Diffusive Gibbs Sampling






Published 5/30/2024 by Wenlin Chen, Mingtian Zhang, Brooks Paige, Jos'e Miguel Hern'andez-Lobato, David Barber



The inadequate mixing of conventional Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods for multi-modal distributions presents a significant challenge in practical applications such as Bayesian inference and molecular dynamics. Addressing this, we propose Diffusive Gibbs Sampling (DiGS), an innovative family of sampling methods designed for effective sampling from distributions characterized by distant and disconnected modes. DiGS integrates recent developments in diffusion models, leveraging Gaussian convolution to create an auxiliary noisy distribution that bridges isolated modes in the original space and applying Gibbs sampling to alternately draw samples from both spaces. A novel Metropolis-within-Gibbs scheme is proposed to enhance mixing in the denoising sampling step. DiGS exhibits a better mixing property for sampling multi-modal distributions than state-of-the-art methods such as parallel tempering, attaining substantially improved performance across various tasks, including mixtures of Gaussians, Bayesian neural networks and molecular dynamics.

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  • Conventional Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods struggle to effectively sample from multi-modal distributions, which is a significant challenge in practical applications like Bayesian inference and molecular dynamics.
  • To address this issue, the paper proposes Diffusive Gibbs Sampling (DiGS), a new family of sampling methods designed for efficient sampling from distributions with distant and disconnected modes.
  • DiGS integrates recent advancements in diffusion models, using Gaussian convolution to create an auxiliary noisy distribution that bridges isolated modes in the original space, and then applies Gibbs sampling to draw samples from both spaces.
  • A novel Metropolis-within-Gibbs scheme is introduced to enhance mixing in the denoising sampling step.
  • DiGS demonstrates better mixing properties for sampling multi-modal distributions compared to state-of-the-art methods like parallel tempering, with substantial performance improvements across various tasks, including mixtures of Gaussians, Bayesian neural networks, and molecular dynamics.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you're trying to find the best locations to place a few different types of stores (like a grocery store, a clothing store, and a hardware store) in a town. The ideal locations for each store might be quite far apart, making it challenging to explore all the possible combinations effectively.

The Diffusive Gibbs Sampling (DiGS) method proposed in this paper is designed to tackle this problem. DiGS creates a "blurred" version of the original problem, where the ideal locations for each store type are closer together. This makes it easier to explore the different possibilities and find the best overall solution.

DiGS does this by leveraging recent advances in diffusion models, which can add controlled amounts of "noise" or blurring to the original problem. It then uses a technique called Gibbs sampling to efficiently sample from both the blurred and the original, unblurred versions of the problem.

The key insight is that by alternating between the blurred and unblurred versions, DiGS can more effectively explore the full range of possible solutions, even when the ideal locations are very far apart. This is a significant improvement over previous methods, which often got stuck exploring only a small part of the overall solution space.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents Diffusive Gibbs Sampling (DiGS), a novel family of sampling methods designed to address the challenge of effectively sampling from multi-modal distributions, which is crucial for applications such as Bayesian inference and molecular dynamics.

The core idea behind DiGS is to leverage recent advancements in diffusion models to create an auxiliary noisy distribution that bridges isolated modes in the original space. Specifically, DiGS applies Gaussian convolution to the original distribution, effectively "blurring" the modes and making them more connected. It then alternates between drawing samples from the blurred distribution and the original distribution using Gibbs sampling.

To enhance the mixing properties of the denoising sampling step, the authors propose a novel Metropolis-within-Gibbs scheme. This allows for more efficient exploration of the original distribution, overcoming the limitations of conventional MCMC methods in dealing with multi-modal distributions.

The authors evaluate DiGS across a variety of tasks, including sampling from mixtures of Gaussians, Bayesian neural networks, and molecular dynamics simulations. The results demonstrate that DiGS outperforms state-of-the-art methods, such as parallel tempering, in terms of mixing properties and overall performance.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling and well-designed solution to the challenge of sampling from multi-modal distributions, a significant problem in various fields. The authors' use of diffusion models to create a auxiliary distribution that bridges isolated modes is a clever and effective approach.

However, the paper does not delve into the potential limitations or caveats of the DiGS method. For example, it would be valuable to understand the sensitivity of the method to the choice of hyperparameters, such as the level of Gaussian blurring or the Metropolis-within-Gibbs scheme parameters. Additionally, the computational complexity and scalability of the method could be further explored, especially for high-dimensional or large-scale problems.

Moreover, the paper could benefit from a more thorough comparison to other recently proposed methods for sampling from multi-modal distributions, such as blurring-based diffusion models or advanced MCMC techniques. This would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the DiGS approach.

Overall, the DiGS method represents a significant advancement in addressing the critical challenge of sampling from multi-modal distributions. However, further research and analysis could help uncover additional insights and refine the approach for even broader applicability.


The paper introduces Diffusive Gibbs Sampling (DiGS), an innovative family of sampling methods designed to effectively sample from multi-modal distributions, a long-standing challenge in practical applications such as Bayesian inference and molecular dynamics.

By leveraging recent advancements in diffusion models, DiGS creates an auxiliary noisy distribution that bridges isolated modes in the original space, and then applies Gibbs sampling to draw samples from both the blurred and original distributions. The novel Metropolis-within-Gibbs scheme further enhances the mixing properties of the denoising sampling step.

The results demonstrate that DiGS outperforms state-of-the-art methods, such as parallel tempering, across a range of tasks, including mixtures of Gaussians, Bayesian neural networks, and molecular dynamics simulations. This significant improvement in sampling efficiency has the potential to unlock new opportunities in fields where effectively exploring multi-modal distributions is crucial.

While the paper presents a compelling solution, further research is needed to explore the method's limitations, sensitivity to hyperparameters, and comparative performance against other recently proposed techniques for sampling from multi-modal distributions. Nonetheless, the DiGS approach represents an important step forward in addressing this long-standing challenge in computational and statistical modeling.

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