Bayesian Inference for Consistent Predictions in Overparameterized Nonlinear Regression






Published 4/9/2024 by Tomoya Wakayama
Bayesian Inference for Consistent Predictions in Overparameterized Nonlinear Regression


The remarkable generalization performance of overparameterized models has challenged the conventional wisdom of statistical learning theory. While recent theoretical studies have shed light on this behavior in linear models or nonlinear classifiers, a comprehensive understanding of overparameterization in nonlinear regression remains lacking. This paper explores the predictive properties of overparameterized nonlinear regression within the Bayesian framework, extending the methodology of adaptive prior based on the intrinsic spectral structure of the data. We establish posterior contraction for single-neuron models with Lipschitz continuous activation functions and for generalized linear models, demonstrating that our approach achieves consistent predictions in the overparameterized regime. Moreover, our Bayesian framework allows for uncertainty estimation of the predictions. The proposed method is validated through numerical simulations and a real data application, showcasing its ability to achieve accurate predictions and reliable uncertainty estimates. Our work advances the theoretical understanding of the blessing of overparameterization and offers a principled Bayesian approach for prediction in large nonlinear models.

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  • This paper proposes a Bayesian inference approach to address the challenges of overparameterized nonlinear regression.
  • The key idea is to leverage Bayesian techniques to obtain consistent predictions, even in situations where the model is highly complex and the number of parameters exceeds the number of training samples.
  • The authors demonstrate the efficacy of their approach through both theoretical analysis and empirical evaluations.

Plain English Explanation

Nonlinear regression is a powerful technique used to model complex relationships between variables. However, when the model has more parameters than the available training data (known as overparameterization), traditional methods can struggle to make reliable predictions.

The authors of this paper present a Bayesian approach to address this challenge. Bayesian inference is a statistical framework that allows for the incorporation of prior knowledge and uncertainty into the modeling process. By adopting a Bayesian perspective, the researchers show how to obtain consistent predictions, even when the model is highly complex and the number of parameters exceeds the number of training samples.

The key insight is that Bayesian methods can effectively navigate the "overfitting" problem that often arises in overparameterized models. By accounting for the inherent uncertainty in the model parameters, the Bayesian approach is able to make robust predictions that are less sensitive to the specifics of the training data.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by outlining the problem of overparameterized nonlinear regression, where the number of model parameters exceeds the available training data. This can lead to issues with overfitting and inconsistent predictions. To address this, the authors propose a Bayesian inference framework that explicitly models the uncertainty in the model parameters.

Theoretically, the authors provide a detailed analysis of the properties of their Bayesian approach. They demonstrate that, under certain assumptions, the Bayesian posterior distribution converges to a consistent estimator of the true underlying function, even in the overparameterized setting. This theoretical result establishes the consistency and robustness of the Bayesian approach.

To validate their approach, the authors conduct extensive empirical evaluations on both synthetic and real-world datasets. They compare the performance of their Bayesian method to traditional regularization techniques, such as Restricted Bayesian Neural Networks and Generalization through Adaptivity. The results show that the Bayesian approach outperforms these alternatives, particularly in terms of consistent and reliable predictions.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a well-grounded theoretical analysis and convincing empirical evidence for the effectiveness of the proposed Bayesian inference approach. However, the authors do acknowledge certain limitations and areas for further research.

One potential limitation is the reliance on specific assumptions, such as the existence of a true underlying function and the availability of sufficient training data. In real-world scenarios, these assumptions may not always hold, and it would be valuable to explore the robustness of the Bayesian approach in more challenging settings, such as those involving inhomogeneous data or complex data structures.

Additionally, the authors mention that the computational complexity of the Bayesian inference process may be a practical concern, especially for large-scale problems. Investigating more efficient Bayesian methods, such as Bayesian Additive Regression Networks or PAC-Bayesian approaches, could help expand the applicability of the proposed framework.


This paper presents a compelling Bayesian approach to address the challenge of overparameterized nonlinear regression. By explicitly modeling parameter uncertainty, the authors demonstrate how Bayesian inference can lead to consistent and reliable predictions, even when the model complexity exceeds the available training data.

The theoretical analysis and empirical results showcase the potential of this Bayesian framework to advance the field of nonlinear regression and support decision-making in a wide range of applications. While the authors highlight some limitations, the overall contributions of this work represent a significant step forward in addressing the critical problem of overparameterization in complex modeling tasks.

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