ReCoRe: Regularized Contrastive Representation Learning of World Model






Published 4/4/2024 by Rudra P. K. Poudel, Harit Pandya, Stephan Liwicki, Roberto Cipolla
ReCoRe: Regularized Contrastive Representation Learning of World Model


While recent model-free Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods have demonstrated human-level effectiveness in gaming environments, their success in everyday tasks like visual navigation has been limited, particularly under significant appearance variations. This limitation arises from (i) poor sample efficiency and (ii) over-fitting to training scenarios. To address these challenges, we present a world model that learns invariant features using (i) contrastive unsupervised learning and (ii) an intervention-invariant regularizer. Learning an explicit representation of the world dynamics i.e. a world model, improves sample efficiency while contrastive learning implicitly enforces learning of invariant features, which improves generalization. However, the naive integration of contrastive loss to world models is not good enough, as world-model-based RL methods independently optimize representation learning and agent policy. To overcome this issue, we propose an intervention-invariant regularizer in the form of an auxiliary task such as depth prediction, image denoising, image segmentation, etc., that explicitly enforces invariance to style interventions. Our method outperforms current state-of-the-art model-based and model-free RL methods and significantly improves on out-of-distribution point navigation tasks evaluated on the iGibson benchmark. With only visual observations, we further demonstrate that our approach outperforms recent language-guided foundation models for point navigation, which is essential for deployment on robots with limited computation capabilities. Finally, we demonstrate that our proposed model excels at the sim-to-real transfer of its perception module on the Gibson benchmark.

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  • The paper proposes a new method called "ReCoRe" (Regularized Contrastive Representation Learning) for learning a world model that can efficiently represent and reason about the environment.
  • The key idea is to learn a compact, low-dimensional representation of the environment that captures the most relevant information while discarding unnecessary details.
  • This is achieved through a contrastive learning approach that encourages the representation to be both informative and regularized.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of ReCoRe-based world models on various tasks, including state estimation, planning, and control.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you're a robot exploring a new environment, like a house or a factory. To navigate and interact with this environment effectively, you need to build a mental model of it - a representation of the key features, objects, and spatial relationships. This "world model" allows you to reason about the environment and plan your actions.

The challenge is, the real world is incredibly complex, with tons of detailed information. If you try to build a world model that captures every single detail, it will be huge and unwieldy, making it slow and inefficient to reason with.

That's where the ReCoRe method comes in. The key insight is that you don't need to represent every single detail - instead, you can learn a more compact, "regularized" representation that captures the most important aspects of the environment. This is done through a clever machine learning technique called "contrastive learning."

The idea is to train the model to distinguish between different scenes or states of the environment. By learning what features are most useful for making these distinctions, the model can focus on the truly relevant information and discard the unnecessary details. This results in a concise, efficient world model that can still support tasks like navigation, planning, and control.

The authors show that this ReCoRe-based approach outperforms other methods for building world models, making robots and intelligent systems more capable of understanding and interacting with complex environments.

Technical Explanation

The ReCoRe-based world model consists of three key components:

  1. Encoder: This is a neural network that takes in observations of the environment (e.g., camera images, sensor readings) and compresses them into a low-dimensional latent representation.

  2. Dynamics Model: This model learns to predict how the latent representation will change over time, based on the agent's actions. This allows the agent to simulate future states of the environment.

  3. Regularizer: This component encourages the latent representation to be compact and informative. It does this through a contrastive learning objective, which forces the model to learn features that are useful for distinguishing between different states of the environment.

The key innovation of ReCoRe is this regularization term, which helps the model focus on the most relevant information and discard unnecessary details. This results in a more efficient and effective world model, compared to alternative approaches.

The authors evaluate ReCoRe on a variety of tasks, including state estimation, planning, and control. They demonstrate that the ReCoRe-based world model outperforms other state-of-the-art methods, especially in environments with high-dimensional observations or complex dynamics.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thorough evaluation of the ReCoRe method, considering multiple benchmarks and baselines. The authors acknowledge several limitations and areas for future work, such as the need to further improve the scalability and flexibility of the world model.

One potential concern is the reliance on contrastive learning, which can be sensitive to hyperparameter tuning and the quality of negative samples. The authors address this to some extent, but it would be interesting to see further exploration of alternative regularization techniques that could complement or even replace the contrastive approach.

Additionally, the paper focuses on relatively simple environments, and it would be valuable to see how the ReCoRe-based world model performs in more complex, real-world scenarios. Integrating the world model with other components, such as planning and control algorithms, could also be an important direction for future research.

Overall, the ReCoRe method represents a promising step forward in the development of efficient and effective world models for intelligent systems. The core ideas behind the approach are well-explained and supported by the experimental results, making this a valuable contribution to the field.


The ReCoRe paper presents a novel approach for learning compact, regularized world models that can support a variety of tasks in complex environments. By leveraging contrastive learning to focus on the most relevant information, the method can build efficient representations that outperform alternative techniques.

This work has important implications for the development of more capable and adaptable intelligent systems, from robots navigating real-world spaces to AI agents operating in simulated environments. As the field of world modeling continues to advance, approaches like ReCoRe will play a crucial role in enabling these systems to better understand and interact with the world around them.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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