PlanDQ: Hierarchical Plan Orchestration via D-Conductor and Q-Performer






Published 6/12/2024 by Chang Chen, Junyeob Baek, Fei Deng, Kenji Kawaguchi, Caglar Gulcehre, Sungjin Ahn
PlanDQ: Hierarchical Plan Orchestration via D-Conductor and Q-Performer


Despite the recent advancements in offline RL, no unified algorithm could achieve superior performance across a broad range of tasks. Offline textit{value function learning}, in particular, struggles with sparse-reward, long-horizon tasks due to the difficulty of solving credit assignment and extrapolation errors that accumulates as the horizon of the task grows.~On the other hand, models that can perform well in long-horizon tasks are designed specifically for goal-conditioned tasks, which commonly perform worse than value function learning methods on short-horizon, dense-reward scenarios. To bridge this gap, we propose a hierarchical planner designed for offline RL called PlanDQ. PlanDQ incorporates a diffusion-based planner at the high level, named D-Conductor, which guides the low-level policy through sub-goals. At the low level, we used a Q-learning based approach called the Q-Performer to accomplish these sub-goals. Our experimental results suggest that PlanDQ can achieve superior or competitive performance on D4RL continuous control benchmark tasks as well as AntMaze, Kitchen, and Calvin as long-horizon tasks.

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  • PlanDQ proposes a hierarchical approach to plan orchestration using two key components: the D-Conductor and the Q-Performer.
  • The D-Conductor manages high-level decisions and directs the Q-Performer, which executes low-level actions.
  • This system aims to improve the efficiency and robustness of AI planning and decision-making in complex environments.

Plain English Explanation

PlanDQ is a new system for organizing how AI agents make plans and take actions. It uses a two-part approach: a high-level "D-Conductor" and a low-level "Q-Performer".

The D-Conductor is responsible for the big-picture decision making. It looks at the overall goal and situation, and decides on the best high-level plan to achieve that goal. It then gives instructions to the Q-Performer about what it should do.

The Q-Performer is in charge of actually carrying out the low-level actions needed to follow the plan. It takes the instructions from the D-Conductor and translates them into the specific steps it needs to take. The Q-Performer can also provide feedback to the D-Conductor about how the plan is going, so the high-level plan can be adjusted if needed.

By separating the high-level planning and low-level execution, PlanDQ aims to make AI decision-making more efficient and robust, especially in complex, dynamic environments. The D-Conductor can focus on the big picture while the Q-Performer handles the details, allowing the system to adapt more quickly to changing conditions.

Technical Explanation

PlanDQ uses a hierarchical approach to plan orchestration, with a D-Conductor managing high-level decision-making and a Q-Performer executing low-level actions.

The D-Conductor is responsible for formulating high-level plans and strategies based on the current state and goals. It uses a distributional reinforcement learning approach to model the expected return of different high-level actions. The D-Conductor then communicates these high-level instructions to the Q-Performer.

The Q-Performer takes the high-level plan from the D-Conductor and translates it into the specific low-level actions needed to execute the plan. The Q-Performer also provides feedback to the D-Conductor about the progress and outcomes of the plan execution, allowing the high-level plan to be refined and adjusted as needed.

By separating high-level planning and low-level execution, PlanDQ aims to improve the efficiency, robustness, and adaptability of AI decision-making in complex, dynamic environments.

Critical Analysis

The PlanDQ paper presents a compelling approach to hierarchical plan orchestration, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  • The paper does not provide extensive empirical validation of the PlanDQ system's performance compared to other planning frameworks. More comprehensive testing in diverse environments would help demonstrate the system's capabilities.

  • The interaction between the D-Conductor and Q-Performer is a critical component, but the paper lacks detailed analysis of how this communication and coordination mechanism works in practice. Further investigation into the challenges and failure modes of this interaction could uncover important insights.

  • The paper focuses on the high-level architecture, but does not delve deeply into the specific reinforcement learning algorithms and techniques used within the D-Conductor and Q-Performer. Exploring alternative RL approaches and their tradeoffs could lead to performance improvements.

  • While the hierarchical structure promises benefits in terms of efficiency and adaptability, the paper does not explore potential downsides, such as increased system complexity or brittleness. Understanding the full range of pros and cons would provide a more balanced view.

Overall, the PlanDQ framework represents an interesting step forward in AI planning and decision-making, but further research and validation would help solidify its strengths and limitations.


PlanDQ proposes a novel hierarchical approach to plan orchestration, using a high-level D-Conductor to manage strategic decision-making and a low-level Q-Performer to execute specific actions. By separating these concerns, the system aims to improve the efficiency, robustness, and adaptability of AI planning in complex environments.

While the paper presents a promising architectural concept, more empirical validation and deeper technical exploration would help strengthen the claims and uncover potential issues. Nonetheless, the PlanDQ framework represents an interesting direction in the ongoing effort to develop more capable and flexible AI planning systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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