Regret Bounds for Episodic Risk-Sensitive Linear Quadratic Regulator






Published 6/11/2024 by Wenhao Xu, Xuefeng Gao, Xuedong He



Risk-sensitive linear quadratic regulator is one of the most fundamental problems in risk-sensitive optimal control. In this paper, we study online adaptive control of risk-sensitive linear quadratic regulator in the finite horizon episodic setting. We propose a simple least-squares greedy algorithm and show that it achieves $widetilde{mathcal{O}}(log N)$ regret under a specific identifiability assumption, where $N$ is the total number of episodes. If the identifiability assumption is not satisfied, we propose incorporating exploration noise into the least-squares-based algorithm, resulting in an algorithm with $widetilde{mathcal{O}}(sqrt{N})$ regret. To our best knowledge, this is the first set of regret bounds for episodic risk-sensitive linear quadratic regulator. Our proof relies on perturbation analysis of less-standard Riccati equations for risk-sensitive linear quadratic control, and a delicate analysis of the loss in the risk-sensitive performance criterion due to applying the suboptimal controller in the online learning process.

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  • The paper explores online adaptive control of the risk-sensitive linear quadratic regulator (RS-LQR) problem in a finite horizon episodic setting.
  • The authors propose a simple least-squares greedy algorithm and analyze its regret performance under different assumptions.
  • They also incorporate exploration noise into the algorithm to achieve better regret bounds when the identifiability assumption is not satisfied.
  • To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first set of regret bounds for the episodic risk-sensitive linear quadratic regulator problem.

Plain English Explanation

The paper tackles a fundamental problem in risk-sensitive optimal control, known as the risk-sensitive linear quadratic regulator (RS-LQR). This problem involves finding the best way to control a linear system while taking into account the risk or uncertainty associated with the outcomes.

The authors focus on the online adaptive control setting, where the system dynamics are not known in advance, and the controller must learn and adapt over time. Specifically, they consider a finite horizon episodic setting, where the system is controlled over a series of episodes, and the goal is to minimize the cumulative risk-sensitive performance loss over all episodes.

The authors propose a simple least-squares greedy algorithm, which they show can achieve a logarithmic regret bound under a specific identifiability assumption. This means that as the number of episodes increases, the algorithm's performance approaches the optimal risk-sensitive controller's performance at a logarithmic rate.

However, if the identifiability assumption is not satisfied, the authors incorporate exploration noise into the least-squares-based algorithm. This modified algorithm can achieve a square root regret bound, which is a weaker guarantee but still better than a linear regret bound.

The authors' analysis relies on a careful study of the properties of the Riccati equations, which are a fundamental tool in linear quadratic control. They also need to analyze how the risk-sensitive performance criterion changes when the suboptimal controller is applied during the online learning process.

Technical Explanation

The authors consider the risk-sensitive linear quadratic regulator (RS-LQR) problem in an episodic setting, where the system dynamics are unknown and must be learned over a sequence of episodes. In each episode, the controller aims to minimize the risk-sensitive performance criterion, which takes into account both the expected cost and the uncertainty or variability of the cost.

The authors propose a simple least-squares greedy algorithm, which uses the observed system trajectories from previous episodes to estimate the system dynamics and compute the optimal risk-sensitive controller for the current episode. Under a specific identifiability assumption, the authors show that this algorithm can achieve a regret bound of $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(\log N)$, where $N$ is the total number of episodes.

If the identifiability assumption is not satisfied, the authors incorporate exploration noise into the least-squares-based algorithm. This modified algorithm can achieve a regret bound of $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{N})$, which is a weaker guarantee but still better than a linear regret bound.

The authors' analysis relies on a perturbation analysis of the Riccati equations for risk-sensitive linear quadratic control, which are less standard than the classical linear quadratic regulator (LQR) case. They also need to carefully analyze the loss in the risk-sensitive performance criterion due to applying the suboptimal controller during the online learning process.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a rigorous theoretical analysis of the online adaptive control of the risk-sensitive linear quadratic regulator problem, which is a challenging and important problem in the field of optimal control and reinforcement learning.

One potential limitation of the work is the reliance on the specific identifiability assumption, which may not always be satisfied in practice. While the authors address this by proposing an algorithm that can achieve a weaker regret bound without the identifiability assumption, it would be interesting to explore other approaches that can handle a wider range of scenarios.

Additionally, the authors focus on the finite horizon episodic setting, which may not capture all the real-world dynamics and constraints that can arise in practical applications. Extending the analysis to the infinite horizon case or considering other problem formulations could be valuable directions for future research.

The authors' proof techniques, involving the perturbation analysis of Riccati equations and the delicate analysis of the risk-sensitive performance criterion, demonstrate a high level of technical sophistication. However, the complexity of these analyses may limit the accessibility of the results to a broader audience. Developing more intuitive explanations or highlighting the key insights could help make the work more widely applicable.


This paper makes an important contribution to the field of risk-sensitive optimal control by providing the first set of regret bounds for the episodic risk-sensitive linear quadratic regulator problem. The authors' proposed algorithms and analysis offer valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in this domain, laying the groundwork for further developments in adaptive control and online learning for risk-sensitive systems.

The results presented in this paper have the potential to impact various applications where risk-sensitive decision-making is crucial, such as finance, energy systems, and robotics. As the field of risk-sensitive reinforcement learning continues to evolve, this work will likely serve as a reference for researchers and practitioners seeking to design efficient and robust control strategies in the face of uncertainty.

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