Out-of-Distribution Data: An Acquaintance of Adversarial Examples -- A Survey






Published 4/9/2024 by Naveen Karunanayake, Ravin Gunawardena, Suranga Seneviratne, Sanjay Chawla
Out-of-Distribution Data: An Acquaintance of Adversarial Examples -- A Survey


Deep neural networks (DNNs) deployed in real-world applications can encounter out-of-distribution (OOD) data and adversarial examples. These represent distinct forms of distributional shifts that can significantly impact DNNs' reliability and robustness. Traditionally, research has addressed OOD detection and adversarial robustness as separate challenges. This survey focuses on the intersection of these two areas, examining how the research community has investigated them together. Consequently, we identify two key research directions: robust OOD detection and unified robustness. Robust OOD detection aims to differentiate between in-distribution (ID) data and OOD data, even when they are adversarially manipulated to deceive the OOD detector. Unified robustness seeks a single approach to make DNNs robust against both adversarial attacks and OOD inputs. Accordingly, first, we establish a taxonomy based on the concept of distributional shifts. This framework clarifies how robust OOD detection and unified robustness relate to other research areas addressing distributional shifts, such as OOD detection, open set recognition, and anomaly detection. Subsequently, we review existing work on robust OOD detection and unified robustness. Finally, we highlight the limitations of the existing work and propose promising research directions that explore adversarial and OOD inputs within a unified framework.

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  • This paper surveys the topic of out-of-distribution (OOD) data, which is closely related to the concept of adversarial examples.
  • OOD data refers to inputs that are substantially different from the training data, often causing machine learning models to perform poorly.
  • The paper examines various aspects of OOD data, including its connection to adversarial examples, methods for detecting and handling OOD samples, and the broader implications for machine learning robustness.

Plain English Explanation

Machine learning models, such as those used for image recognition or language processing, are trained on a specific set of data. However, in the real world, these models may encounter inputs that are quite different from the training data. These "out-of-distribution" (OOD) samples can cause the models to perform poorly or make incorrect predictions.

For example, imagine a model trained to recognize different types of animals in photographs. The model might work well on images of common pets or farm animals, but struggle with more unusual or exotic animals that it hasn't seen before. This OOD problem is closely related to the concept of adversarial examples, which are inputs that have been intentionally modified to trick the model into making mistakes.

Researchers are actively studying ways to detect and handle OOD data, as well as improving the fairness of models when faced with OOD samples. This is an important area of research, as the robustness and reliability of machine learning systems are crucial for their widespread adoption and real-world applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by providing background on deep neural networks and their susceptibility to OOD data and adversarial examples. It then delves into various approaches for detecting OOD samples, such as using confidence thresholds, auxiliary classifiers, and generative models.

The authors also discuss techniques for handling OOD data, including data augmentation, adversarial training, and test-time adaptation. These methods aim to improve the robustness of machine learning models to unexpected or unusual inputs.

Additionally, the paper examines the fairness implications of OOD data, as certain demographic groups may be more likely to encounter OOD samples, leading to potential biases in the model's performance.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive overview of the OOD data problem and the various approaches researchers have explored to address it. However, the authors acknowledge that there are still many open challenges and areas for further research.

For example, the detection of OOD samples can be challenging, as the boundary between in-distribution and OOD data is often not well-defined. Additionally, the handling techniques discussed, such as adversarial training, can be computationally expensive and may not generalize well to all types of OOD data.

The fairness implications of OOD data are also an important area that requires more investigation. The paper suggests that certain demographic groups may be disproportionately affected by OOD samples, but more research is needed to fully understand the extent of this problem and develop effective solutions.


This survey paper provides a comprehensive overview of the out-of-distribution (OOD) data problem, which is closely related to the challenge of adversarial examples. The authors examine various techniques for detecting and handling OOD samples, as well as the fairness implications of this issue.

As machine learning systems become more widely deployed in real-world applications, the robustness and reliability of these models to unexpected or unusual inputs will be crucial. The research discussed in this paper represents an important step towards improving the overall robustness and trustworthiness of AI systems.

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