Subsampling Error in Stochastic Gradient Langevin Diffusions






Published 4/30/2024 by Kexin Jin, Chenguang Liu, Jonas Latz



The Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD) are popularly used to approximate Bayesian posterior distributions in statistical learning procedures with large-scale data. As opposed to many usual Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, SGLD is not stationary with respect to the posterior distribution; two sources of error appear: The first error is introduced by an Euler--Maruyama discretisation of a Langevin diffusion process, the second error comes from the data subsampling that enables its use in large-scale data settings. In this work, we consider an idealised version of SGLD to analyse the method's pure subsampling error that we then see as a best-case error for diffusion-based subsampling MCMC methods. Indeed, we introduce and study the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Diffusion (SGLDiff), a continuous-time Markov process that follows the Langevin diffusion corresponding to a data subset and switches this data subset after exponential waiting times. There, we show the exponential ergodicity of SLGDiff and that the Wasserstein distance between the posterior and the limiting distribution of SGLDiff is bounded above by a fractional power of the mean waiting time. We bring our results into context with other analyses of SGLD.

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  • The paper discusses the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD) method, which is commonly used to approximate Bayesian posterior distributions in statistical learning with large-scale data.
  • SGLD introduces two sources of error: one from discretizing the Langevin diffusion process, and another from data subsampling to enable use with large-scale data.
  • The authors introduce and analyze an idealized version called Stochastic Gradient Langevin Diffusion (SGLDiff), which focuses only on the subsampling error as a best-case analysis for diffusion-based subsampling MCMC methods.
  • The paper shows the exponential ergodicity of SGLDiff and that the Wasserstein distance between the posterior and the limiting distribution of SGLDiff is bounded by a fractional power of the mean waiting time.

Plain English Explanation

Bayesian methods are powerful for statistical learning, but can be computationally challenging, especially with large datasets. The Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD) algorithm is a popular way to approximate Bayesian posterior distributions in these cases.

SGLD works by simulating a noisy version of the Langevin diffusion process, which samples from the target posterior distribution. However, SGLD has two main sources of error: one from the numerical approximation of the diffusion process, and another from only using a subset of the data at each step to make computations faster.

In this paper, the authors look at an idealized version of SGLD called Stochastic Gradient Langevin Diffusion (SGLDiff) that focuses just on the subsampling error, without the discretization error. This gives a best-case analysis for the performance of diffusion-based MCMC methods that use subsampling.

The authors show that SGLDiff is exponentially ergodic, meaning it will converge quickly to the target posterior distribution. They also bound the distance between the posterior and the limiting distribution of SGLDiff, showing it is controlled by the mean time between switching the data subsample. This provides insight into the subsampling error in SGLD and related algorithms.

Technical Explanation

The authors consider an idealized version of the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD) algorithm called Stochastic Gradient Langevin Diffusion (SGLDiff). Unlike SGLD, which introduces errors from both discretizing the underlying Langevin diffusion process and from subsampling the data, SGLDiff only focuses on the subsampling error as a best-case analysis for diffusion-based subsampling MCMC methods.

SGLDiff is a continuous-time Markov process that follows the Langevin diffusion corresponding to a data subset, and switches this data subset after exponential waiting times. The authors show that SGLDiff is exponentially ergodic, meaning it converges exponentially fast to its stationary distribution. They also bound the Wasserstein distance between the posterior distribution and the limiting distribution of SGLDiff, showing it is controlled by a fractional power of the mean waiting time between switching data subsets.

This analysis provides insights into the subsampling error in SGLD and related algorithms that use data subsampling, such as 3D Gaussian Splatting as Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Penalized Overdamped and Underdamped Langevin Monte Carlo Algorithms, Error Bounds for Particle Gradient Descent and Extensions, Stochastic Gradient Descent for Gaussian Processes Done Right, and Learning Mixtures of Gaussians Using Diffusion Models.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough theoretical analysis of the subsampling error in Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD) and related algorithms. By introducing the idealized SGLDiff process, the authors are able to isolate and bound the subsampling error, which is a useful contribution to understanding the performance of these methods.

However, the analysis is restricted to the idealized SGLDiff process, and does not directly address the full SGLD algorithm, which has additional discretization error. While the authors note this limitation, it would be helpful to understand how the subsampling error analyzed here relates to the overall error in SGLD.

Additionally, the paper focuses on theoretical bounds and ergodicity properties, but does not provide empirical evaluation of SGLDiff or comparison to SGLD. Experimental results demonstrating the tightness of the bounds or the practical implications of the analysis would strengthen the impact of the work.

Finally, the analysis assumes certain technical conditions, such as the target distribution satisfying log-Sobolev and log-Harnack inequalities. It would be valuable to understand how robust the results are to relaxing these assumptions or considering other classes of target distributions.

Overall, this is a technically solid paper that provides important theoretical insights into the subsampling error in SGLD and related algorithms. Further empirical validation and exploration of the practical implications would help bridge the gap between the theoretical analysis and real-world applications.


This paper examines an idealized version of the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD) algorithm, called Stochastic Gradient Langevin Diffusion (SGLDiff), to analyze the subsampling error that arises when using only a subset of data to approximate Bayesian posterior distributions.

The authors show that SGLDiff is exponentially ergodic and bound the Wasserstein distance between the posterior and the limiting distribution of SGLDiff, demonstrating that this distance is controlled by a fractional power of the mean waiting time between switching data subsets. This provides valuable insights into the subsampling error in SGLD and related algorithms that use data subsampling to enable scalable Bayesian inference.

While the analysis is restricted to the idealized SGLDiff process, the results offer a best-case understanding of the subsampling error that can inform the design and application of these types of stochastic gradient MCMC methods. Further empirical evaluation and exploration of relaxing the technical assumptions would help bridge the gap between the theoretical analysis and practical usage.

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