A Modular Approach for Multimodal Summarization of TV Shows






Published 6/17/2024 by Louis Mahon, Mirella Lapata
A Modular Approach for Multimodal Summarization of TV Shows


In this paper we address the task of summarizing television shows, which touches key areas in AI research: complex reasoning, multiple modalities, and long narratives. We present a modular approach where separate components perform specialized sub-tasks which we argue affords greater flexibility compared to end-to-end methods. Our modules involve detecting scene boundaries, reordering scenes so as to minimize the number of cuts between different events, converting visual information to text, summarizing the dialogue in each scene, and fusing the scene summaries into a final summary for the entire episode. We also present a new metric, PREFS (Precision and Recall Evaluation of Summary FactS), to measure both precision and recall of generated summaries, which we decompose into atomic facts. Tested on the recently released SummScreen3D dataset Papalampidi and Lapata (2023), our method produces higher quality summaries than comparison models, as measured with ROUGE and our new fact-based metric.

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  • This paper presents a modular approach for multimodal summarization of TV shows, which aims to generate summaries that combine textual and visual information.
  • The proposed method decomposes the multimodal summarization task into several interconnected modules, including video scene segmentation, key frame extraction, visual-textual feature extraction, and summary generation.
  • The authors evaluate their approach on a dataset of TV shows and demonstrate its effectiveness compared to existing text-only and multimodal summarization methods.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a new way to automatically generate summaries of TV shows that combine both text and visuals. Traditional text-only summarization methods often miss important visual information, while existing multimodal approaches can be complex and difficult to apply.

The researchers developed a modular system that breaks down the summarization task into several smaller, interconnected components. First, the system analyzes the video to identify key scenes and frames. It then extracts relevant features from both the text and visual content. Finally, it uses these features to generate a concise summary that captures the most important information from the show.

By separating the task into these modular components, the researchers were able to create a more flexible and effective summarization system. They tested their approach on a dataset of TV shows and found that it outperformed existing text-only and multimodal summarization methods.

This work could be useful for [link to "https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/characterizing-multimodal-long-form-summarization-case-study"](characterizing multimodal long-form summarization) or [link to "https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/videoxum-cross-modal-visual-textural-summarization-videos"](cross-modal video summarization), as it demonstrates a novel way to combine textual and visual information to generate high-quality summaries. It could also inform the development of [link to "https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/qfmts-generating-query-focused-summaries-over-multi"](query-focused multi-modal summarization) or [link to "https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/language-guided-self-supervised-video-summarization-using"](self-supervised video summarization) systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a modular approach for multimodal summarization of TV shows, which decomposes the task into several interconnected components:

  1. Video Scene Segmentation: The system first segments the video into individual scenes using a neural network-based scene detection model.

  2. Key Frame Extraction: It then selects a set of key frames from each scene that best represent the visual content.

  3. Visual-Textual Feature Extraction: The system extracts relevant features from both the textual dialogue and the visual frames using pre-trained neural networks.

  4. Summary Generation: Finally, the system combines the extracted features to generate a concise textual summary of the TV show using an abstractive summarization model.

The authors evaluate their approach on a dataset of TV shows and compare it to both text-only and multimodal summarization baselines. They find that their modular approach outperforms the other methods in terms of both textual and visual coverage of the summaries.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach to multimodal summarization of TV shows. By decomposing the task into modular components, the researchers are able to leverage existing techniques for video processing, feature extraction, and text summarization, while also introducing novel ways to combine these elements.

However, the authors do acknowledge several limitations of their work. For example, the performance of the system is still not at human level, and the summarization quality may be affected by errors in the individual modules (e.g., scene detection, key frame selection). Additionally, the approach is evaluated on a single dataset of TV shows, so its generalizability to other types of multimodal content (e.g., link to "https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/videoxum-cross-modal-visual-textural-summarization-videos", link to "https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/language-guided-self-supervised-video-summarization-using") is not fully established.

Further research could explore ways to improve the robustness and accuracy of the individual modules, as well as investigate techniques for better integrating the textual and visual information during the summary generation process. Exploring the application of this modular approach to [link to "https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/qfmts-generating-query-focused-summaries-over-multi"](query-focused multimodal summarization) could also be a fruitful area of study.


This paper presents a modular approach for multimodal summarization of TV shows that combines textual and visual information to generate comprehensive summaries. By breaking down the task into interconnected components, the researchers were able to leverage existing techniques and introduce novel methods for integrating the textual and visual modalities.

The authors' evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of their approach compared to text-only and multimodal baselines, suggesting that this modular framework could be a valuable contribution to the field of [link to "https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/characterizing-multimodal-long-form-summarization-case-study"](multimodal long-form summarization). Further research is needed to improve the robustness and generalizability of the system, but this work represents an important step towards more comprehensive and effective summarization of complex, multimodal media.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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