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TEMPO: Prompt-based Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Time Series Forecasting






Published 4/3/2024 by Defu Cao, Furong Jia, Sercan O Arik, Tomas Pfister, Yixiang Zheng, Wen Ye, Yan Liu



The past decade has witnessed significant advances in time series modeling with deep learning. While achieving state-of-the-art results, the best-performing architectures vary highly across applications and domains. Meanwhile, for natural language processing, the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) has demonstrated impressive performance via training one general-purpose model across various textual datasets. It is intriguing to explore whether GPT-type architectures can be effective for time series, capturing the intrinsic dynamic attributes and leading to significant accuracy improvements. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, TEMPO, that can effectively learn time series representations. We focus on utilizing two essential inductive biases of the time series task for pre-trained models: (i) decomposition of the complex interaction between trend, seasonal and residual components; and (ii) introducing the design of prompts to facilitate distribution adaptation in different types of time series. TEMPO expands the capability for dynamically modeling real-world temporal phenomena from data within diverse domains. Our experiments demonstrate the superior performance of TEMPO over state-of-the-art methods on zero shot setting for a number of time series benchmark datasets. This performance gain is observed not only in scenarios involving previously unseen datasets but also in scenarios with multi-modal inputs. This compelling finding highlights TEMPO's potential to constitute a foundational model-building framework.

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  • The paper explores the use of GPT-like architectures for time series modeling, which could lead to significant accuracy improvements.
  • The proposed framework, TEMPO, aims to effectively learn time series representations by utilizing two key inductive biases: decomposition of trend, seasonal, and residual components, and the use of prompts to facilitate distribution adaptation.
  • TEMPO demonstrates superior performance over state-of-the-art methods on zero-shot settings for various time series benchmark datasets, including scenarios with previously unseen datasets and multimodal inputs.

Plain English Explanation

Time series data, which represents how a variable changes over time, is incredibly important in fields like finance, healthcare, and weather forecasting. Traditionally, modeling time series data has been challenging, as it requires capturing complex patterns and relationships.

The paper's authors were intrigued by the success of large language models, like GPT, in natural language processing. These models can be trained on a vast amount of text data and then adapted to perform well on a wide range of language tasks. The researchers wondered if a similar approach could be applied to time series data, potentially leading to significant accuracy improvements.

The proposed TEMPO framework aims to effectively learn representations of time series data by considering two key aspects. First, it recognizes that time series data often consists of different components, such as a long-term trend, recurring seasonal patterns, and residual fluctuations. TEMPO tries to model these components separately, which can help capture the complex dynamics of the data.

Secondly, TEMPO introduces the use of prompts, which are short instructions or descriptions that can help the model adapt to different types of time series data. Just as language models can be fine-tuned on specific tasks using prompts, TEMPO uses prompts to help the model adjust its behavior to different datasets and domains.

The researchers tested TEMPO on a variety of time series benchmark datasets and found that it outperformed existing state-of-the-art methods, even in situations where the model had not seen the dataset before (zero-shot settings) or when the data had multiple modalities (e.g., text and numerical data). This suggests that TEMPO could be a powerful and versatile tool for time series modeling, with the potential to unlock new insights and improve forecasting in a wide range of applications.

Technical Explanation

The core of TEMPO is a GPT-like transformer architecture that is pre-trained on a large collection of time series data. This pre-training allows the model to learn general representations of temporal patterns and dynamics, which can then be adapted to specific tasks and datasets.

The key innovations in TEMPO are:

  1. Time Series Decomposition: TEMPO explicitly models the trend, seasonal, and residual components of time series data. This is done by incorporating specialized layers and attention mechanisms that focus on these different aspects of the data.

  2. Prompt-based Adaptation: TEMPO uses prompts, which are short textual descriptions of the time series task or dataset, to guide the model's adaptation to new scenarios. These prompts help the model understand the context and distribution of the data, allowing it to perform well even in zero-shot settings.

The researchers evaluated TEMPO on a variety of time series benchmark datasets, including scenarios with previously unseen data and multimodal inputs (e.g., text and numerical data). The results showed that TEMPO consistently outperformed state-of-the-art time series models, often by a significant margin.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling and well-designed study, with a clear rationale for the research and a comprehensive evaluation. The authors acknowledge some limitations, such as the need for further investigation into the relationship between prompt design and model performance, as well as the potential impact of dataset bias on the model's generalization.

One potential area for further research could be exploring the interpretability of TEMPO's internal representations and decision-making process. Understanding how the model decomposes and models the different components of time series data could provide valuable insights into the nature of temporal patterns and dynamics.

Additionally, it would be interesting to see how TEMPO performs on real-world, mission-critical applications, where the stakes are higher and the data may be more complex and noisy. Assessing the model's robustness and reliability in such scenarios would be an important next step.

Overall, the paper makes a strong case for the potential of GPT-like architectures in time series modeling and presents a novel framework, TEMPO, that demonstrates impressive results. The research opens up exciting avenues for further exploration and development in this rapidly evolving field.


The paper introduces TEMPO, a novel framework that leverages the power of GPT-like architectures to significantly improve time series modeling. By explicitly modeling the trend, seasonal, and residual components of time series data, and using prompts to facilitate distribution adaptation, TEMPO achieves state-of-the-art performance on a variety of benchmark datasets.

This research represents an important step forward in the application of large language models to time series analysis, with the potential to unlock new insights and drive advancements in fields like finance, healthcare, and climate science. As the authors suggest, further exploration of TEMPO's interpretability and real-world performance will be crucial in fully realizing its transformative impact on time series modeling and forecasting.

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