straightforward way.

The benchmarking approach used in this study provides a robust evaluation of the different strategies, allowing the researchers to draw clear conclusions about the effectiveness of their proposed method.

Critical Analysis

The paper does not address potential limitations of using only the small LLM's uncertainty as the decision criterion. It's possible that in some cases, the small LLM may not provide a reliable estimate of uncertainty, leading to suboptimal decisions.

Additionally, the paper focuses on pre-trained LLM pairs and does not explore the implications of training the small and large models jointly, which could potentially lead to further improvements in the cost-performance trade-off.

While the researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach across a range of tasks, it would be valuable to see how it performs on a wider variety of benchmarks, especially in the context of low-resource language processing.


This paper presents a simple yet effective solution to the cost-performance trade-off faced by researchers and practitioners working with limited budgets. By using only the uncertainty of the small LLM's generations as the decision criterion, the researchers are able to outperform more complex strategies that rely on additional neural networks.

This approach has the potential to make high-performance language models more accessible to a wider range of users, as it allows for a more efficient allocation of resources. While the paper does not address all possible limitations, it represents an important step forward in optimizing the use of large language models in cost-constrained environments.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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