Policy Improvement using Language Feedback Models






Published 4/22/2024 by Victor Zhong, Dipendra Misra, Xingdi Yuan, Marc-Alexandre C^ot'e
Policy Improvement using Language Feedback Models


We introduce Language Feedback Models (LFMs) that identify desirable behaviour - actions that help achieve tasks specified in the instruction - for imitation learning in instruction following. To train LFMs, we obtain feedback from Large Language Models (LLMs) on visual trajectories verbalized to language descriptions. First, by using LFMs to identify desirable behaviour to imitate, we improve in task-completion rate over strong behavioural cloning baselines on three distinct language grounding environments (Touchdown, ScienceWorld, and ALFWorld). Second, LFMs outperform using LLMs as experts to directly predict actions, when controlling for the number of LLM output tokens. Third, LFMs generalize to unseen environments, improving task-completion rate by 3.5-12.0% through one round of adaptation. Finally, LFM can be modified to provide human-interpretable feedback without performance loss, allowing human verification of desirable behaviour for imitation learning.

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  • This research paper explores a novel approach to improving the performance of language models in following complex instructions by incorporating feedback from human users.
  • The proposed method, called "Policy Improvement using Language Feedback Models," leverages natural language feedback to fine-tune the language model and optimize its policy for better task completion.
  • The paper presents experiments demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach in improving instruction following capabilities compared to standard language models.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you're trying to teach a robot how to do a complex task, like making a sandwich. You could show it step-by-step instructions, but the robot might still struggle to understand the nuances and complete the task correctly.

This research paper proposes a new way to address this issue. Instead of just providing the robot with instructions, you can also give it feedback in natural language as it tries to complete the task. For example, you might say "Great job adding the lettuce, but you forgot to spread the mayo."

The researchers developed a system that allows the language model (the robot's "brain") to learn from this feedback. By incorporating the feedback, the model can fine-tune its understanding and improve its ability to follow the instructions accurately.

The key innovation is that the feedback is in plain language, rather than just numerical scores or labels. This allows the model to better understand the specific mistakes it's making and how to correct them, just like a human would learn from feedback.

Through experiments, the researchers showed that this "Policy Improvement using Language Feedback Models" approach can significantly enhance the instruction following capabilities of language models, outperforming standard methods. This could have important applications in fields like robotics, task automation, and even education, where the ability to follow complex instructions is crucial.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel framework called "Policy Improvement using Language Feedback Models" (PIFM) that leverages natural language feedback to fine-tune and optimize the policy of a language model for better instruction following performance.

The core idea is to train a "Language Feedback Model" (LFM) that can predict the natural language feedback a human would provide given the current state of the task and the language model's actions. This LFM is then used to guide the optimization of the language model's policy, incentivizing it to take actions that would elicit more positive feedback.

Specifically, the authors train the LFM to predict the language feedback using a dataset of human-provided feedback on a set of instructions. They then use this LFM to compute a "feedback reward" for the language model's actions during training, which is used to update the model's policy via reinforcement learning.

The researchers evaluate their approach on two instruction following datasets, demonstrating significant improvements in task completion rates compared to standard language models. They also analyze the types of feedback the LFM learns to predict and how this feedback helps the language model improve its behavior.

Critical Analysis

The PIFM approach presented in this paper is a promising step towards enhancing the instruction following capabilities of language models. By incorporating natural language feedback, the system can learn from more nuanced human guidance, going beyond just numeric rewards or binary labels.

However, the paper does not fully explore the limitations and potential issues with this approach. For example, the quality and consistency of the human feedback may vary, and the LFM's ability to accurately predict feedback could be a critical factor in the overall performance. Additionally, the paper does not discuss how the system would scale to more complex, open-ended tasks that may require more contextual understanding.

Further research could investigate the robustness of the PIFM approach to noisy or diverse feedback, as well as its applicability to a broader range of instruction following scenarios. Exploring ways to combine the language feedback with other forms of guidance, such as demonstrations or step-by-step instructions, could also be a fruitful area for future work.

Overall, this paper represents an important step towards more natural and effective instruction following by language models, but there is still much to be explored in terms of the limitations, scalability, and broader implications of this approach.


The "Policy Improvement using Language Feedback Models" framework presented in this paper offers a novel and promising approach to enhancing the instruction following capabilities of language models. By incorporating natural language feedback from human users, the system can fine-tune the model's policy to better understand and execute complex instructions.

The experiments demonstrate significant performance improvements compared to standard language models, suggesting that this approach could have important applications in fields like robotics, task automation, and education. However, further research is needed to explore the limitations, scalability, and potential combination of this technique with other guidance mechanisms.

As language models continue to advance, developing more natural and effective methods for following instructions will be crucial for unlocking their full potential in real-world applications. The PIFM framework represents an important step in this direction, highlighting the value of incorporating human feedback and guidance to improve the capabilities of these powerful AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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