Provably Robust Cost-Sensitive Learning via Randomized Smoothing






Published 5/31/2024 by Yuan Xin, Michael Backes, Xiao Zhang
Provably Robust Cost-Sensitive Learning via Randomized Smoothing


We study the problem of robust learning against adversarial perturbations under cost-sensitive scenarios, where the potential harm of different types of misclassifications is encoded in a cost matrix. Existing approaches are either empirical and cannot certify robustness or suffer from inherent scalability issues. In this work, we investigate whether randomized smoothing, a scalable framework for robustness certification, can be leveraged to certify and train for cost-sensitive robustness. Built upon the notion of cost-sensitive certified radius, we first illustrate how to adapt the standard certification algorithm of randomized smoothing to produce tight robustness certificates for any binary cost matrix, and then develop a robust training method to promote certified cost-sensitive robustness while maintaining the model's overall accuracy. Through extensive experiments on image benchmarks, we demonstrate the superiority of our proposed certification algorithm and training method under various cost-sensitive scenarios. Our implementation is available as open source code at:

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  • This paper proposes a technique called "Randomized Smoothing" to make cost-sensitive machine learning models more robust to adversarial attacks.
  • Cost-sensitive models assign different penalties for different types of mistakes, which is important in real-world applications, but can make them vulnerable to adversarial perturbations.
  • The authors show how Randomized Smoothing can be used to certify the robustness of cost-sensitive models, providing provable guarantees about their performance under adversarial attacks.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you have a machine learning model that is used to make important decisions, like whether to approve a loan application or not. In this case, you might want to penalize the model more severely for wrongly approving a bad loan application than for wrongly denying a good one. This is called "cost-sensitive" learning, and it's important in many real-world applications.

However, these cost-sensitive models can be vulnerable to "adversarial attacks" - small, carefully crafted changes to the input data that can trick the model into making mistakes. This is a big problem, as you want these models to be reliable and trustworthy.

The researchers in this paper propose a technique called "Randomized Smoothing" to make cost-sensitive models more robust to these adversarial attacks. The key idea is to add a small amount of random noise to the input data before feeding it into the model. This "smooths out" the model's behavior, making it harder for an attacker to find a way to trick it.

Importantly, the researchers show that they can provide provable guarantees about the robustness of the model - they can mathematically prove that the model will perform well, even in the face of adversarial attacks. This is a big deal, as it gives users of the model confidence that it will behave as expected, even in high-stakes situations.

Technical Explanation

The paper first introduces the concept of cost-sensitive learning, where the goal is to minimize the expected cost of mistakes made by the model, rather than just the overall error rate. This is important in many real-world applications, where different types of mistakes have different consequences.

However, the authors show that cost-sensitive models can be vulnerable to adversarial attacks - small, carefully crafted perturbations to the input data that can cause the model to make mistakes. To address this, they propose using Randomized Smoothing, a technique where random noise is added to the input before it is fed into the model.

The key technical contribution of the paper is a way to certify the robustness of cost-sensitive models that have been trained using Randomized Smoothing. The authors show that they can provide provable guarantees about the model's performance under adversarial attacks, even without knowing the exact nature of the attack.

Importantly, the authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through extensive experiments on benchmark datasets, showing that Randomized Smoothing can improve the robustness of cost-sensitive models without significantly compromising their accuracy. They also provide insights into the trade-offs between robustness and other desirable model properties, such as interpretability and dimensionality.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to improving the robustness of cost-sensitive machine learning models, which is an important problem in many real-world applications. The authors' use of Randomized Smoothing to provide provable guarantees about model performance under adversarial attacks is a significant contribution to the field.

One potential limitation of the approach is that it may not be as effective in high-dimensional settings, as the curse of dimensionality can make it harder to find effective smoothing distributions. The authors acknowledge this and suggest potential avenues for future research to address this challenge.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the impact of Randomized Smoothing on other desirable model properties, such as interpretability or generalization. It would be interesting to see how the proposed approach interacts with these other important factors in real-world deployments.

Overall, the paper presents a robust and well-executed technique for improving the reliability of cost-sensitive machine learning models in the face of adversarial attacks. The use of Randomized Smoothing and the provision of provable robustness guarantees are significant contributions to the field, and the work could have important implications for the deployment of these models in safety-critical applications.


This paper introduces a novel approach for making cost-sensitive machine learning models more robust to adversarial attacks. By leveraging Randomized Smoothing, the authors are able to provide provable guarantees about the performance of these models under a wide range of adversarial perturbations.

The ability to certify the robustness of cost-sensitive models is a significant advancement, as it can help build trust and confidence in the use of these models in high-stakes real-world applications. While the approach may face some limitations in high-dimensional settings, the core ideas presented in the paper could have far-reaching implications for the development of reliable and trustworthy machine learning systems.

As the field of machine learning continues to mature, techniques like Randomized Smoothing that can provide robust and verifiable performance guarantees will become increasingly important. This paper represents an important step forward in this direction, and its insights could inspire further research to enhance the safety and reliability of machine learning models in critical domains.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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