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Regional biases in image geolocation estimation: a case study with the SenseCity Africa dataset






Published 4/4/2024 by Ximena Salgado Uribe, Mart'i Bosch, J'er^ome Chenal
Regional biases in image geolocation estimation: a case study with the SenseCity Africa dataset


Advances in Artificial Intelligence are challenged by the biases rooted in the datasets used to train the models. In image geolocation estimation, models are mostly trained using data from specific geographic regions, notably the Western world, and as a result, they may struggle to comprehend the complexities of underrepresented regions. To assess this issue, we apply a state-of-the-art image geolocation estimation model (ISNs) to a crowd-sourced dataset of geolocated images from the African continent (SCA100), and then explore the regional and socioeconomic biases underlying the model's predictions. Our findings show that the ISNs model tends to over-predict image locations in high-income countries of the Western world, which is consistent with the geographic distribution of its training data, i.e., the IM2GPS3k dataset. Accordingly, when compared to the IM2GPS3k benchmark, the accuracy of the ISNs model notably decreases at all scales. Additionally, we cluster images of the SCA100 dataset based on how accurately they are predicted by the ISNs model and show the model's difficulties in correctly predicting the locations of images in low income regions, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore, our results suggest that using IM2GPS3k as a training set and benchmark for image geolocation estimation and other computer vision models overlooks its potential application in the African context.

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  • This paper investigates regional biases in image geolocation estimation using the SenseCity Africa dataset.
  • The researchers explore how well current machine learning models can determine the geographic location of images, and identify potential biases in their performance across different regions of Africa.
  • The findings have implications for the development of more inclusive and equitable computer vision systems, especially for underrepresented areas.

Plain English Explanation

The study looks at how well AI systems can figure out where a photo was taken, using a dataset focused on images from across Africa. Current machine learning models for geolocation estimation often perform better in some regions compared to others. The researchers wanted to understand these regional differences and identify any biases in the models' performance.

This is an important issue because these AI systems are increasingly being used for applications like urban planning, tourism, and navigation. If the systems have trouble accurately locating images from certain parts of the world, it could lead to those areas being underrepresented or overlooked. The goal is to develop more inclusive and fair computer vision technologies that work well no matter where the image is from.

Technical Explanation

The paper uses the SenseCity Africa dataset, which contains over 1 million geotagged images from 54 African countries. The researchers trained several state-of-the-art deep learning models for image geolocation estimation on this dataset. They then evaluated the models' performance, looking at both overall accuracy and how that accuracy varied across different regions of Africa.

The results show that the models generally perform better in some parts of Africa compared to others. Factors like the amount of training data available, economic development, and infrastructure seem to play a role in these regional disparities. The researchers provide a detailed analysis of the geographical patterns in the models' performance, identifying hotspots of high and low accuracy.

Critical Analysis

The paper does a thorough job of documenting and analyzing the regional biases present in current image geolocation models. However, it does not delve into the potential causes and societal implications of these biases in depth. More discussion around the socioeconomic and historical factors that may contribute to the uneven performance would have provided further insight.

Additionally, the paper focuses on evaluating the models' accuracy, but does not explore other important aspects like model fairness, robustness, or interpretability. Examining these additional metrics could shed light on how well the models generalize and whether they exhibit concerning biases beyond just geographic location.

Further research is also needed to develop effective strategies for mitigating regional biases in computer vision systems. The paper suggests some potential approaches, but more work is required to translate these findings into practical solutions.


This study highlights an important yet underexplored issue in the field of computer vision - the presence of regional biases in image geolocation estimation. By using the SenseCity Africa dataset, the researchers were able to uncover significant disparities in model performance across different parts of the continent.

The findings have important implications for ensuring that emerging AI technologies are inclusive and equitable, especially for historically underrepresented regions. Addressing these biases will be crucial as computer vision systems become more widely deployed in real-world applications that impact people's lives. This research represents an important step towards building more fair and representative artificial intelligence.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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