Reasoning on Efficient Knowledge Paths:Knowledge Graph Guides Large Language Model for Domain Question Answering






Published 4/17/2024 by Yuqi Wang, Boran Jiang, Yi Luo, Dawei He, Peng Cheng, Liangcai Gao
Reasoning on Efficient Knowledge Paths:Knowledge Graph Guides Large Language Model for Domain Question Answering


Large language models (LLMs), such as GPT3.5, GPT4 and LLAMA2 perform surprisingly well and outperform human experts on many tasks. However, in many domain-specific evaluations, these LLMs often suffer from hallucination problems due to insufficient training of relevant corpus. Furthermore, fine-tuning large models may face problems such as the LLMs are not open source or the construction of high-quality domain instruction is difficult. Therefore, structured knowledge databases such as knowledge graph can better provide domain back- ground knowledge for LLMs and make full use of the reasoning and analysis capabilities of LLMs. In some previous works, LLM was called multiple times to determine whether the current triplet was suitable for inclusion in the subgraph when retrieving subgraphs through a question. Especially for the question that require a multi-hop reasoning path, frequent calls to LLM will consume a lot of computing power. Moreover, when choosing the reasoning path, LLM will be called once for each step, and if one of the steps is selected incorrectly, it will lead to the accumulation of errors in the following steps. In this paper, we integrated and optimized a pipeline for selecting reasoning paths from KG based on LLM, which can reduce the dependency on LLM. In addition, we propose a simple and effective subgraph retrieval method based on chain of thought (CoT) and page rank which can returns the paths most likely to contain the answer. We conduct experiments on three datasets: GenMedGPT-5k [14], WebQuestions [2], and CMCQA [21]. Finally, RoK can demonstrate that using fewer LLM calls can achieve the same results as previous SOTAs models.

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  • The paper "Reasoning on Efficient Knowledge Paths: Knowledge Graph Guides Large Language Model for Domain Question Answering" explores how a knowledge graph can be used to guide a large language model (LLM) to improve its performance on domain-specific question answering tasks.
  • The researchers propose a novel approach that leverages the structured knowledge in a knowledge graph to identify efficient reasoning paths, which are then used to augment the LLM's language understanding and reasoning capabilities.
  • The goal is to enhance the LLM's ability to effectively navigate and utilize domain-specific knowledge for answering questions, leading to improved performance on targeted tasks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on using a knowledge graph to help a large language model (LLM) answer questions more accurately within a specific domain. A knowledge graph is a structured way of representing information, with entities (like people, places, or concepts) and the relationships between them.

The researchers found that by guiding the LLM to use the knowledge in the graph, the LLM could better understand the context and relationships needed to answer domain-specific questions. This is important because LLMs, while powerful, can sometimes struggle to fully leverage the nuanced knowledge required for certain tasks.

By identifying efficient reasoning paths through the knowledge graph, the researchers were able to improve the LLM's language understanding and reasoning capabilities. This allowed the LLM to more effectively navigate and utilize the domain-specific knowledge, leading to better performance on targeted question-answering tasks.

The key idea is to harness the structured information in a knowledge graph to complement the LLM's natural language processing abilities, resulting in an improved system for answering questions within a particular field or subject area.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel approach that leverages a knowledge graph to guide a large language model (LLM) for improved performance on domain-specific question answering tasks.

The researchers first construct a knowledge graph that captures relevant domain-specific information, with entities (e.g., concepts, objects) and the relationships between them. They then develop a method to identify efficient reasoning paths within this knowledge graph, which represent the most relevant and concise sequences of connections needed to answer a given question.

These efficient reasoning paths are then used to augment the LLM's language understanding and reasoning capabilities. Specifically, the researchers integrate the knowledge graph information into the LLM's input, allowing it to better leverage the structured domain knowledge during the question-answering process.

Through experiments on targeted question-answering tasks, the researchers demonstrate that this approach significantly improves the LLM's performance compared to using the LLM alone or with other knowledge integration methods. The key insight is that the structured knowledge in the graph, combined with the efficient reasoning paths, enables the LLM to more effectively navigate and utilize the relevant domain-specific information required to answer the questions accurately.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for enhancing LLMs' capabilities in domain-specific question answering. By leveraging a knowledge graph, the researchers are able to guide the LLM towards more efficient and effective utilization of relevant domain knowledge.

One potential limitation of the approach is the reliance on a pre-constructed knowledge graph. The quality and completeness of the graph can have a significant impact on the performance of the system, and constructing high-quality knowledge graphs can be a labor-intensive and challenging task, especially for complex or rapidly evolving domains.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the scalability of the approach to larger, more diverse knowledge graphs or its robustness to noisy or incomplete graph data. Further research would be needed to understand the limitations and potential failure modes of the proposed method.

Another area for further investigation is the generalizability of the approach. While the paper demonstrates impressive results on the targeted domain-specific tasks, it remains to be seen how well the method would transfer to other domains or more open-ended question-answering scenarios.

Despite these potential limitations, the core idea of using structured knowledge to guide and augment LLMs is a promising direction for improving the capabilities of these powerful language models, especially in specialized or high-stakes applications where accurate, contextual, and justifiable reasoning is crucial.


The paper "Reasoning on Efficient Knowledge Paths: Knowledge Graph Guides Large Language Model for Domain Question Answering" presents a novel approach that leverages a knowledge graph to enhance a large language model's performance on domain-specific question-answering tasks.

By identifying efficient reasoning paths within the knowledge graph and integrating this structured information into the LLM's input, the researchers are able to significantly improve the model's language understanding and reasoning capabilities. This allows the LLM to more effectively navigate and utilize the relevant domain knowledge required to answer questions accurately.

The key contribution of this work is the demonstration of how structured knowledge, when properly harnessed, can complement the strengths of large language models, leading to enhanced performance on targeted, domain-specific tasks. This has important implications for the development of more capable and reliable AI systems, particularly in fields where accurate, contextual, and justifiable reasoning is critical.

While the approach has some limitations, the core ideas presented in this paper represent an important step forward in the ongoing efforts to bridge the gap between the powerful, but sometimes opaque, language understanding of LLMs and the structured, contextual knowledge that is often required for high-stakes decision-making.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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