GOPlan: Goal-conditioned Offline Reinforcement Learning by Planning with Learned Models






Published 5/17/2024 by Mianchu Wang, Rui Yang, Xi Chen, Hao Sun, Meng Fang, Giovanni Montana



Offline Goal-Conditioned RL (GCRL) offers a feasible paradigm for learning general-purpose policies from diverse and multi-task offline datasets. Despite notable recent progress, the predominant offline GCRL methods, mainly model-free, face constraints in handling limited data and generalizing to unseen goals. In this work, we propose Goal-conditioned Offline Planning (GOPlan), a novel model-based framework that contains two key phases: (1) pretraining a prior policy capable of capturing multi-modal action distribution within the multi-goal dataset; (2) employing the reanalysis method with planning to generate imagined trajectories for funetuning policies. Specifically, we base the prior policy on an advantage-weighted conditioned generative adversarial network, which facilitates distinct mode separation, mitigating the pitfalls of out-of-distribution (OOD) actions. For further policy optimization, the reanalysis method generates high-quality imaginary data by planning with learned models for both intra-trajectory and inter-trajectory goals. With thorough experimental evaluations, we demonstrate that GOPlan achieves state-of-the-art performance on various offline multi-goal navigation and manipulation tasks. Moreover, our results highlight the superior ability of GOPlan to handle small data budgets and generalize to OOD goals.

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  • This paper proposes a novel model-based framework called Goal-conditioned Offline Planning (GOPlan) for offline goal-conditioned reinforcement learning (GCRL).
  • Offline GCRL aims to learn general-purpose policies from diverse, multi-task datasets without interaction with the environment.
  • The key contributions of GOPlan are: (1) pretraining a prior policy to capture multi-modal action distributions, and (2) using a reanalysis method with planning to generate high-quality imaginary data for policy finetuning.

Plain English Explanation

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a type of machine learning where an agent learns to make decisions by interacting with an environment and receiving rewards or punishments. Offline goal-conditioned RL is a version of RL where the agent learns from a dataset of past experiences, without actually interacting with the environment.

This is useful because it allows the agent to learn general-purpose skills from diverse, real-world data, without the need for expensive and time-consuming trial-and-error interactions. The agent's goal is to learn policies (decision-making strategies) that can achieve a wide variety of specific goals, like navigating to different locations or manipulating objects in different ways.

The key innovation in this paper is a two-part framework called GOPlan. First, the authors pretrain a "prior policy" that can capture the complex, multi-modal (multi-peaked) distribution of actions that are effective for achieving different goals in the dataset. This helps the agent learn a more comprehensive understanding of the task.

Second, GOPlan uses a "reanalysis" technique, where the agent simulates imaginary trajectories (sequences of actions and states) by planning with learned models of the environment. These imagined trajectories are used to further refine the agent's policies, helping it generalize to new, unseen goals.

Through extensive experiments, the authors demonstrate that GOPlan achieves state-of-the-art performance on a variety of offline multi-goal navigation and manipulation tasks. Notably, GOPlan is able to handle small datasets and generalize well to goals that were not seen during training, outperforming other prominent offline RL methods.

Technical Explanation

The core idea behind GOPlan is to leverage model-based RL techniques to overcome the limitations of predominant model-free offline GCRL methods, which struggle with limited data and generalization to unseen goals.

GOPlan has two key phases:

  1. Pretraining a Prior Policy: The authors base the prior policy on an advantage-weighted conditioned generative adversarial network (ACGAN), which enables distinct mode separation and mitigates the problem of out-of-distribution (OOD) actions. This prior policy can capture the multi-modal action distribution within the multi-goal dataset.

  2. Employing Reanalysis with Planning: For further policy optimization, GOPlan generates high-quality imaginary data by planning with learned models. This reanalysis method allows for the generation of imagined trajectories that target both intra-trajectory and inter-trajectory goals, leading to more effective policy finetuning.

The authors evaluate GOPlan on a variety of offline multi-goal navigation and manipulation tasks, demonstrating state-of-the-art performance. Importantly, they show that GOPlan can handle small data budgets and generalize well to OOD goals, outperforming other prominent offline RL methods like Goal Exploration via Adaptive Skill Distribution (GEAS) and Backward Learning.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a thorough experimental evaluation of GOPlan, highlighting its strengths in handling limited data and generalizing to unseen goals. However, some potential limitations and areas for further research are worth considering:

  • The paper does not delve into the computational complexity and training time of the GOPlan framework, which could be an important practical consideration.
  • While the reanalysis method is effective, it relies on learned dynamics models, which can be challenging to train, especially for complex environments. The robustness of this approach to model inaccuracies could be further explored.
  • The authors focus on simulated multi-goal navigation and manipulation tasks. Evaluating GOPlan on real-world robotic applications with noisy and partial observations would be valuable to assess its practicality.
  • Exploring ways to further improve the efficiency and scalability of the prior policy pretraining and reanalysis components could lead to even more powerful offline GCRL methods.

Overall, the GOPlan framework represents a promising step forward in addressing the limitations of existing offline GCRL approaches, and the authors' thorough experimental analysis provides a strong foundation for future research in this area.


This paper introduces GOPlan, a novel model-based framework for offline goal-conditioned reinforcement learning. By pretraining a prior policy to capture multi-modal action distributions and employing a reanalysis method with planning, GOPlan is able to achieve state-of-the-art performance on a variety of offline multi-goal tasks, particularly in handling limited data and generalizing to unseen goals.

The key innovations of GOPlan, including the use of advantage-weighted conditional generative adversarial networks and the reanalysis-based trajectory generation, highlight the potential of model-based techniques to overcome the constraints of predominant model-free offline GCRL methods. As the field of offline RL continues to mature, the insights and techniques presented in this work could contribute to the development of more capable and versatile reinforcement learning agents that can learn general-purpose skills from diverse, real-world datasets.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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