Scalable Subsampling Inference for Deep Neural Networks






Published 5/15/2024 by Kejin Wu, Dimitris N. Politis



Deep neural networks (DNN) has received increasing attention in machine learning applications in the last several years. Recently, a non-asymptotic error bound has been developed to measure the performance of the fully connected DNN estimator with ReLU activation functions for estimating regression models. The paper at hand gives a small improvement on the current error bound based on the latest results on the approximation ability of DNN. More importantly, however, a non-random subsampling technique--scalable subsampling--is applied to construct a `subagged' DNN estimator. Under regularity conditions, it is shown that the subagged DNN estimator is computationally efficient without sacrificing accuracy for either estimation or prediction tasks. Beyond point estimation/prediction, we propose different approaches to build confidence and prediction intervals based on the subagged DNN estimator. In addition to being asymptotically valid, the proposed confidence/prediction intervals appear to work well in finite samples. All in all, the scalable subsampling DNN estimator offers the complete package in terms of statistical inference, i.e., (a) computational efficiency; (b) point estimation/prediction accuracy; and (c) allowing for the construction of practically useful confidence and prediction intervals.

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  • Deep neural networks (DNNs) have become increasingly popular in machine learning applications.
  • A recent paper has developed a non-asymptotic error bound for fully connected DNN estimators with ReLU activation functions in regression modeling.
  • The paper proposes a new "subagged" DNN estimator using a non-random subsampling technique called "scalable subsampling".
  • The subagged DNN estimator is computationally efficient without sacrificing accuracy for estimation or prediction tasks.
  • The paper also presents methods to construct valid confidence and prediction intervals based on the subagged DNN estimator.

Plain English Explanation

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are a powerful type of machine learning model that have become very popular in recent years. A team of researchers has developed a new way to measure how well a specific kind of DNN model performs when used to estimate regression models.

The researchers start by making a small improvement to the current best-known error bound for this type of DNN model. But more importantly, they introduce a new technique called "scalable subsampling" that allows them to create a more efficient version of the DNN estimator, called a "subagged" DNN estimator.

The subagged DNN estimator is computationally faster to train than the original DNN, but it doesn't sacrifice any accuracy when it comes to making estimates or predictions. Beyond just point estimates, the researchers also show how to use the subagged DNN to construct confidence intervals and prediction intervals, which provide a measure of uncertainty around the estimates and predictions.

Overall, this subagged DNN estimator offers the complete package - it's efficient to compute, maintains high accuracy, and enables meaningful statistical inferences to be drawn from the results. The innovations in this paper represent an important advance in the practical use of deep learning methods for real-world modeling and prediction tasks.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a new "subagged" deep neural network (DNN) estimator that builds on the latest research around the approximation ability of DNNs.

The authors start by deriving a non-asymptotic error bound for a fully connected DNN estimator with ReLU activation functions, improving slightly on the current state-of-the-art. However, the main contribution is the application of a non-random subsampling technique called "scalable subsampling" to construct the subagged DNN estimator.

Under certain regularity conditions, the subagged DNN estimator is shown to be computationally efficient without compromising the accuracy of either estimation or prediction tasks. This builds on prior work on robust deep learning from weakly dependent data and modeling sampling distributions of test statistics.

Beyond just point estimates, the paper also proposes methods to construct asymptotically valid confidence and prediction intervals based on the subagged DNN estimator. This allows for richer statistical inference, going beyond what is typically provided by standard deep learning approaches.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a valuable contribution by providing a computationally efficient variant of DNN estimators that maintains high accuracy. The use of scalable subsampling to create the subagged estimator is an interesting and novel technique that builds on prior work in Bayesian neural network surrogates for optimization and probabilistic survival analysis.

However, the paper does not provide extensive empirical validation of the proposed methods. While the theoretical results are promising, more real-world experiments and comparisons to alternative approaches would help demonstrate the practical benefits of the subagged DNN estimator.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the potential limitations or failure modes of the subagged estimator. For example, it's unclear how the method would perform in the presence of severe data shifts or other distribution changes that could impact the underlying DNN model.

Overall, this is a well-executed piece of research that makes a meaningful advance in the field of DNN-based statistical inference. The ideas presented here are likely to find application in a variety of machine learning domains where both predictive accuracy and quantifiable uncertainty are important.


This paper introduces a new "subagged" deep neural network (DNN) estimator that is computationally efficient while maintaining high accuracy for both estimation and prediction tasks. By applying a non-random subsampling technique called "scalable subsampling", the researchers were able to construct a DNN estimator that outperforms the standard DNN approach.

Beyond just point estimates, the paper also shows how to use the subagged DNN estimator to build valid confidence and prediction intervals, enabling richer statistical inference. This represents an important advance in the practical application of deep learning methods, where quantifying uncertainty is crucial for real-world decision making.

Overall, the subagged DNN estimator offers a compelling solution for machine learning practitioners who need to balance computational efficiency, predictive accuracy, and statistical rigor. While further empirical validation would be valuable, this work demonstrates the potential for innovative techniques to push the boundaries of what is possible with deep neural networks.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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