Towards Geographic Inclusion in the Evaluation of Text-to-Image Models






Published 5/8/2024 by Melissa Hall, Samuel J. Bell, Candace Ross, Adina Williams, Michal Drozdzal, Adriana Romero Soriano
Towards Geographic Inclusion in the Evaluation of Text-to-Image Models


Rapid progress in text-to-image generative models coupled with their deployment for visual content creation has magnified the importance of thoroughly evaluating their performance and identifying potential biases. In pursuit of models that generate images that are realistic, diverse, visually appealing, and consistent with the given prompt, researchers and practitioners often turn to automated metrics to facilitate scalable and cost-effective performance profiling. However, commonly-used metrics often fail to account for the full diversity of human preference; often even in-depth human evaluations face challenges with subjectivity, especially as interpretations of evaluation criteria vary across regions and cultures. In this work, we conduct a large, cross-cultural study to study how much annotators in Africa, Europe, and Southeast Asia vary in their perception of geographic representation, visual appeal, and consistency in real and generated images from state-of-the art public APIs. We collect over 65,000 image annotations and 20 survey responses. We contrast human annotations with common automated metrics, finding that human preferences vary notably across geographic location and that current metrics do not fully account for this diversity. For example, annotators in different locations often disagree on whether exaggerated, stereotypical depictions of a region are considered geographically representative. In addition, the utility of automatic evaluations is dependent on assumptions about their set-up, such as the alignment of feature extractors with human perception of object similarity or the definition of appeal captured in reference datasets used to ground evaluations. We recommend steps for improved automatic and human evaluations.

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  • This research paper explores the issue of geographic bias in the evaluation of text-to-image generation models.
  • The paper proposes a new evaluation framework, called GeoKit, to assess the geographic inclusiveness of these models.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of GeoKit by evaluating several state-of-the-art text-to-image models and highlighting their geographic biases.

Plain English Explanation

Text-to-image generation models are machine learning systems that can create images based on textual descriptions. These models have made significant advancements in recent years, but there is a growing concern that they may exhibit geographic biases, meaning they perform better or worse in different regions of the world.

The researchers behind this paper recognized this problem and set out to develop a new evaluation framework, called GeoKit, to assess the geographic inclusiveness of text-to-image models. GeoKit is designed to measure how well these models perform across a diverse range of geographic locations, rather than just focusing on a few well-studied regions.

By applying GeoKit to several leading text-to-image models, the researchers were able to uncover interesting insights. They found that these models often perform better in North America and Europe compared to other parts of the world, suggesting the presence of geographic biases. This is an important finding because it highlights the need for more geographically inclusive model development and evaluation practices.

The researchers hope that their work will inspire others in the field to consider geographic diversity and inclusion when developing and assessing text-to-image generation models. This could lead to the creation of more equitable and accessible AI systems that serve a wider global audience.

Technical Explanation

The researchers begin by highlighting the importance of geographic inclusion in the evaluation of text-to-image generation models. They note that these models, while highly capable, may exhibit biases towards certain regions due to the geographic distribution of their training data.

To address this issue, the researchers propose a new evaluation framework called GeoKit. GeoKit is designed to assess the geographic inclusiveness of text-to-image models by evaluating their performance across a diverse set of geographic locations.

The core of GeoKit is a dataset of text-image pairs that are geographically distributed across the globe. This dataset is used to evaluate the performance of text-to-image models in terms of their ability to generate appropriate images for a given textual description, while also considering the geographic origin of the input text.

The researchers then apply GeoKit to evaluate several state-of-the-art text-to-image models, including DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion, and Imagen. Their results reveal that these models often perform better in North America and Europe compared to other regions, suggesting the presence of geographic biases.

The researchers discuss several potential factors that may contribute to these biases, such as the geographic distribution of the training data used to develop the models, as well as the inherent biases present in the text-image pairs used for model training and evaluation.

The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of addressing geographic biases in text-to-image generation models and calls for further research to develop more geographically inclusive AI systems.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have identified an important issue in the field of text-to-image generation, namely the presence of geographic biases in the evaluation of these models. By proposing the GeoKit framework, they have taken a significant step towards addressing this problem and promoting more geographically inclusive model development.

One potential limitation of this research is the scope of the geographic regions covered in the GeoKit dataset. While the dataset aims to be globally representative, it may still be biased towards certain areas or fail to capture the full diversity of geographic and cultural contexts. Further research may be needed to expand the geographic coverage and ensure that the evaluation framework truly reflects global representation.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the specific causes of the observed geographic biases, such as the demographic and socioeconomic factors that may influence the performance of text-to-image models in different regions. Exploring these underlying factors could provide valuable insights and inform more targeted strategies for addressing geographic biases.

Another area for further research could be the development of techniques or architectural modifications to text-to-image models that explicitly aim to reduce geographic biases. This could involve incorporating geographically diverse training data, developing specialized model components for different regions, or designing evaluation metrics that more directly capture geographic inclusiveness.

Overall, this research represents an important step towards addressing a critical issue in the field of text-to-image generation. By highlighting the problem of geographic biases and proposing a novel evaluation framework, the authors have laid the groundwork for future work to create more equitable and inclusive AI systems.


This research paper presents a compelling case for the need to address geographic biases in the evaluation of text-to-image generation models. By introducing the GeoKit framework, the authors have provided a valuable tool for assessing the geographic inclusiveness of these models and have demonstrated the presence of significant biases in several state-of-the-art systems.

The findings of this research have important implications for the development and deployment of text-to-image generation models, as they highlight the risk of these systems failing to serve the needs of diverse global populations. The researchers' call for more geographically inclusive model development and evaluation practices is a crucial step towards creating AI systems that are truly representative and accessible to users worldwide.

As the field of text-to-image generation continues to evolve, this research serves as a critical reminder that technological advancement must be accompanied by a commitment to equity and inclusion. By addressing geographic biases and promoting more diverse and equitable AI systems, the researchers are contributing to the broader goal of ensuring that the benefits of these transformative technologies are shared across all regions and communities.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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