PeFoMed: Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning of Multimodal Large Language Models for Medical Imaging






Published 4/17/2024 by Gang Liu, Jinlong He, Pengfei Li, Genrong He, Zhaolin Chen, Shenjun Zhong
PeFoMed: Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning of Multimodal Large Language Models for Medical Imaging


Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) represent an evolutionary expansion in the capabilities of traditional large language models, enabling them to tackle challenges that surpass the scope of purely text-based applications. It leverages the knowledge previously encoded within these language models, thereby enhancing their applicability and functionality in the reign of multimodal contexts. Recent works investigate the adaptation of MLLMs as a universal solution to address medical multi-modal problems as a generative task. In this paper, we propose a parameter efficient framework for fine-tuning MLLMs, specifically validated on medical visual question answering (Med-VQA) and medical report generation (MRG) tasks, using public benchmark datasets. We also introduce an evaluation metric using the 5-point Likert scale and its weighted average value to measure the quality of the generated reports for MRG tasks, where the scale ratings are labelled by both humans manually and the GPT-4 model. We further assess the consistency of performance metrics across traditional measures, GPT-4, and human ratings for both VQA and MRG tasks. The results indicate that semantic similarity assessments using GPT-4 align closely with human annotators and provide greater stability, yet they reveal a discrepancy when compared to conventional lexical similarity measurements. This questions the reliability of lexical similarity metrics for evaluating the performance of generative models in Med-VQA and report generation tasks. Besides, our fine-tuned model significantly outperforms GPT-4v. This indicates that without additional fine-tuning, multi-modal models like GPT-4v do not perform effectively on medical imaging tasks. The code will be available here:

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  • This paper proposes a novel method called PeFoMed (Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning on Multimodal Large Language Models for Medical Visual Question Answering) to improve the performance of large language models on medical visual question answering tasks.
  • PeFoMed leverages parameter-efficient fine-tuning techniques to adapt multimodal large language models to the medical domain without significantly increasing the model size.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of PeFoMed on the MedExpQA dataset, a benchmark for medical visual question answering.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new technique called PeFoMed that helps large language models, which are powerful AI systems trained on vast amounts of text data, become better at answering questions about medical images and information.

Large language models are often very good at understanding and generating human-like text, but they can struggle when it comes to tasks that involve both text and images, like medical visual question answering. PeFoMed aims to address this by using a special fine-tuning process that allows the language model to adapt to the medical domain without dramatically increasing the size of the model.

The authors tested PeFoMed on the MedExpQA dataset, which is a benchmark for evaluating how well AI systems can answer questions about medical images and information. Their results show that PeFoMed can significantly improve the performance of large language models on this task, making them more useful for real-world medical applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces PeFoMed, a parameter-efficient fine-tuning approach for adapting multimodal large language models to the medical domain for visual question answering tasks. The authors leverage techniques like AdapterNet and Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) to fine-tune the pre-trained models with minimal additional parameters.

Specifically, PeFoMed introduces task-specific adapter modules and MoE layers within the base multimodal model architecture. During fine-tuning, only the adapter modules and MoE layers are trained, while the main model parameters are frozen. This allows the model to specialize in the medical domain without significantly increasing the overall parameter count.

The authors evaluate PeFoMed on the MedExpQA dataset, a challenging benchmark for medical visual question answering. They compare PeFoMed to various fine-tuning baselines and demonstrate that it outperforms them while using fewer trainable parameters. The paper also provides ablation studies to analyze the contribution of different components of PeFoMed.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a solid technical contribution by introducing PeFoMed, a parameter-efficient fine-tuning approach for adapting large multimodal language models to medical visual question answering tasks. The authors' use of techniques like AdapterNet and MoE is well-motivated and the experimental results on the MedExpQA dataset are promising.

However, the paper does not address potential limitations or caveats of the PeFoMed approach. For example, it would be helpful to understand how well PeFoMed generalizes to other medical visual tasks or datasets, or how it compares to more computationally expensive fine-tuning methods. Additionally, the paper does not discuss the potential biases or fairness implications of using large language models, even with domain-specific fine-tuning, for medical applications.

Further research could explore the robustness and generalizability of PeFoMed, as well as investigate ways to make the fine-tuning process more transparent and accountable. Nonetheless, the core ideas presented in this paper represent an important step towards developing more efficient and effective multimodal language models for medical applications.


The PeFoMed method proposed in this paper offers a promising approach for adapting large multimodal language models to the medical domain for visual question answering tasks. By leveraging parameter-efficient fine-tuning techniques, the authors demonstrate how to specialize these powerful models for medical applications without significantly increasing their size and complexity.

The strong performance of PeFoMed on the MedExpQA benchmark suggests that this method could be valuable for developing AI-powered medical tools and assistants that can effectively process and reason about both textual and visual medical information. As the field of multimodal language modeling continues to advance, techniques like PeFoMed will be crucial for making these models more accessible and useful in real-world healthcare settings.

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