Regret Lower Bounds for Learning Linear Quadratic Gaussian Systems






Published 6/13/2024 by Ingvar Ziemann, Henrik Sandberg



TWe establish regret lower bounds for adaptively controlling an unknown linear Gaussian system with quadratic costs. We combine ideas from experiment design, estimation theory and a perturbation bound of certain information matrices to derive regret lower bounds exhibiting scaling on the order of magnitude $sqrt{T}$ in the time horizon $T$. Our bounds accurately capture the role of control-theoretic parameters and we are able to show that systems that are hard to control are also hard to learn to control; when instantiated to state feedback systems we recover the dimensional dependency of earlier work but with improved scaling with system-theoretic constants such as system costs and Gramians. Furthermore, we extend our results to a class of partially observed systems and demonstrate that systems with poor observability structure also are hard to learn to control.

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  • This paper establishes lower bounds on the regret, or the difference between the optimal performance and the performance of an adaptive controller, for controlling an unknown linear Gaussian system with quadratic costs.
  • The authors combine ideas from experiment design, estimation theory, and perturbation bounds of information matrices to derive regret lower bounds that scale on the order of square root of the time horizon T.
  • The bounds capture the role of control-theoretic parameters and show that systems that are hard to control are also hard to learn to control.
  • For state feedback systems, the bounds exhibit improved scaling with system-theoretic constants like system costs and Gramians compared to earlier work.
  • The results are extended to a class of partially observed systems, showing that systems with poor observability structure are also hard to learn to control.

Plain English Explanation

The paper is about understanding the limits of how well we can learn to control a system we don't know much about. The researchers looked at a type of system called a "linear Gaussian system" with "quadratic costs," which is a common model in control theory.

They combined ideas from several different fields - experiment design, estimation theory, and some mathematical bounds - to figure out the best-case scenario for how much "regret" (or error) you'd have to accept when trying to control this unknown system. The key insight is that the more difficult a system is to control, the harder it is to learn how to control it.

For simple state feedback systems (where you have full information about the system's state), the researchers were able to get better scaling of the regret with the system's properties, like how much it costs to operate and how stable or unstable it is. They also showed that for partially observed systems (where you have incomplete information), poor observability also makes the system harder to learn to control.

Overall, the paper provides fundamental limits on how well we can adaptively learn to control unknown systems, which is an important consideration for any real-world control application where the system model is uncertain.

Technical Explanation

The authors investigate the problem of adaptively controlling an unknown linear Gaussian system with quadratic costs. They aim to establish regret lower bounds - that is, the minimum difference between the optimal performance and the performance of an adaptive controller.

To do this, they combine ideas from experiment design, estimation theory, and a perturbation bound of certain information matrices to derive regret lower bounds that scale on the order of √T, where T is the time horizon. These bounds accurately capture the role of control-theoretic parameters, showing that systems that are hard to control are also hard to learn to control.

For state feedback systems, the authors recover the dimensional dependency of earlier work but with improved scaling with system-theoretic constants such as system costs and Gramians. This suggests that the difficulty of learning to control a system is inherently linked to its underlying control-theoretic properties.

Furthermore, the authors extend their results to a class of partially observed systems and demonstrate that systems with poor observability structure are also hard to learn to control. This highlights the importance of considering both control and observability properties when studying the learnability of unknown systems.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a strong theoretical foundation for understanding the fundamental limits of adaptive control for unknown linear Gaussian systems. The authors' use of techniques from experiment design, estimation theory, and perturbation analysis allows them to derive regret lower bounds that capture the role of key control-theoretic parameters.

One potential limitation of the work is that it focuses on a specific class of systems (linear Gaussian with quadratic costs) and does not consider more general nonlinear or non-Gaussian dynamics. Extending the analysis to a broader class of systems could further enhance our understanding of the challenges in adaptive control.

Additionally, while the paper establishes lower bounds on regret, it does not provide constructive algorithms that can achieve these bounds. Developing efficient adaptive control algorithms that match the derived lower bounds remains an important open challenge.

Finally, the paper does not explore the practical implications of its theoretical results. Investigating how these insights translate to real-world control applications, such as in robotics, autonomous systems, or power grids, could help bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Overall, this work makes a significant contribution to the field of adaptive control by providing a rigorous analysis of the fundamental limits of learning to control unknown systems. The insights gained can inform the design of more effective adaptive control strategies and guide future research in this area.


This paper establishes regret lower bounds for adaptively controlling an unknown linear Gaussian system with quadratic costs. The authors combine ideas from experiment design, estimation theory, and perturbation analysis to derive regret lower bounds that scale on the order of √T, where T is the time horizon.

The key finding is that systems that are inherently hard to control are also hard to learn to control, as captured by the bounds' dependence on control-theoretic parameters. The results are extended to partially observed systems, showing that poor observability also makes a system more difficult to learn.

This work provides a fundamental understanding of the limits of adaptive control for unknown systems, with potential implications for the design of more effective control strategies in a wide range of applications, from robotics and autonomous systems to power grids and beyond.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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