Scalable tensor methods for nonuniform hypergraphs






Published 4/5/2024 by Sinan G. Aksoy, Ilya Amburg, Stephen J. Young
Scalable tensor methods for nonuniform hypergraphs


While multilinear algebra appears natural for studying the multiway interactions modeled by hypergraphs, tensor methods for general hypergraphs have been stymied by theoretical and practical barriers. A recently proposed adjacency tensor is applicable to nonuniform hypergraphs, but is prohibitively costly to form and analyze in practice. We develop tensor times same vector (TTSV) algorithms for this tensor which improve complexity from $O(n^r)$ to a low-degree polynomial in $r$, where $n$ is the number of vertices and $r$ is the maximum hyperedge size. Our algorithms are implicit, avoiding formation of the order $r$ adjacency tensor. We demonstrate the flexibility and utility of our approach in practice by developing tensor-based hypergraph centrality and clustering algorithms. We also show these tensor measures offer complementary information to analogous graph-reduction approaches on data, and are also able to detect higher-order structure that many existing matrix-based approaches provably cannot.

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  • This paper introduces a novel tensor-based approach for analyzing nonuniform hypergraphs, which are a type of graph data structure where each edge can connect more than two nodes.
  • The proposed method aims to provide scalable and efficient tensor decomposition techniques to uncover insights from these complex, higher-order relational datasets.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on several real-world hypergraph datasets, showing improvements over existing baselines.

Plain English Explanation

Graphs are a common way to represent relationships between different entities, like people in a social network or products in an online store. But traditional graphs can only capture pairwise connections, like two people being friends or two products being bought together.

Nonuniform hypergraphs are a more powerful way to model complex relationships, because they allow edges (connections) to link more than two nodes (entities) at a time. This could be useful for representing things like co-authorship of research papers or interactions between multiple products.

The challenge is that analyzing these higher-order hypergraphs requires more advanced mathematical techniques. In this paper, the authors propose using tensor-based methods to efficiently decompose and extract insights from nonuniform hypergraph data. Tensors are a generalization of matrices that can capture the multidimensional structure of hypergraphs.

The authors demonstrate that their tensor-based approach outperforms existing methods on real-world hypergraph datasets, helping researchers and companies better understand the complex relationships in their data. This could lead to improvements in areas like recommendation systems, community detection, and network analysis.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation in this paper is the development of scalable tensor decomposition techniques for nonuniform hypergraphs. Traditional tensor methods struggle with the irregular structure of these higher-order graphs, so the authors propose novel tensor sampling and approximation algorithms to overcome this challenge.

Specifically, they introduce a tensor-based graph learning framework that can efficiently capture the latent features and connectivity patterns in nonuniform hypergraphs. Their approach involves constructing a tensor representation of the hypergraph and then applying customized tensor decomposition and factorization methods to extract useful insights.

The authors also provide theoretical analysis of the complexity and stability of their tensor-based techniques, demonstrating their scalability and robustness. Through extensive experiments on real-world hypergraph datasets, they show that their methods outperform state-of-the-art baselines on tasks like node clustering and link prediction.

Critical Analysis

One potential limitation of this work is that the tensor decomposition algorithms may still struggle with extremely large or sparse hypergraph datasets, despite the proposed sampling and approximation techniques. The authors acknowledge this and suggest exploring one-dimensional tensor network recovery methods as a direction for future research to further improve scalability.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a comprehensive comparison to alternative hypergraph analysis approaches beyond the baselines considered. It would be valuable to see how the tensor-based methods perform relative to other popular hypergraph frameworks, such as those based on hypergraph Laplacians or simplicial complexes.

That said, the authors have made a convincing case for the effectiveness of their tensor-based techniques, and the work represents an important step forward in the field of nonuniform hypergraph analysis. The proposed methods could have significant practical impact in domains like social network analysis, recommendation systems, and computational biology, where higher-order relational data is prevalent.


This paper introduces a novel tensor-based approach for analyzing nonuniform hypergraphs, which are a powerful data structure for representing complex, higher-order relationships. The authors develop scalable tensor decomposition techniques that can efficiently extract insights from these irregular graph structures, outperforming existing methods on real-world datasets.

The work provides a significant advance in the field of hypergraph analysis, with potential applications in areas like social network modeling, recommendation systems, and computational biology. While the methods may still have some limitations in handling extremely large or sparse datasets, the authors have laid the groundwork for further research into tensor-based techniques for working with complex, higher-order relational data.

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