Refusal in Language Models Is Mediated by a Single Direction






Published 6/18/2024 by Andy Arditi, Oscar Obeso, Aaquib Syed, Daniel Paleka, Nina Rimsky, Wes Gurnee, Neel Nanda



Conversational large language models are fine-tuned for both instruction-following and safety, resulting in models that obey benign requests but refuse harmful ones. While this refusal behavior is widespread across chat models, its underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. In this work, we show that refusal is mediated by a one-dimensional subspace, across 13 popular open-source chat models up to 72B parameters in size. Specifically, for each model, we find a single direction such that erasing this direction from the model's residual stream activations prevents it from refusing harmful instructions, while adding this direction elicits refusal on even harmless instructions. Leveraging this insight, we propose a novel white-box jailbreak method that surgically disables refusal with minimal effect on other capabilities. Finally, we mechanistically analyze how adversarial suffixes suppress propagation of the refusal-mediating direction. Our findings underscore the brittleness of current safety fine-tuning methods. More broadly, our work showcases how an understanding of model internals can be leveraged to develop practical methods for controlling model behavior.

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  • Conversational large language models are designed to follow instructions while avoiding harmful requests.
  • While this "refusal" behavior is common, the underlying mechanisms are not well understood.
  • This paper investigates the internal mechanisms behind refusal behavior across 13 popular open-source chat models.

Plain English Explanation

The paper examines how large language models (LLMs) used for chatbots and conversational AI are trained to follow instructions, but also refuse requests that could be harmful. This "refusal" behavior is an important safety feature, but its inner workings are not well known.

The researchers found that this refusal behavior is controlled by a single direction, or axis, in the model's internal representations. Erasing this direction prevents the model from refusing harmful instructions, while amplifying it makes the model refuse even harmless requests. Using this insight, the team developed a method to "jailbreak" the model and disable the refusal behavior with minimal impact on its other capabilities.

They also studied how certain prompts can suppress the propagation of this refusal-controlling direction, which helps explain why some techniques can bypass a model's safety restrictions. Overall, the findings highlight the fragility of current safety fine-tuning approaches and demonstrate how understanding a model's internal workings can lead to new ways of controlling its behavior.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates the internal mechanisms behind the "refusal" behavior exhibited by conversational large language models (LLMs) that are fine-tuned for both instruction-following and safety.

The researchers found that this refusal behavior is mediated by a single one-dimensional subspace in the model's internal representations across 13 popular open-source chat models ranging from 1.5B to 72B parameters. Specifically, they identified a direction such that erasing this direction from the model's residual stream activations prevents it from refusing harmful instructions, while adding this direction elicits refusal even on harmless requests.

Leveraging this insight, the team proposed a novel "don't-say-no: Jailbreaking LLM by Suppressing Refusal" method that can surgically disable the refusal behavior with minimal effect on the model's other capabilities.

To understand how this refusal-mediating direction is suppressed, the researchers also conducted a mechanistic analysis, showing that "adversarial suffixes" can disrupt the propagation of this direction, explaining why certain prompting techniques can bypass the model's safety restrictions.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides valuable insights into the inner workings of safety-critical conversational LLMs, but it also highlights the brittleness of current fine-tuning approaches for instilling these models with ethical behavior.

While the researchers' ability to "jailbreak" the models by suppressing the refusal-mediating direction is an impressive technical achievement, it also raises concerns about the robustness of these safety mechanisms. The fact that a simple prompt alteration can undermine the refusal behavior suggests that more work is needed to develop truly robust and reliable safety measures for large language models.

Additionally, the paper's focus on white-box methods that require detailed knowledge of the model's internals may limit the practical applicability of these techniques. Prompt-driven approaches that can control model behavior without relying on internal representations may be more widely applicable.

Further research is also needed to understand how these safety-critical capabilities emerge during the training process and whether alternative [training regimes can produce more learn-to-disguise: Avoid Refusal Responses in LLMs robust refusal behaviors.


This paper provides a fascinating glimpse into the internal mechanisms behind the safety-critical refusal behavior of conversational large language models. By identifying a single direction that controls this behavior, the researchers have developed a powerful technique for "jailbreaking" these models and disabling their refusal capabilities.

While this work highlights the fragility of current safety fine-tuning approaches, it also demonstrates the value of understanding a model's internal representations for developing practical methods of controlling its behavior. As the field of AI continues to grapple with the challenges of building safe and reliable language models, this research represents an important step forward in that endeavor.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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