Large Language Models for Automated Open-domain Scientific Hypotheses Discovery






Published 6/13/2024 by Zonglin Yang, Xinya Du, Junxian Li, Jie Zheng, Soujanya Poria, Erik Cambria



Hypothetical induction is recognized as the main reasoning type when scientists make observations about the world and try to propose hypotheses to explain those observations. Past research on hypothetical induction is under a constrained setting: (1) the observation annotations in the dataset are carefully manually handpicked sentences (resulting in a close-domain setting); and (2) the ground truth hypotheses are mostly commonsense knowledge, making the task less challenging. In this work, we tackle these problems by proposing the first dataset for social science academic hypotheses discovery, with the final goal to create systems that automatically generate valid, novel, and helpful scientific hypotheses, given only a pile of raw web corpus. Unlike previous settings, the new dataset requires (1) using open-domain data (raw web corpus) as observations; and (2) proposing hypotheses even new to humanity. A multi-module framework is developed for the task, including three different feedback mechanisms to boost performance, which exhibits superior performance in terms of both GPT-4 based and expert-based evaluation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work showing that LLMs are able to generate novel (''not existing in literature'') and valid (''reflecting reality'') scientific hypotheses.

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  • This paper tackles the challenge of getting large language models (LLMs) to generate novel and valid scientific hypotheses from raw web data, rather than just summarizing existing knowledge.
  • The authors create a new dataset focused on social science academic hypotheses, which requires generating hypotheses that may be new to humanity, rather than just common sense knowledge.
  • A multi-module framework is developed to generate these novel hypotheses, with several feedback mechanisms to improve performance.
  • The authors claim this is the first work showing that LLMs can generate truly novel and valid scientific hypotheses.

Plain English Explanation

Hypothetical induction is the main way scientists try to explain observations about the world by proposing new hypotheses. Previous research on this has been limited, either focusing on a narrow domain of observations or just generating common sense knowledge.

In this new work, the researchers are tackling more challenging, open-domain hypothesis generation. They created a dataset of social science academic hypotheses, where the goal is to propose hypotheses that may be entirely new to humanity, not just restate existing knowledge. This is important because it pushes language models to go beyond summarizing what's already known and try to generate genuinely novel and useful scientific ideas.

To do this, the researchers developed a multi-part system that takes in raw web data as observations and tries to output novel, valid hypotheses. They used several feedback mechanisms to improve the model's performance, such as having it assess its own outputs.

The key claim is that this is the first work showing that large language models can generate hypotheses that are both new to science and accurately reflect reality, rather than just regurgitating existing knowledge. This suggests language models may be able to learn general rules and principles that allow them to reason about the world in more sophisticated ways, with potential applications in automating the scientific process.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation in this work is the introduction of a new dataset for scientific hypothesis generation, focused on the social sciences. Unlike previous datasets, this one requires the model to propose hypotheses that are not just common sense, but potentially novel and unknown to humanity.

To tackle this challenge, the researchers developed a multi-module framework. The first module takes in raw web data as "observations" and encodes them. The second module then generates candidate hypotheses based on these observations. A third module assesses the quality of the hypotheses, providing feedback to the generator.

The researchers experimented with three different feedback mechanisms: (1) a binary classifier to assess if a hypothesis is valid, (2) a language model to score the "interestingness" of a hypothesis, and (3) a module that checks if a hypothesis is novel by comparing it to a database of existing hypotheses.

Through extensive experiments, the researchers show that this multi-module approach significantly outperforms simpler baselines in generating hypotheses that are judged to be both novel and valid by both GPT-4-based and human expert evaluations. This is a notable advancement over prior work in this area.

Critical Analysis

While this research represents an important step forward in getting language models to engage in more sophisticated scientific reasoning, there are some caveats to consider.

First, the dataset is still limited to the social sciences, and it's unclear how well the approach would generalize to the natural sciences or other domains. The observations are also still drawn from web data, which may not fully capture the depth and nuance of academic research.

Additionally, the evaluation of novelty relies on comparing generated hypotheses to a database - but this database may be incomplete, and some genuinely novel ideas could be missed. There are also challenges in precisely defining and measuring the "validity" of hypotheses, which ultimately require empirical testing to verify.

Further research is needed to push the boundaries of what language models can do in terms of scientific discovery. Potential directions include integrating the model with real-world data sources, developing more robust novelty and validity assessments, and exploring how these systems could complement and augment human researchers rather than fully replace them.

Overall, this work represents an exciting development, but there is still much to explore in getting machines to engage in open-ended, creative scientific reasoning.


This paper presents a novel approach to getting large language models to generate scientifically valid and novel hypotheses, going beyond just summarizing existing knowledge. By creating a challenging new dataset focused on social science hypotheses, and developing a multi-module framework with various feedback mechanisms, the researchers have demonstrated significant progress in this area.

While there are still limitations and open questions, this research suggests that language models may be capable of more sophisticated reasoning about the world than previously believed. With further development, systems like this could potentially assist or even automate certain aspects of the scientific process, accelerating discovery and understanding. However, the role of human researchers and empirical validation will remain crucial even as these technologies advance.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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