SelfDefend: LLMs Can Defend Themselves against Jailbreaking in a Practical Manner






Published 6/11/2024 by Xunguang Wang, Daoyuan Wu, Zhenlan Ji, Zongjie Li, Pingchuan Ma, Shuai Wang, Yingjiu Li, Yang Liu, Ning Liu, Juergen Rahmel
SelfDefend: LLMs Can Defend Themselves against Jailbreaking in a Practical Manner


Jailbreaking is an emerging adversarial attack that bypasses the safety alignment deployed in off-the-shelf large language models (LLMs) and has evolved into four major categories: optimization-based attacks such as Greedy Coordinate Gradient (GCG), jailbreak template-based attacks such as Do-Anything-Now, advanced indirect attacks like DrAttack, and multilingual jailbreaks. However, delivering a practical jailbreak defense is challenging because it needs to not only handle all the above jailbreak attacks but also incur negligible delay to user prompts, as well as be compatible with both open-source and closed-source LLMs. Inspired by how the traditional security concept of shadow stacks defends against memory overflow attacks, this paper introduces a generic LLM jailbreak defense framework called SelfDefend, which establishes a shadow LLM defense instance to concurrently protect the target LLM instance in the normal stack and collaborate with it for checkpoint-based access control. The effectiveness of SelfDefend builds upon our observation that existing LLMs (both target and defense LLMs) have the capability to identify harmful prompts or intentions in user queries, which we empirically validate using the commonly used GPT-3.5/4 models across all major jailbreak attacks. Our measurements show that SelfDefend enables GPT-3.5 to suppress the attack success rate (ASR) by 8.97-95.74% (average: 60%) and GPT-4 by even 36.36-100% (average: 83%), while incurring negligible effects on normal queries. To further improve the defense's robustness and minimize costs, we employ a data distillation approach to tune dedicated open-source defense models. These models outperform four SOTA defenses and match the performance of GPT-4-based SelfDefend, with significantly lower extra delays. We also empirically show that the tuned models are robust to targeted GCG and prompt injection attacks.

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  • This paper proposes a practical method called "SelfDefend" for large language models (LLMs) to defend themselves against jailbreaking attacks, which aim to bypass the safety constraints of the models.
  • The authors demonstrate that LLMs can effectively detect and resist jailbreaking attempts through a combination of self-examination and adversarial training.
  • The research aims to enhance the robustness and security of advanced AI systems, addressing an important challenge in the field of AI safety and alignment.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a technique called "SelfDefend" that allows large language models (LLMs) to protect themselves against a type of attack known as "jailbreaking." Jailbreaking refers to bypassing the safety restrictions and intended behaviors of an LLM, often with the goal of making the model behave in undesirable or unsafe ways.

The SelfDefend approach allows the LLM to constantly monitor its own responses and detect when it is being asked to do something unsafe or unintended. When the model identifies a potential jailbreaking attempt, it can then take steps to resist and defend itself, such as refusing to carry out the harmful request.

This is an important advancement because as LLMs become more capable and widely used, it is crucial that they can protect themselves from being misused or manipulated in ways that could lead to unintended or dangerous consequences. The SelfDefend technique aims to make LLMs more robust and secure, helping to ensure they remain aligned with their intended purpose and safety constraints.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel defense mechanism called "SelfDefend" that enables large language models (LLMs) to detect and resist jailbreaking attacks. Jailbreaking refers to techniques that bypass the intended safety constraints and behaviors of an LLM, often with the goal of making the model produce harmful or undesirable outputs.

The SelfDefend approach works by training the LLM to constantly monitor its own responses and detect when it is being asked to do something unsafe or unintended. This is achieved through a combination of self-examination and adversarial training, where the model is exposed to a variety of simulated jailbreaking attempts during the training process.

When the model identifies a potential jailbreaking attack, it can then take appropriate defensive actions, such as refusing to carry out the harmful request or alerting the system administrators. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach through extensive experiments, showing that SelfDefend can significantly improve an LLM's robustness against jailbreaking attacks without compromising its core functionality.

The research builds on previous work on LLM security and safety, and aims to enhance the reliability and trustworthiness of advanced AI systems by providing them with the ability to self-defend against malicious attempts to misuse or manipulate them.

Critical Analysis

The SelfDefend approach presented in the paper is a promising step towards improving the security and robustness of large language models (LLMs). The authors have demonstrated the effectiveness of this technique in detecting and resisting jailbreaking attacks through rigorous experimentation.

One potential limitation of the approach is that it may not be able to defend against all possible jailbreaking attempts, especially those that are highly sophisticated or involve novel attack vectors. The authors acknowledge this and suggest that the SelfDefend mechanism should be continuously updated and refined as new threats emerge.

Additionally, the implementation of SelfDefend may introduce some computational overhead or performance impact on the LLM, which could be a concern for certain real-world applications where efficiency is crucial. The authors mention that they have attempted to minimize these effects, but further research may be needed to fully assess the trade-offs.

Another area for further investigation is the potential for unintended consequences or side effects of the SelfDefend mechanism. While the goal is to enhance the safety and alignment of LLMs, it is possible that the self-defense system could be exploited or misused in unanticipated ways. Careful monitoring and ongoing evaluation of the system's behavior will be essential to address this concern.

Overall, the SelfDefend approach represents an important contribution to the field of AI safety and alignment, and the authors have provided a solid foundation for further research and development in this critical area.


The paper presents a practical method called "SelfDefend" that enables large language models (LLMs) to effectively defend themselves against jailbreaking attacks. The authors demonstrate that by training LLMs to constantly monitor their own responses and detect potential threats, the models can take appropriate defensive actions to resist harmful or unintended requests.

This research is a significant step towards enhancing the robustness and security of advanced AI systems, addressing a crucial challenge in the field of AI safety and alignment. As LLMs continue to grow in capability and become increasingly integrated into various applications, the ability of these models to protect themselves from misuse or manipulation will be paramount.

While the SelfDefend approach shows promise, the authors acknowledge the need for ongoing refinement and evaluation to address potential limitations and unintended consequences. Nonetheless, this work represents an important advancement in the quest to develop AI systems that are reliable, trustworthy, and aligned with human values and safety considerations.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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