A Pontryagin Perspective on Reinforcement Learning






Published 5/29/2024 by Onno Eberhard, Claire Vernade, Michael Muehlebach
A Pontryagin Perspective on Reinforcement Learning


Reinforcement learning has traditionally focused on learning state-dependent policies to solve optimal control problems in a closed-loop fashion. In this work, we introduce the paradigm of open-loop reinforcement learning where a fixed action sequence is learned instead. We present three new algorithms: one robust model-based method and two sample-efficient model-free methods. Rather than basing our algorithms on Bellman's equation from dynamic programming, our work builds on Pontryagin's principle from the theory of open-loop optimal control. We provide convergence guarantees and evaluate all methods empirically on a pendulum swing-up task, as well as on two high-dimensional MuJoCo tasks, demonstrating remarkable performance compared to existing baselines.

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  • Presents a Pontryagin perspective on reinforcement learning
  • Explores the connection between reinforcement learning and optimal control theory
  • Provides a theoretical framework for analyzing reinforcement learning problems

Plain English Explanation

This paper examines reinforcement learning from the lens of Pontryagin's principle, a fundamental concept in optimal control theory. Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning where an agent learns to make decisions by interacting with an environment and receiving rewards or penalties. The authors argue that reinforcement learning problems can be viewed through the Pontryagin framework, which provides a mathematical way to analyze and optimize decision-making processes.

The Pontryagin principle states that the optimal solution to a control problem can be found by maximizing a Hamiltonian function, which captures the tradeoffs between the current state, the desired future state, and the actions taken to get there. The authors show how this principle can be applied to reinforcement learning, providing insights into the structure of optimal policies and the dynamics of the learning process.

By drawing this connection, the paper offers a new way of thinking about reinforcement learning that links it to the rich theory of optimal control. This perspective can lead to improved agent learning via guaranteeing certain properties, more robust value estimation, and potentially better exploration strategies for reinforcement learning agents.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by introducing the classical reinforcement learning problem, where an agent interacts with an environment, observes the current state, and selects an action to maximize the cumulative future reward. The authors then provide background on Pontryagin's principle, which states that the optimal solution to a control problem can be found by maximizing a Hamiltonian function that captures the tradeoffs between the current state, the desired future state, and the actions taken to get there.

The core of the paper is the authors' Pontryagin perspective on reinforcement learning. They show how the Pontryagin framework can be applied to reinforcement learning problems, providing a rigorous mathematical treatment of the connections between the two fields. This includes analyzing the structure of optimal policies, the dynamics of the learning process, and the role of value functions and Hamiltonians.

The authors also discuss several implications of their Pontryagin perspective, including the potential for improved value estimation, better exploration strategies, and more robust inverse reinforcement learning. They provide examples and intuitions to illustrate these ideas and highlight the value of the Pontryagin approach for advancing reinforcement learning research.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and theoretically grounded perspective on reinforcement learning, but it is primarily focused on the mathematical framework and theoretical connections. The authors do not provide extensive empirical validation or applications of their Pontryagin approach, so the practical impact and feasibility of their ideas remain to be seen.

Additionally, the paper does not address some of the key challenges in real-world reinforcement learning, such as dealing with partial observability, sample efficiency, and scalability to complex environments. While the Pontryagin framework may offer insights into these issues, the paper does not delve into these practical considerations in depth.

Further research would be needed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Pontryagin approach in realistic reinforcement learning problems and to explore how it can be combined with other state-of-the-art techniques to further advance the field.


This paper presents a Pontryagin perspective on reinforcement learning, drawing a connection between this machine learning paradigm and the well-established theory of optimal control. By viewing reinforcement learning through the lens of Pontryagin's principle, the authors offer a new theoretical framework for analyzing and optimizing reinforcement learning problems.

While the paper is primarily focused on the mathematical foundations of this approach, it opens up interesting avenues for future research. Exploring the practical applications and empirical performance of the Pontryagin perspective could lead to improved agent learning, more efficient value estimation, and better exploration strategies in reinforcement learning. Overall, this paper offers a fresh and theoretically grounded approach that has the potential to advance the state of the art in this important field of machine learning.

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