Provable Representation with Efficient Planning for Partial Observable Reinforcement Learning






Published 6/12/2024 by Hongming Zhang, Tongzheng Ren, Chenjun Xiao, Dale Schuurmans, Bo Dai



In most real-world reinforcement learning applications, state information is only partially observable, which breaks the Markov decision process assumption and leads to inferior performance for algorithms that conflate observations with state. Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs), on the other hand, provide a general framework that allows for partial observability to be accounted for in learning, exploration and planning, but presents significant computational and statistical challenges. To address these difficulties, we develop a representation-based perspective that leads to a coherent framework and tractable algorithmic approach for practical reinforcement learning from partial observations. We provide a theoretical analysis for justifying the statistical efficiency of the proposed algorithm, and also empirically demonstrate the proposed algorithm can surpass state-of-the-art performance with partial observations across various benchmarks, advancing reliable reinforcement learning towards more practical applications.

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  • Real-world reinforcement learning applications often have partially observable state information, which can lead to poor performance for algorithms that assume full observability.
  • Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) provide a framework for handling partial observability, but come with significant computational and statistical challenges.
  • This paper proposes a representation-based approach to address the difficulties of POMDP learning, exploration, and planning.
  • The proposed algorithm is shown to be statistically efficient and can outperform state-of-the-art methods on various benchmarks with partial observations.

Plain English Explanation

In many real-world situations where machines are learning through trial and error (reinforcement learning), the machines don't have full information about the current situation. This can cause problems for standard reinforcement learning algorithms, which assume the machine has complete knowledge of the current state.

Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) provide a more general framework that allows the machine to learn even when it doesn't have full information. However, POMDPs come with their own challenges, such as being computationally intensive and requiring a lot of data to learn effectively.

This paper proposes a new approach that uses representations - abstract descriptions of the current situation - to help the machine learn and plan in the face of partial observability. The authors show that this representation-based method is statistically efficient, meaning it can learn effectively from limited data. They also demonstrate that their algorithm can outperform other state-of-the-art methods on various benchmarks where the machine only has partial information about the current state.

The key insight is that by using the right kind of representations, the machine can make up for its lack of complete information and still learn to act effectively. This could be an important step towards making reinforcement learning more practical for real-world applications where full observability is often not possible.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a representation-based approach to address the challenges of Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) in practical reinforcement learning applications. The core idea is to learn a compact, informative representation of the current state that can be used for effective learning, exploration, and planning, even when the true underlying state is only partially observable.

The authors provide a theoretical analysis to justify the statistical efficiency of the proposed algorithm. They show that by learning an appropriate representation, the algorithm can achieve near-optimal performance with a sample complexity that scales polynomially with the relevant problem parameters, rather than exponentially as is typical for generic POMDP approaches.

Empirically, the authors demonstrate that their representation-based algorithm can surpass state-of-the-art performance on various benchmarks with partial observations. This includes challenging environments where the agent has access to only a subset of the relevant state information, which would typically lead to poor performance for algorithms that conflate observations with state, as discussed in the What Should Be Observed in Optimal Reward POMDPs paper.

The proposed approach draws inspiration from several related areas, including generalizing multi-step inverse models for representation learning, the Pontryagin perspective on reinforcement learning, and bridging state-history representations for understanding self-predictive abilities. By integrating insights from these diverse fields, the authors develop a coherent framework and tractable algorithmic approach for practical reinforcement learning from partial observations.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for addressing the challenges of partial observability in reinforcement learning, but there are a few potential caveats and areas for further research:

  1. Dependence on the Quality of Representation: The performance of the proposed algorithm is heavily dependent on the ability to learn a suitable representation of the current state. While the authors provide theoretical guarantees on the statistical efficiency of the representation learning process, the practical implementation may still be challenging, especially in complex, high-dimensional environments.

  2. Scalability to Large-Scale Problems: The paper focuses on benchmark environments, and it's unclear how well the representation-based approach would scale to large-scale, real-world problems with very high-dimensional and/or continuous state and action spaces. Further research may be needed to assess the algorithm's performance in such settings.

  3. Sensitivity to Hyperparameter Tuning: Reinforcement learning algorithms, including the one proposed in this paper, often require careful hyperparameter tuning to achieve optimal performance. The authors do not provide a detailed sensitivity analysis, which could be an important consideration for practical deployment.

  4. Interpretability and Explainability: The representation-based approach may introduce additional complexity, making it more difficult to interpret the agent's decision-making process and understand the underlying reasoning. Improving the interpretability of the algorithm could be a valuable direction for future research.

Despite these potential limitations, the paper presents a compelling approach that could significantly advance the state of the art in reinforcement learning with partial observability. The theoretical analysis and empirical results suggest that the representation-based perspective is a promising direction for making reinforcement learning more reliable and practical for real-world applications.


This paper introduces a representation-based approach to address the challenges of partial observability in reinforcement learning. By learning a compact, informative representation of the current state, the proposed algorithm can achieve statistically efficient learning, exploration, and planning, even when the true underlying state is only partially observable.

The theoretical analysis and empirical results demonstrate the potential of this representation-based perspective to surpass state-of-the-art performance on various benchmarks with partial observations. This work represents an important step towards making reinforcement learning more robust and reliable for practical applications, where full observability is often not a realistic assumption.

While the approach has some potential caveats and areas for further research, the core ideas presented in this paper could have far-reaching implications for the field of reinforcement learning and its application to real-world problems. By bridging the gap between the theoretical framework of POMDPs and the practical realities of partial observability, this research opens up new avenues for developing more capable and trustworthy AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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