Re-Ranking Step by Step: Investigating Pre-Filtering for Re-Ranking with Large Language Models






Published 6/28/2024 by Baharan Nouriinanloo, Maxime Lamothe
Re-Ranking Step by Step: Investigating Pre-Filtering for Re-Ranking with Large Language Models


Large Language Models (LLMs) have been revolutionizing a myriad of natural language processing tasks with their diverse zero-shot capabilities. Indeed, existing work has shown that LLMs can be used to great effect for many tasks, such as information retrieval (IR), and passage ranking. However, current state-of-the-art results heavily lean on the capabilities of the LLM being used. Currently, proprietary, and very large LLMs such as GPT-4 are the highest performing passage re-rankers. Hence, users without the resources to leverage top of the line LLMs, or ones that are closed source, are at a disadvantage. In this paper, we investigate the use of a pre-filtering step before passage re-ranking in IR. Our experiments show that by using a small number of human generated relevance scores, coupled with LLM relevance scoring, it is effectively possible to filter out irrelevant passages before re-ranking. Our experiments also show that this pre-filtering then allows the LLM to perform significantly better at the re-ranking task. Indeed, our results show that smaller models such as Mixtral can become competitive with much larger proprietary models (e.g., ChatGPT and GPT-4).

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  • This paper investigates the use of pre-filtering techniques to improve the performance of large language models (LLMs) in re-ranking tasks.
  • The authors explore different pre-filtering approaches to reduce the search space for LLM-based re-ranking, aiming to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
  • The paper presents experiments on benchmark datasets for product search and web search, evaluating the impact of pre-filtering on the performance of LLM-based re-ranking.

Plain English Explanation

When using large language models (LLMs) for tasks like product search or web search, the models need to consider a large number of potential results. This can be computationally expensive and time-consuming. The authors of this paper investigated ways to "pre-filter" the results, reducing the number of options the LLM has to consider.

By applying various pre-filtering techniques, such as using keyword matching or consolidating ranking predictions from multiple models, the researchers aimed to make the LLM-based re-ranking process more efficient. The goal was to maintain or even improve the overall performance of the search system, while reducing the computational load on the LLM.

The paper presents experiments on standard datasets for product search and web search, comparing the performance of LLM-based re-ranking with and without the pre-filtering steps. The results show that the pre-filtering techniques can indeed help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the LLM-based re-ranking, providing insights for future research and real-world applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper explores the use of pre-filtering techniques to enhance the performance of large language models (LLMs) in re-ranking tasks. The authors investigate various pre-filtering approaches to reduce the search space for the LLM-based re-ranking, with the goal of improving both efficiency and effectiveness.

The proposed pre-filtering methods include techniques such as using keyword matching to select relevant documents, consolidating ranking predictions from multiple models, and two-stage adaptation of LLMs for specific tasks. These pre-filtering steps aim to narrow down the candidate set that the LLM-based re-ranking algorithm needs to consider, potentially improving the overall performance of the search system.

The authors evaluate the impact of these pre-filtering techniques on benchmark datasets for product search and web search. They compare the performance of LLM-based re-ranking with and without the pre-filtering steps, measuring metrics such as Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG) and Precision@k.

The results demonstrate that the pre-filtering approaches can indeed enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the LLM-based re-ranking, offering insights for future research and practical applications in search and information retrieval.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough investigation into the use of pre-filtering techniques to improve the performance of large language models (LLMs) in re-ranking tasks. The authors acknowledge that LLMs can be computationally expensive when applied to large search spaces, and their exploration of pre-filtering methods is a reasonable approach to address this challenge.

One potential limitation of the study is the reliance on specific benchmark datasets for product search and web search. While these datasets are commonly used in the field, the generalizability of the findings to other domains or real-world scenarios may be limited. Additionally, the paper does not provide a comprehensive analysis of the trade-offs between the pre-filtering approaches, such as the impact on result diversity or the potential for introducing bias.

Further research could explore the performance of these pre-filtering techniques on a broader range of datasets and tasks, as well as investigate the impact on recommendation diversity when using LLMs in re-ranking. Additionally, a deeper analysis of the computational efficiency and scalability of the proposed methods would help assess their practical applicability in real-world search and recommendation systems.


This paper presents a valuable contribution to the understanding of how pre-filtering techniques can be leveraged to improve the performance of large language models (LLMs) in re-ranking tasks. The authors demonstrate that by applying various pre-filtering approaches, such as keyword matching, model consolidation, and two-stage adaptation, the efficiency and effectiveness of LLM-based re-ranking can be enhanced.

The findings from this research provide insights that can inform the development of more efficient and effective search and recommendation systems, particularly in domains where LLMs are employed. The insights gained can also inspire further research into the integration of pre-filtering techniques with LLMs to address the computational challenges and optimize the overall performance of these powerful language models.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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