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CodeEditorBench: Evaluating Code Editing Capability of Large Language Models






Published 4/9/2024 by Jiawei Guo, Ziming Li, Xueling Liu, Kaijing Ma, Tianyu Zheng, Zhouliang Yu, Ding Pan, Yizhi LI, Ruibo Liu, Yue Wang and 6 others
CodeEditorBench: Evaluating Code Editing Capability of Large Language Models


Large Language Models (LLMs) for code are rapidly evolving, with code editing emerging as a critical capability. We introduce CodeEditorBench, an evaluation framework designed to rigorously assess the performance of LLMs in code editing tasks, including debugging, translating, polishing, and requirement switching. Unlike existing benchmarks focusing solely on code generation, CodeEditorBench emphasizes real-world scenarios and practical aspects of software development. We curate diverse coding challenges and scenarios from five sources, covering various programming languages, complexity levels, and editing tasks. Evaluation of 19 LLMs reveals that closed-source models (particularly Gemini-Ultra and GPT-4), outperform open-source models in CodeEditorBench, highlighting differences in model performance based on problem types and prompt sensitivities. CodeEditorBench aims to catalyze advancements in LLMs by providing a robust platform for assessing code editing capabilities. We will release all prompts and datasets to enable the community to expand the dataset and benchmark emerging LLMs. By introducing CodeEditorBench, we contribute to the advancement of LLMs in code editing and provide a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners.

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  • This paper introduces CodeEditorBench, a benchmark for evaluating the code editing capabilities of large language models (LLMs).
  • The benchmark consists of a dataset of coding tasks and a suite of metrics to assess an LLM's ability to understand, modify, and generate code.
  • The authors evaluate several state-of-the-art LLMs on CodeEditorBench and provide insights into their strengths and limitations in code editing.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new way to test the coding abilities of powerful AI language models. These models, called large language models (LLMs), have shown impressive performance on a variety of language tasks. However, their ability to actually write and edit code has not been well-studied.

To address this, the researchers created CodeEditorBench, a benchmark that includes a set of coding tasks and metrics to evaluate how well LLMs can understand, modify, and generate code. They then tested several state-of-the-art LLMs on this benchmark to see how they performed.

The goal is to better understand the strengths and limitations of these powerful language models when it comes to the important real-world task of coding. This could help guide the development of LLMs that are more capable of assisting humans with programming and software development.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces CodeEditorBench, a new benchmark for evaluating the code editing capabilities of large language models (LLMs). The benchmark consists of a dataset of coding tasks, including code understanding, code modification, and code generation.

To assess an LLM's performance, the authors define several metrics, such as:

  • Code Understanding: Measuring how well the model can comprehend the meaning and intent of existing code.
  • Code Modification: Evaluating the model's ability to make targeted changes to code to implement new functionalities.
  • Code Generation: Assessing the model's capacity to generate new, working code from scratch.

The authors then evaluate the performance of several state-of-the-art LLMs, including GPT-3, InstructGPT, and ChatGPT, on the CodeEditorBench tasks. The results provide insights into the strengths and limitations of these models in the context of code editing, which can inform future research and development of LLMs for programming and software development tasks.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a comprehensive and well-designed benchmark for evaluating the code editing capabilities of LLMs. The authors have thoughtfully constructed a dataset of coding tasks and defined relevant metrics to assess key aspects of code understanding, modification, and generation.

However, the authors acknowledge several limitations of their study. For instance, the benchmark focuses on a limited set of programming languages and task types, which may not fully capture the diverse requirements of real-world software development. Additionally, the authors note that the performance of LLMs on the benchmark may not directly translate to their effectiveness in assisting human programmers in a collaborative setting.

Furthermore, the paper does not delve deeply into the underlying reasons for the observed strengths and weaknesses of the evaluated LLMs. A more detailed analysis of the models' architectures, training data, and learning capabilities could provide valuable insights to guide future improvements in this area.

Nevertheless, the CodeEditorBench represents an important step towards a more comprehensive understanding of LLMs' abilities in the realm of code editing, which is a crucial skill for many real-world applications. The authors' work lays the groundwork for further research and development in this emerging field.


The paper introduces CodeEditorBench, a benchmark for evaluating the code editing capabilities of large language models (LLMs). The authors demonstrate the use of this benchmark by assessing the performance of several state-of-the-art LLMs, providing valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of these models in understanding, modifying, and generating code.

The findings from this study can inform the ongoing development of LLMs for programming and software engineering tasks, ultimately leading to more capable and collaborative AI assistants for human developers. While the benchmark has some limitations, it represents a significant step forward in the quest to harness the power of advanced language models for real-world coding applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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