Scientific Hypothesis Generation by a Large Language Model: Laboratory Validation in Breast Cancer Treatment






Published 6/6/2024 by Abbi Abdel-Rehim, Hector Zenil, Oghenejokpeme Orhobor, Marie Fisher, Ross J. Collins, Elizabeth Bourne, Gareth W. Fearnley, Emma Tate, Holly X. Smith, Larisa N. Soldatova and 1 other



Large language models (LLMs) have transformed AI and achieved breakthrough performance on a wide range of tasks that require human intelligence. In science, perhaps the most interesting application of LLMs is for hypothesis formation. A feature of LLMs, which results from their probabilistic structure, is that the output text is not necessarily a valid inference from the training text. These are 'hallucinations', and are a serious problem in many applications. However, in science, hallucinations may be useful: they are novel hypotheses whose validity may be tested by laboratory experiments. Here we experimentally test the use of LLMs as a source of scientific hypotheses using the domain of breast cancer treatment. We applied the LLM GPT4 to hypothesize novel pairs of FDA-approved non-cancer drugs that target the MCF7 breast cancer cell line relative to the non-tumorigenic breast cell line MCF10A. In the first round of laboratory experiments GPT4 succeeded in discovering three drug combinations (out of 12 tested) with synergy scores above the positive controls. These combinations were itraconazole + atenolol, disulfiram + simvastatin and dipyridamole + mebendazole. GPT4 was then asked to generate new combinations after considering its initial results. It then discovered three more combinations with positive synergy scores (out of four tested), these were disulfiram + fulvestrant, mebendazole + quinacrine and disulfiram + quinacrine. A limitation of GPT4 as a generator of hypotheses was that its explanations for them were formulaic and unconvincing. We conclude that LLMs are an exciting novel source of scientific hypotheses.

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  • Large language models (LLMs) have made significant advancements in AI and can perform a wide range of tasks that require human intelligence, including hypothesis formation.
  • LLMs can "hallucinate" or generate text that is not necessarily a valid inference from their training data, which is often seen as a problem in many applications.
  • However, in the scientific domain, these hallucinations may be useful as they can represent novel hypotheses that can be tested through laboratory experiments.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are a type of artificial intelligence that have made remarkable progress in recent years. These models can perform a wide variety of tasks that require human-like intelligence, such as understanding and generating natural language, recognizing patterns, and even generating new ideas.

One of the most exciting applications of LLMs in science is their potential to generate new hypotheses. These models have a probabilistic structure, which means that the text they generate may not always be a direct inference from their training data. These "hallucinations" are often seen as a problem in many real-world applications, as they can be inaccurate or misleading.

However, in the context of scientific research, these hallucinations may actually be useful. They can represent novel ideas or hypotheses that researchers can then test through laboratory experiments. This is particularly relevant in the field of cancer research, where new treatment approaches are sorely needed.

Technical Explanation

The researchers in this study wanted to explore the use of LLMs, specifically the GPT-4 model, as a source of scientific hypotheses in the domain of breast cancer treatment. They applied GPT-4 to generate novel pairs of FDA-approved non-cancer drugs that could potentially target the MCF7 breast cancer cell line while leaving the non-tumorigenic MCF10A cell line unaffected.

In the first round of experiments, GPT-4 successfully discovered three drug combinations (out of 12 tested) that showed synergistic effects, meaning the combination was more effective than the individual drugs. These combinations were itraconazole + atenolol, disulfiram + simvastatin, and dipyridamole + mebendazole.

The researchers then asked GPT-4 to generate new combinations after considering the initial results. This led to the discovery of three more combinations with positive synergy scores (out of four tested): disulfiram + fulvestrant, mebendazole + quinacrine, and disulfiram + quinacrine.

One limitation of using GPT-4 for hypothesis generation was that the explanations it provided for the drug combinations were somewhat formulaic and unconvincing. Despite this, the researchers concluded that LLMs are an exciting new source of scientific hypotheses that can be tested through further experimentation.

Critical Analysis

The research presented in this paper demonstrates the potential of using large language models, such as GPT-4, to generate novel scientific hypotheses. This is a promising approach, as it can help researchers explore new avenues of investigation that they may not have considered otherwise.

However, the researchers acknowledge that the explanations provided by GPT-4 for the proposed drug combinations were not entirely convincing. This is a common limitation of large language models in the context of multimodal tasks, as they may struggle to provide clear, coherent reasoning for their outputs.

Additionally, while the researchers were able to validate some of the hypotheses generated by GPT-4 through laboratory experiments, it is important to consider the potential limitations and biases inherent in these models. Large language models can sometimes exhibit biases or make mistakes in their outputs, which could lead to the generation of hypotheses that are not scientifically sound.

Further research is needed to fully understand the capabilities and limitations of using LLMs for scientific hypothesis generation, as well as to develop techniques for improving the interpretability and reliability of their outputs.


This research demonstrates the exciting potential of using large language models as a source of novel scientific hypotheses. By leveraging the probabilistic nature of these models, researchers were able to uncover several promising drug combinations for breast cancer treatment that warrant further investigation.

While there are still some limitations to address, such as the need for more convincing explanations, this work represents an important step forward in the application of advanced AI techniques to scientific discovery. As the field of large language models continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more exciting developments in the use of AI for scientific research and innovation.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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