PagPassGPT: Pattern Guided Password Guessing via Generative Pretrained Transformer






Published 4/9/2024 by Xingyu Su, Xiaojie Zhu, Yang Li, Yong Li, Chi Chen, Paulo Esteves-Ver'issimo
PagPassGPT: Pattern Guided Password Guessing via Generative Pretrained Transformer


Amidst the surge in deep learning-based password guessing models, challenges of generating high-quality passwords and reducing duplicate passwords persist. To address these challenges, we present PagPassGPT, a password guessing model constructed on Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT). It can perform pattern guided guessing by incorporating pattern structure information as background knowledge, resulting in a significant increase in the hit rate. Furthermore, we propose D&C-GEN to reduce the repeat rate of generated passwords, which adopts the concept of a divide-and-conquer approach. The primary task of guessing passwords is recursively divided into non-overlapping subtasks. Each subtask inherits the knowledge from the parent task and predicts succeeding tokens. In comparison to the state-of-the-art model, our proposed scheme exhibits the capability to correctly guess 12% more passwords while producing 25% fewer duplicates.

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  • This paper introduces PagPassGPT, a novel method for password guessing using a generative pretrained transformer (GPT) model.
  • The researchers develop a pattern-guided approach to leverage the language modeling capabilities of GPT to generate likely password candidates.
  • The PagPassGPT system aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of password trawling attacks compared to traditional brute-force methods.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new technique called PagPassGPT for guessing passwords more effectively. Passwords are a common way to protect online accounts, but hackers often try to guess them using "brute-force" methods that systematically try many possible passwords.

The researchers behind PagPassGPT wanted to improve on these brute-force attacks. They used a type of artificial intelligence called a "generative pretrained transformer" (GPT) model, which is very good at generating human-like text. The idea is to train the GPT model on large datasets of real passwords, so it can learn patterns and structures used in common passwords. Then, the researchers can use this trained GPT model to generate new password guesses that are more likely to be successful, rather than just randomly trying different combinations.

By using the pattern-learning capabilities of the GPT model, the PagPassGPT system aims to be more efficient and effective at guessing passwords compared to traditional brute-force methods. This could pose a security risk, but the researchers suggest the insights could also help improve password security.

Technical Explanation

The PagPassGPT system leverages a generative AI-based text generation method in the form of a prompt-based generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) model to generate likely password candidates for a trawling attack.

The key innovation is a "pattern-guided" approach that trains the GPT model on large datasets of real-world passwords. This allows the model to learn common patterns, structures, and characteristics of passwords, which it can then use to generate new password guesses that are more likely to be successful.

The researchers evaluate the PagPassGPT system on several password datasets and compare its performance to traditional brute-force guessing methods. The results show that PagPassGPT can achieve significantly higher success rates, while also being more computationally efficient.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough technical evaluation of the PagPassGPT system and its performance advantages over brute-force password guessing. However, the authors acknowledge several important limitations and caveats.

Firstly, the success of PagPassGPT is heavily dependent on the quality and representativeness of the password datasets used to train the GPT model. If the training data does not capture the full diversity of real-world passwords, the generated guesses may still miss many valid passwords.

Additionally, the authors note that PagPassGPT, like any password guessing system, poses a security risk and could be misused by malicious actors. The insights from this research could also potentially inform the development of more secure password practices and policies.

Further research is needed to better understand the broader implications and societal impacts of such password guessing techniques enabled by advancements in generative AI and prompt-based systems.


The PagPassGPT system introduces a novel pattern-guided approach to password guessing using a generative pretrained transformer model. By leveraging the language modeling capabilities of GPT, PagPassGPT can generate password candidates that are more likely to be successful compared to traditional brute-force methods.

While the improved efficiency and effectiveness of PagPassGPT could pose security risks, the insights from this research may also inform the development of more robust password practices and policies. Further work is needed to explore the broader implications and impacts of such password guessing techniques enabled by advancements in generative AI.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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