Efficient Imitation Learning with Conservative World Models






Published 5/24/2024 by Victor Kolev, Rafael Rafailov, Kyle Hatch, Jiajun Wu, Chelsea Finn



We tackle the problem of policy learning from expert demonstrations without a reward function. A central challenge in this space is that these policies fail upon deployment due to issues of distributional shift, environment stochasticity, or compounding errors. Adversarial imitation learning alleviates this issue but requires additional on-policy training samples for stability, which presents a challenge in realistic domains due to inefficient learning and high sample complexity. One approach to this issue is to learn a world model of the environment, and use synthetic data for policy training. While successful in prior works, we argue that this is sub-optimal due to additional distribution shifts between the learned model and the real environment. Instead, we re-frame imitation learning as a fine-tuning problem, rather than a pure reinforcement learning one. Drawing theoretical connections to offline RL and fine-tuning algorithms, we argue that standard online world model algorithms are not well suited to the imitation learning problem. We derive a principled conservative optimization bound and demonstrate empirically that it leads to improved performance on two very challenging manipulation environments from high-dimensional raw pixel observations. We set a new state-of-the-art performance on the Franka Kitchen environment from images, requiring only 10 demos on no reward labels, as well as solving a complex dexterity manipulation task.

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  • This paper tackles the challenge of learning policies from expert demonstrations without a reward function.
  • The key issue is that these policies often fail when deployed due to distribution shift, stochasticity, or compounding errors.
  • Adversarial imitation learning can help, but requires additional on-policy training samples which is costly.
  • The authors propose reframing imitation learning as a fine-tuning problem rather than pure reinforcement learning.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers are working on a problem where they want to teach an AI system how to do a task by showing it examples of an expert doing the task, without providing a reward signal or score to indicate how well the system is performing. This is a common challenge in imitation learning.

The main issue is that the AI systems trained this way often fail when they are deployed and have to operate in the real world. This can happen because the training examples don't perfectly match the real-world conditions the system will face, leading to what's called "distributional shift." The system may also struggle with random changes in the environment or small errors building up over time.

One approach to this is adversarial imitation learning, which can help, but it requires gathering additional training samples while the system is operating, which can be very inefficient and costly, especially for complex real-world tasks.

Instead, the authors propose reframing the problem as a "fine-tuning" task, rather than pure reinforcement learning. This draws on ideas from offline reinforcement learning and transfer learning. They argue that standard techniques for learning world models, which has been successful in some prior work, aren't well-suited for this imitation learning problem.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contribution of this paper is a principled "conservative optimization" approach to imitation learning from expert demonstrations. The authors make connections to the offline reinforcement learning setting and show that standard online world model learning algorithms are sub-optimal for this problem.

Specifically, the authors derive a new optimization bound that encourages the learned policy to stay close to the demonstration data, rather than aggressively exploring the environment. They demonstrate empirically that this leads to improved performance on two challenging robotic manipulation tasks from raw pixel observations.

On the Franka Kitchen environment, the authors are able to achieve state-of-the-art results using only 10 demonstration examples, without any reward labels. They also solve a complex dexterity task that previous imitation learning approaches struggled with.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for reframing imitation learning as a fine-tuning problem rather than pure reinforcement learning. The authors' theoretical analysis and empirical results highlight the shortcomings of standard world model learning techniques for this setting.

That said, the paper does not address some potential limitations. For example, the authors' approach still relies on access to a set of expert demonstrations, which may not always be available in practice. Additionally, the paper only evaluates the method on a limited set of environments, and it's unclear how well it would generalize to other domains.

Further research could explore ways to reduce the reliance on demonstration data, perhaps by incorporating reward modeling or other techniques. Expanding the evaluation to a broader range of tasks and settings would also help establish the broader applicability of the approach.


This paper presents a novel perspective on imitation learning, reframing it as a fine-tuning problem rather than pure reinforcement learning. The authors' principled "conservative optimization" approach demonstrates strong empirical results on challenging robotic manipulation tasks, setting a new state-of-the-art on the Franka Kitchen environment.

While the paper has some limitations, it offers a valuable contribution to the imitation learning literature by highlighting the shortcomings of standard world model learning techniques and proposing a more effective alternative. This work could help pave the way for more robust and sample-efficient imitation learning systems that can reliably deploy in real-world settings.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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