R-Tuning: Instructing Large Language Models to Say `I Don't Know'






Published 5/7/2024 by Hanning Zhang, Shizhe Diao, Yong Lin, Yi R. Fung, Qing Lian, Xingyao Wang, Yangyi Chen, Heng Ji, Tong Zhang



Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized numerous domains with their impressive performance but still face their challenges. A predominant issue is the propensity for these models to generate non-existent facts, a concern termed hallucination. Our research is motivated by the observation that previous instruction tuning methods force the model to complete a sentence no matter whether the model knows the knowledge or not. When the question is out of the parametric knowledge, it will try to make up something and fail to indicate when it lacks knowledge. In this paper, we present a new approach called Refusal-Aware Instruction Tuning (R-Tuning). This approach is formalized by first identifying the disparity in knowledge encompassed by pre-trained parameters compared to that of instruction tuning data. Then, we construct the refusal-aware data based on the knowledge intersection, to tune LLMs to refrain from responding to questions beyond its parametric knowledge. Experimental results demonstrate R-Tuning effectively improves a model's ability to answer known questions and refrain from answering unknown questions. Furthermore, when tested on out-of-domain datasets, the refusal ability was found to be a meta-skill that could be generalized to other tasks. Further analysis surprisingly finds that learning the uncertainty results in better calibration and an improved ability to estimate the uncertainty than uncertainty-based testing. Our code is available at https://github.com/shizhediao/R-Tuning.

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  • Large language models (LLMs) have made impressive advancements across many domains, but still face challenges like the tendency to generate false information, known as "hallucination."
  • Previous instruction tuning methods force the model to provide a response, even when it lacks the necessary knowledge, leading to hallucinated information.
  • The research paper introduces a new approach called "Refusal-Aware Instruction Tuning" (R-Tuning) to address this issue.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are artificial intelligence systems that can understand and generate human-like text. These models have become incredibly powerful, revolutionizing numerous domains. However, they still have some limitations, one of which is their tendency to "hallucinate" - to make up information that doesn't actually exist.

The researchers behind this paper noticed that previous methods for training LLMs to follow instructions often forced the model to provide a response, even when it didn't have the necessary knowledge to answer the question correctly. This led to the model guessing and producing false information.

To address this, the researchers developed a new approach called Refusal-Aware Instruction Tuning (R-Tuning). The key idea is to train the model to recognize when it doesn't have enough information to answer a question, and to "refuse" to respond in those cases, rather than guessing. This helps prevent the model from hallucinating and provides a more reliable and trustworthy response.

The researchers found that R-Tuning effectively improves the model's ability to answer questions it knows the answer to, while also refraining from answering questions outside of its knowledge. Additionally, this "refusal" ability was found to be a transferable skill that could be applied to other tasks as well.

Technical Explanation

The Refusal-Aware Instruction Tuning (R-Tuning) approach is designed to address the hallucination problem in large language models (LLMs). The researchers first identify the disparity between the knowledge encompassed by the pre-trained parameters and the knowledge contained in the instruction tuning data. They then construct "refusal-aware" training data based on this knowledge intersection, which allows them to tune the LLM to refrain from responding to questions that are beyond its parametric knowledge.

During the training process, the model learns to recognize when it lacks the necessary knowledge to answer a question, and it is then trained to "refuse" to respond in those cases, rather than hallucinating an answer. Experimental results demonstrate that R-Tuning effectively improves the model's ability to answer known questions accurately and its ability to refrain from answering unknown questions.

Furthermore, the researchers found that the refusal ability learned through R-Tuning is a transferable meta-skill that can be generalized to other tasks. Surprisingly, the researchers also discovered that learning the uncertainty results in better calibration and an improved ability to estimate the model's own uncertainty, compared to using uncertainty-based testing alone.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have identified an important limitation of current LLM instruction tuning methods and have proposed a novel approach to address it. The R-Tuning method appears to be a promising solution to the hallucination problem, as it trains the model to recognize the boundaries of its own knowledge and refrain from responding when it lacks the necessary information.

One potential concern is the impact of the refusal mechanism on the model's overall performance and user experience. While preventing hallucination is crucial, it's important to ensure that the model still maintains a high level of helpfulness and utility in the tasks it is capable of performing. The researchers should explore ways to balance the refusal ability with the model's core functionality.

Additionally, the researchers acknowledge that the refusal ability is a transferable meta-skill, but they don't delve deeply into the broader implications of this finding. It would be valuable to further investigate how this meta-skill could be leveraged and applied in other areas of AI and machine learning research.

Overall, the R-Tuning approach presents a compelling solution to a significant challenge in LLM development, and the researchers have provided a solid foundation for future work in this area.


The research paper introduces a new method called Refusal-Aware Instruction Tuning (R-Tuning) to address the hallucination problem in large language models (LLMs). By training the model to recognize the boundaries of its own knowledge and refrain from responding when it lacks the necessary information, R-Tuning effectively improves the model's reliability and trustworthiness.

The findings suggest that the refusal ability learned through R-Tuning is a transferable meta-skill that can be generalized to other tasks, and that this learning of uncertainty can also lead to better model calibration and improved uncertainty estimation. While there are some potential concerns to address, the R-Tuning approach represents a significant advancement in the field of LLM development and has the potential to improve the real-world deployment and application of these powerful AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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