Previously on ... From Recaps to Story Summarization






Published 5/21/2024 by Aditya Kumar Singh, Dhruv Srivastava, Makarand Tapaswi
Previously on ... From Recaps to Story Summarization


We introduce multimodal story summarization by leveraging TV episode recaps - short video sequences interweaving key story moments from previous episodes to bring viewers up to speed. We propose PlotSnap, a dataset featuring two crime thriller TV shows with rich recaps and long episodes of 40 minutes. Story summarization labels are unlocked by matching recap shots to corresponding sub-stories in the episode. We propose a hierarchical model TaleSumm that processes entire episodes by creating compact shot and dialog representations, and predicts importance scores for each video shot and dialog utterance by enabling interactions between local story groups. Unlike traditional summarization, our method extracts multiple plot points from long videos. We present a thorough evaluation on story summarization, including promising cross-series generalization. TaleSumm also shows good results on classic video summarization benchmarks.

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ā€¢ This paper explores the task of story summarization, which involves generating concise and informative summaries of narrative content like TV shows and movies.

ā€¢ The authors draw insights from the practice of "previously on" recaps, which provide viewers with a quick refresher on past events before the start of a new episode.

ā€¢ The paper proposes techniques for automatically generating these types of summaries, which could have applications in areas like video streaming, entertainment, and education.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at how we can create short, helpful summaries of stories, like the plot of a TV show or movie. The authors are inspired by the "previously on" recaps that often play at the start of a new episode, which remind viewers of what happened before.

By studying these recaps, the researchers develop new methods to automatically generate similar summaries. This could be useful for things like video streaming services, where viewers might want a quick refresher on a show's plot. It could also have applications in education, where summarizing complex narratives could help students better understand the material.

The key idea is to capture the important events and details that move the story forward, and present them in a concise, easy-to-digest format. This could make it easier for people to follow along with stories, especially if they've missed previous episodes or haven't watched in a while.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes techniques for automated story summarization, drawing insights from the practice of "previously on" recaps in TV shows. The authors frame this as a challenging multimodal task, requiring the integration of textual and visual information to identify the key narrative elements.

The paper presents a modular approach to multimodal summarization that first extracts relevant textual and visual features, then fuses them to generate the final summary. They also explore cross-modal summarization models that can directly map from video to text.

Additionally, the paper investigates techniques for scaling up video summarization through pretraining on large language models, as well as graph-based methods that leverage the temporal structure of videos.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the importance of story summarization, and the proposed techniques represent a promising step forward. However, the authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for future work.

One key challenge is the subjective nature of summarization ā€“ different viewers may have different preferences for what information should be included. The authors suggest exploring personalized summarization models to address this.

Additionally, while the cross-modal techniques are effective, they rely on having access to both video and text data, which may not always be available. Further research is needed to explore summarization from a single modality.

Finally, the authors note that the current models are focused on summarizing individual episodes or stories, but extending these methods to handle longer-form narratives spanning multiple episodes or movies could be a valuable direction for future work.


This paper presents novel techniques for automatically generating story summaries, inspired by the "previously on" recaps commonly used in television. The proposed methods leverage multimodal data and advanced language models to capture the key narrative elements in a concise, informative format.

While the research has promising applications in areas like video streaming and education, it also highlights the inherent challenges of summarization, such as subjectivity and the need to handle longer-form narratives. Addressing these limitations could unlock new possibilities for intelligent story summarization systems that enhance our understanding and enjoyment of complex narratives.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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