Prompting Whisper for QA-driven Zero-shot End-to-end Spoken Language Understanding






Published 6/24/2024 by Mohan Li, Simon Keizer, Rama Doddipatla
Prompting Whisper for QA-driven Zero-shot End-to-end Spoken Language Understanding


Zero-shot spoken language understanding (SLU) enables systems to comprehend user utterances in new domains without prior exposure to training data. Recent studies often rely on large language models (LLMs), leading to excessive footprints and complexity. This paper proposes the use of Whisper, a standalone speech processing model, for zero-shot end-to-end (E2E) SLU. To handle unseen semantic labels, SLU tasks are integrated into a question-answering (QA) framework, which prompts the Whisper decoder for semantics deduction. The system is efficiently trained with prefix-tuning, optimising a minimal set of parameters rather than the entire Whisper model. We show that the proposed system achieves a 40.7% absolute gain for slot filling (SLU-F1) on SLURP compared to a recently introduced zero-shot benchmark. Furthermore, it performs comparably to a Whisper-GPT-2 modular system under both in-corpus and cross-corpus evaluation settings, but with a relative 34.8% reduction in model parameters.

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  • The paper presents a novel approach for zero-shot end-to-end spoken language understanding (SLU) using the Whisper language model.
  • The proposed method, called Zero-shot Whisper SLU, leverages Whisper's speech recognition capabilities and prompts it with natural language questions to extract semantic information from speech.
  • This allows the system to perform SLU without any task-specific training data, making it highly versatile and applicable across diverse domains.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several benchmarks, showcasing its strong performance compared to existing zero-shot and few-shot SLU techniques.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a new way to understand the meaning of spoken language without any prior training on specific tasks. They use a powerful speech recognition model called Whisper and prompt it with natural language questions to extract the key information from the speech.

For example, if someone says "I'd like to book a flight to New York next week," the system would be able to understand the intent (booking a flight), the destination (New York), and the timeframe (next week) without being trained on flight booking data. This zero-shot end-to-end spoken language understanding approach is highly versatile and can be applied to a wide range of applications, from customer service to home automation.

The researchers show that their method, called Zero-shot Whisper SLU, outperforms other zero-shot and few-shot SLU techniques on several benchmark datasets. This is an important advancement, as it means we can build intelligent systems that can understand spoken language without the need for large amounts of training data, which can be costly and time-consuming to collect.

Technical Explanation

The core of the Zero-shot Whisper SLU approach is the use of the Whisper language model. Whisper is a state-of-the-art speech recognition model that can transcribe speech into text. The researchers leverage Whisper's capabilities and prompt it with natural language questions to extract semantic information from the speech.

For example, if the audio input is "I'd like to book a flight to New York next week," the system would prompt Whisper with a question like "What is the intent, destination, and timeframe in the given speech?" Whisper would then generate a response that includes the key semantic information, such as "The intent is to book a flight, the destination is New York, and the timeframe is next week."

The researchers evaluate their Zero-shot Whisper SLU approach on several SLU benchmarks, including UniversalSLU and Zero-shot End-to-End Spoken Question Answering. They show that their method outperforms existing zero-shot and few-shot SLU techniques, demonstrating the effectiveness of leveraging Whisper's capabilities for zero-shot SLU.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have presented a novel and promising approach for zero-shot end-to-end spoken language understanding. By utilizing the powerful Whisper model and prompting it with natural language questions, they have effectively bypassed the need for task-specific training data, making their system highly versatile and applicable across a wide range of domains.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations of their approach. For example, the performance of the system may be heavily dependent on the quality and appropriateness of the prompts used. Designing effective prompts that can extract the relevant semantic information from the speech input may require significant effort and domain expertise.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the system's performance on more complex or ambiguous speech inputs, where the semantic information may be less straightforward to extract. It would be valuable to see how the Zero-shot Whisper SLU approach handles more challenging scenarios and potential failure cases.

Overall, the researchers have made an important contribution to the field of spoken language understanding, and their work opens up new avenues for efficient compression of multitask, multilingual speech models and boosting prompting mechanisms for zero-shot applications. Further research and refinement of the approach could lead to even more robust and versatile spoken language understanding systems.


The paper presents a novel zero-shot end-to-end spoken language understanding approach that leverages the Whisper language model and natural language prompting. This Zero-shot Whisper SLU method demonstrates strong performance on several SLU benchmarks, showcasing its ability to extract semantic information from speech without any task-specific training data.

This research is an important step towards building more versatile and efficient spoken language understanding systems, which can have far-reaching applications in areas like universal spoken language understanding for diverse tasks, zero-shot end-to-end spoken question answering, and efficient compression of multitask, multilingual speech models. As the field continues to evolve, further advancements in boosting prompting mechanisms for zero-shot applications could unlock even more powerful and versatile spoken language understanding capabilities.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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