Retrieval-Augmented Open-Vocabulary Object Detection






Published 4/9/2024 by Jooyeon Kim, Eulrang Cho, Sehyung Kim, Hyunwoo J. Kim
Retrieval-Augmented Open-Vocabulary Object Detection


Open-vocabulary object detection (OVD) has been studied with Vision-Language Models (VLMs) to detect novel objects beyond the pre-trained categories. Previous approaches improve the generalization ability to expand the knowledge of the detector, using 'positive' pseudo-labels with additional 'class' names, e.g., sock, iPod, and alligator. To extend the previous methods in two aspects, we propose Retrieval-Augmented Losses and visual Features (RALF). Our method retrieves related 'negative' classes and augments loss functions. Also, visual features are augmented with 'verbalized concepts' of classes, e.g., worn on the feet, handheld music player, and sharp teeth. Specifically, RALF consists of two modules: Retrieval Augmented Losses (RAL) and Retrieval-Augmented visual Features (RAF). RAL constitutes two losses reflecting the semantic similarity with negative vocabularies. In addition, RAF augments visual features with the verbalized concepts from a large language model (LLM). Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of RALF on COCO and LVIS benchmark datasets. We achieve improvement up to 3.4 box AP$

{50}^{text{N}}$ on novel categories of the COCO dataset and 3.6 mask AP$
{text{r}}$ gains on the LVIS dataset. Code is available at .

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  • This paper proposes a "retrieval-augmented" approach to open-vocabulary object detection, which aims to address the challenge of recognizing objects that are not in the training dataset.
  • The key idea is to leverage a large-scale image-text retrieval model to retrieve visually similar images and their associated text descriptions, and then use this information to aid the object detection process.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several benchmark datasets, showing improved performance compared to purely learning-based approaches.

Plain English Explanation

In traditional object detection systems, the algorithms are trained on a fixed set of object categories. This means they can only recognize objects that they have been explicitly taught to identify. However, in the real world, there are countless objects that may not be included in the training data.

The researchers in this paper have developed a new approach to address this limitation. Their "retrieval-augmented" system uses a large database of images and text descriptions to supplement the object detection process. When the system encounters an object it doesn't recognize, it can search this database to find visually similar images and their corresponding text descriptions. This additional information can then be used to help the system identify the unknown object.

This is an important advance because it allows the object detection system to work with a much broader range of objects, not just the ones it was originally trained on. By tapping into a vast repository of visual and textual knowledge, the system can become more flexible and adaptable to the diverse objects found in the real world.

The researchers show that their retrieval-augmented approach outperforms purely learning-based object detection methods on several standard benchmark datasets. This suggests that leveraging large-scale retrieval models is a promising direction for building more open-vocabulary object detection systems.

Technical Explanation

The core of the researchers' approach is a two-stage object detection pipeline. First, a region proposal network generates bounding box proposals for potential objects in the image. Then, a classification and regression network is used to classify and localize the objects within those proposals.

To augment this traditional pipeline, the researchers introduce a "retrieval module" that operates in parallel. This module takes the image features and the bounding box proposals as input, and uses a large-scale image-text retrieval model to find visually similar images from a reference database. The text descriptions associated with these retrieved images are then used to provide additional semantic information to the classification network.

The authors experiment with different ways of integrating the retrieval module's output, such as concatenating the retrieved text embeddings with the object features or using the retrieved text to guide the objectness scoring. Their results show that the retrieval-augmented approach outperforms purely learning-based object detectors, particularly for objects that are not well represented in the training data.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of this work is the reliance on a large-scale reference database of images and text. The performance of the retrieval module is likely to be heavily dependent on the quality and coverage of this database. If the database is missing relevant visual and textual information, the retrieval-augmented system may still struggle with certain unknown objects.

Additionally, the authors do not provide a thorough analysis of the failure cases or edge cases of their approach. It would be helpful to understand the types of objects or scenarios where the retrieval-augmented system still struggles, and what the underlying causes might be.

That said, the core idea of leveraging large-scale retrieval models to enhance object detection is a promising direction. As language models and visual-language systems continue to advance, the potential for such hybrid approaches to open-vocabulary object detection will likely grow.


This paper presents a novel "retrieval-augmented" approach to open-vocabulary object detection, which leverages large-scale image-text retrieval models to supplement the object recognition process. By tapping into a vast database of visual and textual knowledge, the system can identify a much broader range of objects than traditional learning-based detectors.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several benchmark datasets, showing improved performance compared to purely learning-based methods. While the reliance on a reference database is a potential limitation, the core idea of combining retrieval and learning for open-vocabulary object detection is a promising direction for future research in this field.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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